Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

The Rowan scowled and then had to break into a laugh because Thian was enough like his father to ignore what Afra had always called her fits and starts.

`Rowan, ma’am,’ the ship’s com system began, `please return to the cargo bay for an incoming personnel carrier.

`Damn,’ the Rowan said, spinning on her heel to retrace her steps, `he could have warned me.’ `I’d say he wanted to give you time to brief me, Grandmother,’ Thian said, not at all put out.

`Do you have to stick up for him?’ she asked irritably.

`As Grandfather or Prime?’ Thian asked, but he had a sense of eager anticipation. His grandfather was subtly providing a diversion from what had been a large dollop of bad news.

`Never mind,’ she said and walked all the faster back to the cargo bay.

They had reached the facility just as the generators lifted briefly and then a shiny new single carrier landed smoothly on the cradle. The ensign on duty shot a glance at the Rowan and Thian but she nodded for him to lift the hatch.

Oh, am I late, Cal/is to Prime? was the quick concern of a feminine mind, touching them both.

Thian narrowed his eyes down at his grandmother who was genuinely surprised. He’d mentioned her to me several times but certainly not for this, the Rowan added before stepping forward to greet the girl nimbly leaving the capsule. She smiled graciously at Ensign Tollert who had offered her assistance.

`T-1 Flavia of Altair requests permission to board.

`Permission granted,’ Tollert replied, grinning broadly.

`A pleasure to meet you, Flavia,’ the Rowan said, stepping forward in turn to touch fingers briefly with the girl. Don’t gawk, Thian, she added tightly.

He took two long strides forward as if he had merely given his grandmother precedence. In fact, he had been nearly as stunned as Tollert. Flavia wasn’t beautiful in a classical way, not as Laria or some of his cousins were, but she had large and startlingly vivid green eyes and long straight blonde hair which she wore simply pulled back from her oval face by green combs. Standing next to the too-slender Rowan, she appeared well-fleshed and her pale green shipsuit emphasized a very womanly body.

`Thian of Aurigae,’ he said, exerting control not to touch her fingers longer than Talent protocol dictated.

Mint/green/rose was her touch.

`I believe Jeff said you are the grandchild of Bastian and Maharanjani,’ the Rowan said. `I worked with them, Thian, in the tower on Altair.’ Flavia nodded briefly with a becomingly reserved smile.

`The duty has been explained to you?’ She nodded again. `It is an honour to work with Callisto Prime for any reason.

`Humph,’ the Rowan said.

Tollert cleared his throat loudly. `Ma’am, the conference is waiting on the Primes.’ `You have a carisak, Flavia?’ the Rowan asked and when the girl nodded, Tollert cleared his throat again.

`I’ll take care of that, ma’ am. Prime Flavia’s quarters are next to yours.

`Hmm, that’s as well, the Rowan remarked obliquely. `We shouldn’t keep this conference waiting any longer than necessary.’ We’ll `port once we reach the corridor, she added and led the way.

`How are your `Dinis called, Prime Thian?’ `I’m just Thian,’ he laughed, disclaiming any title, `and these are Mur and Dip.

`FLV TRUSTS THAT YOUR DREAMS HAVE BEEN GOOD,’ she said in excellent `Dini.

Score one for the child, the Rowan said privately to her grandson.

And Granddad, Thian said with a sparkle in his eyes as he opened the hatch for the women.

`Do your `Dinis mind `portations, Thian?’ the Rowan asked.

`Not any more,’ he said and closed the hatch behind him.

He clasped Mur and Dip against his legs, nodding to the Rowan that he was ready to `port. They all did, arriving in the corridor outside the Genessee’s conference room. The Rowan tapped the panel for admittance and a yea-woman smartly opened the door.

M within stood at her entry and throughout her introductions of her grandson and Flavia Bastianmajani of altair.

Thian kept his expression bland as mixed comments reverberated from minds keyed up in anticipation of action. `He’s bigger than Rojer.’ `That young slip of a girl’s a Prime?’ `Quite a family resemblance to Rojer with that same white lock of hair.’ `Wouldn’t mind Priming with her.’ `Carries himself well.’ `She’s a bit young for this sort of operation, isn’t she?’ `So this is the fellow who spent over a year on a Dini ship alone!

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne