Nancy Drew Files #74. Greek Odyssey. Carolyn Keene

“You guys are true heroes,” Nancy said. She squeezed Theo’s arm and gave Mick a big kiss.

“We can’t take all the glory,” Mick said, gazing down into Nancy’s eyes. “We wouldn’t have been able to get them out if you hadn’t had the guts to go into the cave with that flare gun.”

“That was amazing,” George agreed. “One minute we were sitting there, doomed. The next minute there were rockets zipping through the cave.”

“Thanks for saving us, guys,” Kevin told the group. “After this I’ll be happy to get back to the tame world of a TV sports announcer.”

“After this week we’ll all be ready for something tame,” Bess said.

“Well,” Theo said, folding his arms, “is anyone interested in some snorkeling lessons?”

Officer Rossolatos had asked the teens to remain on the scene until the police report was complete. Relieved that the terrorists had been captured, the group didn’t mind hanging around.

At one point Nancy noticed George and Kevin stealing off for a private moment. A few minutes later they hugged, then separated. Kevin joined Mick and Theo, who were talking with Officer Rossolatos. George came over and sat next to Nancy on a boulder in the shade.

“Looks like you two were having a heart-to-heart,” Nancy told her friend.

“About our relationship,” George admitted, sitting down beside Nancy.

“And . . .?” Nancy prodded.

There was a thoughtful expression in George’s brown eyes as she cupped her chin in her hands. “You know that Kevin has to report to Madrid on Sunday, right?”

Nancy nodded.

“Well,” George continued, “his job keeps him on the road a lot. It’s been bugging me for a while. I think we both need to be free to see other people.” She let out a sigh. “I’m nuts about Kevin—you know that. But he’s going to be on assignment in Europe for quite a while. I just think that we both need our freedom right now.”

“How’s Kevin taking it?” Nancy asked gently.

George shrugged. “He’s not crazy about the idea, but he understands.”

Nancy nodded sympathetically. The news of George’s decision reminded Nancy that she faced a huge choice of her own. And suddenly her decision was crystal clear.

“Mail call!” Zoe shouted as she ran down the path to the hotel beach. It was Saturday morning, and Nancy and her friends had decided to spend the day lazing around at the inn. Theo, George, and Kevin were windsurfing just offshore, and Nancy, Mick, and Bess were stretched out on beach towels.

“Two letters from the States,” Zoe said, handing envelopes to Nancy and Bess.

“News from the homefront,” Bess said, tearing open a letter from her mother.

When Nancy saw the return address on her letter, she decided to read it later. She tucked it into her tote bag.

It was from Ned. No matter what the letter said, Nancy knew that Ned was only part of the reason for her decision not to marry Mick. Her adventures in Europe had taught her one important thing about herself: She thrived on independence. Marriage involved a commitment—a giant step that she wasn’t ready to take. Right now she needed to be free to explore everything life had to offer.

The only bad part was that she had really fallen for Mick.

Nancy looked up as Zoe and Bess jumped up and ran into the water. Now that she and Mick were alone, she knew it was time to tell him what was on her mind.

“We need to talk,” she told him, sitting up.

“Fire away,” Mick said. He propped himself up on his elbows and faced her.

“About getting married,” Nancy began, then paused when a rush of emotion nearly overwhelmed her. Tears stung her eyes as she looked over at Mick. “I—I’m just not ready, Mick. I’m crazy about you, but I’m not ready to make that kind of commitment, and leave my friends and father and—”

“Shhh,” Mick whispered, gently placing a finger over Nancy’s lips. “You don’t have to explain. I understand.”

He stared into Nancy’s eyes for a moment, stroking her cheek. “I have to admit, I wish it weren’t so. The door is always open, Nancy. Remember that. I’ll never forget you.” He reached into his knapsack and pulled out his wallet. Opening it, he showed Nancy a picture. “See?”

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn