Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

Afra could and did allow himself a brief surge of pride in a boy who would not be coerced into doing something against training and conscience.

THEY,’ Flk continued, drawing itself up straight, `DO HONOUR TO THEIR COLOUR AND THAT OF YOUR DWELLING.’ THEY HONOURED MY SON MORE,’ Afra said though his voice cracked uncertainly. He bowed his head and let his tears flow. The `Dinis didn’t understand weeping but he scarcely cared at that moment what their reaction would be.

`Put your erring person in the carrier, the Rowan said in a steely voice. `Which station handles power generation?’ Every `Dini pointed and she moved to that station, its attendant stepping respectfully back.

`Who is to be informed of the reasons for Prtglm’s cnme and return?’ the Rowan asked Mrtgrts.

The big `Dini inclined its body to the Rowan. `This one will inform Gktmglnt personally of this terrible misconduct of Prtglin who now submits to retribution.

Details will be forwarded to you.

The Rowan responded to that with a curt nod of her head. Gktmglnt was one of the high-placed `Dinis who accepted human reasoning and logic in the Alliance campaign to restrict Hiver incursions. A pall of tense silence was maintained until it was announced that the carrier had been loaded and was ready for transfer.

Afra followed the Rowan’s thrust. She did not quite plough the capsule into the concrete of the Clarf landing field. She gave the Clarf Tower Prime, her granddaughter Laria, quite a shock to feel a carrier being brought in so precipitously.

Mother, I just had the most extraordinary orders not to touch that personnel pod. There’s a crew swarming over it, painting some kind of message I can’t understand. Is there someone or something inside?

Vie sun’s boiling here today.

Anything enclosed like that will bake in its own juices.

Then follow your orders, Laria, the Rowan said. The creature in the carrier killed your brother’s `Dinis As Calisto Prime I speak to Clarf Prime, the Rowan went on in a flat voice.

As Clair Prime, I listen, Laria said, though her grandmother could sense the quickly suppressed quaver of uncertainty in the mental message as she expressed the formula of total discretion now required.

Briefly the Rowan related what had happened. She caught a brief flare of Laria’s regret that the Hivers had not been bombed.

Clair Prime, such an action would have been totally beyond the parameters of your brother `s position. He has acted properly, and bravely. Had he complied, lie could never have been allowed to run a Tower.

Yes, Callisto Prime, of course I see that. You’ll let me know the moment you find Rojer? And it was a caring sister who asked, not a Tower Prime.

He did not con tact you directly for assistance then?

No, Grandmother. He could have reached me. He’s got very strong, you know. I’d say stronger than me Than I, her grandmother corrected absently. I doubt you’ll need gestalt to hear when we do find him.

Have you any ideas where he might go? Could lie possibly have gone to Deneb? You children were always keen to visit Isthia.

Laria was astute enough to catch the wistfulness in the Rowan’s voice. She would have informed you the moment she was aware of his presence on Deneb. And she would be.

Yes, she would be.

Laria hesitated, surprised by the tinge of despair in her indomitable grandmother’s tone. You’ll find him, Grandmother, I know it. Especially if Dad’s with you. You two could hear to the furthest arm of the Milky Way.

You have a ridiculous tendency to exaggerate, young woman.

The contact was broken but not without Laria sensing that her `exaggeration’ had somehow cheered the Rowan.

She’s right, you know, Afra told the Rowan, since the exchange had been open to his mind, too. We could make ourselves heard a long long way. Further than Rojer could have thrown that escape pod. But he hadn’t turned on the engines so he didn’t use them in gestalt.

which means he’s near by, concluded the Rowan and allowed an audible sigh of relief to escape her lips.

WE STAY HERE A WHILE,’ Flk and Trp told Afra.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne