Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part one

So it might. But we know that the ship is within range of the surface-to-air missles That can be altered. Ah!

Rojer, said his father very gently, touching the mind of a boy so deeply sunk in despair and shock that only a flicker was palpable.

Daaaaad? Unexpected joy/immeasurable relief/then shame followed.

No shame, Rojer, no shame! the Rowan quickly responded. You were honourable.

Are Gil and Kat honourably dead then! The anguish/ shock/loss/hatred/fury in Rojer’s tone had to be fended off by parent and grandparent.

Laria is correct, the Rowan said on a tight aside to Afra, Rojer has strengthened significantly.

More the pity that his tour should end on such a tragic note.

We will make positive out of the negative, old friend.

Swiftly, the Rowan told the boy what had ensued.

I could have, should have stopped Prtg/m. I could have, using force, Rojer said, still grieving and accusing himself.

NO! both the Rowan and Afra said so fiercely that Rojer recoiled from them.

Sorry, son, Afra said. I know you feel the loss of Gil and Kat very very deeply. Trp and Fik do, too, and with an implacable hatred I have never seen from any `Dini before towards one of its own kind.

Prtg/m is, I believe, roasting in its personnel carrier on Clarf, the Rowan added with some relish, in the noonday sun.

Despite the appalling consequences, Rojer, his father added, you behaved exactly as you should Going awol, Dad? I should have called you! That’s what I should have done. Thian got to Granddad when he needed help. But I just Both could hear the sobs that he had been able to choke back until now.

Now, there, love, a good cry is what’s needed most, the Rowan said in an uncharacteristically gentle tone, but you are not the only one I assure you. She paused for a long moment, ending with a deep sigh. We all grieve for your friends, Rojer. We can feel your loss as though is our own, Rojer, and you have only to reach out from the focus of your grief to realize that. She felt his hesitant contact and let him see how deeply she, and beyond her all his kin, joined him in mourning.

That seemed to astonish the boy out of his self-absorption. So she went on in a brisker tone. Now, will you need assistance to bring that escape pod back to its proper position?

You’re tired, son. Let us help you.

I got myself here, Dad. I’ll get myself out.

The Rowan approved of his attitude but, in a tight aside to Afra, she proposed that they surreptitiously assist him.

Grandmother, I’m not being cocky, but this I will do myself All by myself Rojer surprised them both by saying.

Before he had completed the mental sentence, Commander Metrios jubilantly announced that the pod had been reconnected to the Genessee.

The Rowan abandoned dignity and `ported a very weary grandson directly into her embrace on the bridge.

Don’t embarrass him, Rowan, Afra began until he saw how tightly the boy clung to his grandmother before he turned to his father, and Afra knew that her instinct had been correct.

A cheer cut through their private reunion and Metrios was the first to grasp Rojer’s hand and pound him on the shoulder, forgetting every protocol regarding the Talented in his relief at seeing the boy.

Rojer was too exhausted to be offended and much too gratified by Metrios’ genuine response. Doplas, Anis Langio, Yngocelen, even the yeomen and women on duty, all crowded around to welcome the boy back.

The captain’s approach made them step aside.

`Rojer, it is such a relief to see you unharmed the captain began, pumping Rojer’s hand in his turn.

`No, you’re not exactly unharmed, lad, are you, after such an encounter, but you have our sympathy for your losses and our appreciation of your courage. I should have been hard-pressed to stand up to Prtglm when it was so obviously deranged.’ The captain’s admission surprised Rojer so much his mouth dropped open.

Close your mouth, boy. Learn to accept praise with proper modesty, the Rowan said, but her tone was kind.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne