Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

They didn’t quite know what to say; so they sat still awhile,

looking pretty vacant. Then old D’Arc said:

“Yes, your mother–that is true. I never saw such a woman. She

worries, and worries, and worries; and wakes nights, and lies so,

thinking–that is, worrying; worrying about you. And when the

night storms go raging along, she moans and says, ‘Ah, God pity

her, she is out in this with her poor wet sodliers.’ And when the

lightning glares and the thunder crashes she wrings her hands and

trembles, saying, ‘It is like the awful cannon and the flash, and

yonder somewhere she is riding down upon the spouting guns and I

not there to protect her.”

“Ah, poor mother, it is pity, it is pity!”

“Yes, a most strange woman, as I have noticed a many times.

When there is news of a victory and all the village goes mad with

pride and joy, she rushes here and there in a maniacal frenzy till

she finds out the one only thing she cares to know–that you are

safe; then down she goes on her knees in the dirt and praises God

as long as there is any breath left in her body; and all on your

account, for she never mentions the battle once. And always she

says, ‘Now it is over–now France is saved–now she will come

home’–and always is disappointed and goes about mourning.”

“Don’t, father! it breaks my heart. I will be so good to her when I

get home. I will do her work for her, and be her comfort, and she

shall not suffer any more through me.”

There was some more talk of this sort, then Uncle Laxart said:

“You have done the will of God, dear, and are quits; it is true, and

none may deny it; but what of the King? You are his best soldier;

what if he command you to stay?”

That was a crusher–and sudden! It took Joan a moment or two to

recover from the shock of it; then she said, quite simply and


“The King is my Lord; I am his servant.” She was silent and

thoughtful a little while, then she brightened up and said, cheerily,

“But let us drive such thoughts away–this is no time for them. Tell

me about home.”

So the two old gossips talked and talked; talked about everything

and everybody in the village; and it was good to hear. Joan out of

her kindness tried to get us into the conversation, but that failed, of

course. She was the Commander-in-Chief, we were nobodies; her

name was the mightiest in France, we were invisible atoms; she

was the comrade of princes and heroes, we of the humble and

obscure; she held rank above all Personages and all Puissances

whatsoever in the whole earth, by right of baring her commission

direct from God. To put it in one word, she was JOAN OF

ARC–and when that is said, all is said. To us she was divine.

Between her and us lay the bridgeless abyss which that word

implies. We could not be familiar with her. No, you can see

yourselves that that would have been impossible.

And yet she was so human, too, and so good and kind and dear and

loving and cheery and charming and unspoiled and unaffected!

Those are all the words I think of now, but they are not enough;

no, they are too few and colorless and meager to tell it all, or tell

the half. Those simple old men didn’t realize her; they couldn’t;

they had never known any people but human beings, and so they

had no other standard to measure her by. To them, after their first

little shyness had worn off, she was just a girl–that was all. It was

amazing. It made one shiver, sometimes, to see how calm and easy

and comfortable they were in her presence, and hear them talk to

her exactly as they would have talked to any other girl in France.

Why, that simple old Laxart sat up there and droned out the most

tedious and empty tale one ever heard, and neither he nor Papa

D’Arc ever gave a thought to the badness of the etiquette of it, or

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Categories: Twain, Mark