Nancy Drew Files #74. Greek Odyssey. Carolyn Keene

Nodding at the guidebook propped open between Nancy and Mick, Zoe asked, “Have you decided what you want to see first?”

“How about Delos?” Nancy said, turning to a page she had marked in the book. “It says here that there’s a boat leaving for the island at ten-fifteen each morning.”

“Sounds good to me,” Bess put in.

Zoe smiled her approval. “You’ll like Delos. It is full of statues, mosaics, and marble ruins.” She waved at George, who was zipping across the water not far from shore, then picked up the tote bag and started up the hill. “See you at dinner—around nine-thirty,” she called. Then she disappeared up the footpath.

“Nine-thirty!” Bess groaned. “By that time I may faint from hunger.”

“George warned us that people eat pretty late here,” Nancy said. “But I’m sure we’ll find some way to pass the time.”

The afternoon sun was just beginning to wane when George finally swam in from water-skiing. Mick wanted to linger on the beach, but the girls decided to head back to the inn to shower and then explore the town of Chora before dinner.

Nancy, Bess, and George were sharing a large, airy suite on the second floor of the hotel. When they checked in, Nancy had been charmed by the balcony view of the sea, the floor-to-ceiling windows with wooden shutters, and the beds covered in crisp white coverlets.

“First one in gets the shower!” Bess called as she turned toward the staircase that led to their room.

“You’re on,” George agreed, sprinting after her cousin.

All three girls raced up the stairs, but George pushed ahead, reaching the door to their room first. To her surprise it was open.

She stopped short, and Nancy nearly plowed into her. She looked over George’s shoulder into the sunny lounge area of their room. “Whoa!” Nancy said under her breath.

A tumbled mess of clothes covered the sofa and wicker chairs. Bess’s nightcase was upside down on the floor. Nancy stepped forward and squatted just inches away from a tan puddle near the case. “What’s this?”

“My makeup!” Bess gasped, joining Nancy.

A bottle of beige foundation lotion lay splattered on the wooden floor. Beside it sat tangled strings of beads and rhinestones.

“Someone’s been in our room,” George observed, frowning.

“And they’ve been going through my luggage,” Bess said.

Nancy froze as she heard the sound of running water coming from their bathroom. “Wait a minute,” she whispered, motioning for her friends to remain still. Her eyes flew to the bathroom door, which was open a crack.

“We’re not alone,” Nancy whispered. “Someone’s in the bathroom!”

Chapter Two

Adrenaline made Nancy’s heart pound as she peered toward the bathroom. Whoever was in there could be dangerous.

“Come on, Nan!” George whispered, inching out the open door. Bess was already in the hallway.

As Nancy backed away, she got a glimpse of the intruder. It was a girl—a petite brunette with short-cropped straight hair. She was wearing a crisp white uniform with a blue apron. Nancy felt a surge of relief. The girl wasn’t a thief—she was a maid!

Taking a step forward, Nancy opened the bathroom door wide. At the same instant the girl shut off the water and turned around. She blanched when she came face-to-face with Nancy. “Oh,” she gasped, clutching a wet cloth in her hands. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

Nancy crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the girl. “We weren’t expecting maid service, since we just checked in this afternoon.”

“Just checked in—yes. Well, welcome to Mykonos.” The girl nodded, then walked past Nancy and nervously knelt beside the puddle of spilled makeup. “I’m very sorry about this mess. I bumped into the case, and it fell open.”

Nancy watched the maid as she started dabbing at the puddle. From the young woman’s red face, Nancy could tell that she was embarrassed. And from the mess in the room, it was obvious to Nancy that the girl hadn’t knocked over Bess’s luggage. She had been going through it. But why?

George poked her head into the room, surveyed the situation, then joined Nancy.

The maid seemed afraid to look up. She rubbed the wooden floor until not a trace of makeup remained, then said, “I just came to your room to bring you extra towels and some fresh fruit. Zoe wanted her American friends to feel welcome.”

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn