Low men in yellow coats by Stephen King

‘That your kid?’ Len Files asked, bending over his desk to get a closer look at Bobby.

Bobby could smell Sen-Sen mints and cigars on his breath, sweat on his body. The collar of his shirt was speckled with dandruff.

‘He’s a friend,’ Ted said, and Bobby thought he might actually explode with happiness. ‘I didn’t want to leave him on the street.’

‘Yeah, unless you’re willing to have to pay to get im back,’ Len Files agreed. ‘You remind me of somebody, kid. Now why is that?’

Bobby shook his head, a little frightened to think he looked like anybody Len Files might know.

The fat man barely paid attention to Bobby’s head-shake. He had straightened and was looking at Ted again. ‘I can’t be having kids in here, Mr . . . ?’

‘Ted Brautigan.’ He offered his hand. Len Files shook it.

‘You know how it is, Ted. People in a business like mine, the cops keep tabs.’

‘Of course. But he’ll stand right here — won’t you, Bobby?’

‘Sure,’ Bobby said.

‘And our business won’t take long. But it’s a good little bit of business, Mr Files — ‘


Len, of course, Bobby thought. Just Len. Because in here was down there.

‘As I say, Len, this is a good piece of business I want to do. I think you’ll agree.’

‘If you know Jimmy Gee, you know I don’t do the nickels and dimes,’ Len said. ‘I leave the nickels and dimes to the niggers. What are we talking here? Patterson-Johansson?’

‘Albini-Haywood. At The Garden tomorrow night?’

Len’s eyes widened. Then his fat and unshaven cheeks spread in a smile. ‘Man oh man oh Manischevitz. We need to explore this.’

‘We certainly do.’

Len Files came out from around the desk, took Ted by the arm, and started to lead him toward the poolroom. Then he stopped and swung back. ‘Is it Bobby when you’re home and got your feet up, pal?’

‘Yes, sir.’ Yes sir, Bobby Garfield, he would have said anywhere else . . . but this was down there and he thought just plain Bobby would suffice.

‘Well, Bobby, I know those pinball machines prolly look good to ya, and you prolly got a quarter or two in your pocket, but do what Adam dint and resist the temptation. Can you do that?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘I won’t be long,’ Ted told him, and then allowed Len Files to lead him through the arch and into the poolroom. They walked past the men in the high chairs, and Ted stopped to speak to the one getting his shoes shined. Next to Jimmy Gee’s grandfather, Ted Brautigan looked young. The old man peered up and Ted said something; the two men laughed into each other’s faces. Jimmy Gee’s grandfather had a good strong laugh for an old fellow. Ted reached out both hands and patted his sallow cheeks with gentle affection. That made Jimmy Gee’s grandfather laugh again. Then Ted let Len draw him into a curtained alcove past the other men in the other chairs.

Bobby stood by the desk as if rooted, but Len hadn’t said anything about not looking around, and so he did — in all directions. The walls were covered with beer signs and calendars that showed girls with most of their clothes off. One was climbing over a fence in the country. Another was getting out of a Packard with most of her skirt in her lap and her garters showing. Behind the desk were more signs, most expressing some negative concept (IF YOU DON’T LIKE OUR TOWN LOOK FOR A TIMETABLE, DON’T SEND A BOY TO DO A MAN’S JOB, THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH, NO CHECKS ACCEPTED, NO CREDIT , CRYING TOWELS


Suspended from the ceiling on a loop of dusty wire were Cellophane packages, some marked GINSENG ORIENTAL LOVE ROOT and others SPANISH DELITE. Bobby wondered if they were vitamins of some kind. Why would they sell vitamins in a place like this?

The young guy in the roomful of automatic games whapped the side of Frontier Patrol, stepped back, gave the machine the finger. Then he strolled into the lobby area adjusting his hat. Bobby made his finger into a gun and pointed it at him. The young man looked surprised, then grinned and pointed back as he headed for the door. He loosened the tied arms of his jacket as he went.

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Categories: Stephen King