Nancy Drew Files #74. Greek Odyssey. Carolyn Keene

Nancy looked down at the glossy photos of smiling models. “I don’t understand,” she said. “Fashion magazines are available here. I’ve seen them in shops.”

“But they are European magazines,” Niki explained. “I am interested in what is going on in America. My sister lives there, and I am going to join her as soon as I have saved enough money.”

Bess and Nancy exchanged a look. Nancy could tell that Bess believed Niki’s story. She had to admit, the young girl was convincing.

“If it’ll help your career, why don’t you take these,” Bess said, gathering the magazines and handing them to Niki. “I’m sure you’ll find some new styles that will look great on you.”

“Evcharistó,” Niki said, hugging the magazines to her chest. She started toward the door, then turned back when she realized she was still wearing Bess’s hat. “I almost forgot,” she murmured, smiling. “You have such beautiful clothes.” Quickly she put down the hat, picked up her bucket of cleaning supplies, then ducked out the door.

“A fashion ally!” Bess said, clapping her hands together.

Nancy didn’t say anything right away. After tossing her penlight, sunscreen, and an orange hat into a canvas bag, she looked at Bess and said, “I still want to check out the stuff about her sister.”

“Oh, come on, Nancy,” Bess protested, taking the wrapped package out of her tote bag and placing it on the dresser. “What do your instincts tell you?”

Nancy thought for a moment. “That Niki’s just a nice girl who wants to be a model. And she had the bad luck to get caught snooping around in your things.”

“So you do understand,” Bess said, grinning. “She’s just a slave to fashion—like me.”

Bess and George were in high spirits as they jumped into a cab with Kevin and headed off toward the airport. Kevin had been able to schedule his interview for that afternoon so that the three of them could travel together.

When Nancy met Mick on the terrace after seeing off her friends, her heart did a little leap. He was dressed in black swim trunks and a green T-shirt that hugged his broad, muscular shoulders. “Ready to slay the dragon?” he asked, spinning his baseball cap around on one finger.

“They say the dragon dried up years ago,” Nancy told him.

He tapped her nose gently. “Well, if anyone can find the beast, it’s ace detective Nancy Drew.”

“I’m game,” Nancy said, laughing. “But first I have a few things to straighten out with Zoe.”

They found Zoe in the hotel’s kitchen, supervising the lunch preparations. When Nancy told her about her conversation with the maid, Zoe confirmed that Niki’s sister had recently moved to America. “She used to work right here, in our kitchen.”

Zoe frowned, thinking over the situation. “I didn’t know about Niki’s desire to be a model, but I know she has been planning a trip to America. In fact, she asked my father to keep her passport in the family vault so that she wouldn’t misplace it.”

“Niki already has a passport?” Nancy asked. If Niki was free to travel to the U.S., why would she steal Bess’s passport for her own use?

“Yes,” Zoe replied. “I should have thought of that last night when you asked about her at the party.”

That just about clears Niki, Nancy thought. But she still wanted to pay close attention to Dimitri.

“What a feast!” Nancy exclaimed as she caught sight of the picnic basket that Zoe had prepared for Mick and her.

“Grapes, oranges, cheese, stuffed grape leaves, and pastries,” Mick said, popping a grape into his mouth. “This is great, Zoe. Thanks.”

A middle-aged man appeared at the kitchen door with his pale blue cap in his hand. He said something in Greek to Zoe, who then turned to Mick and Nancy. She introduced the balding, heavyset man as Nikos, the guide she had hired to take them to Dragonisi.

Soon they were off. Nikos didn’t speak much English, Nancy discovered, but she was so wrapped up in the beautiful day that it really didn’t matter. She leaned contentedly against Mick as they cruised along, the boat cutting through the water with ease.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn