Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

and darkness to inquire into it. They had just come back and

reported that large bodies of men had been dimly made out who

were slipping stealthily away in the direction of Meung.

The generals were very much surprised, as any might tell from

their faces.

“It is a retreat,” said Joan.

“It has that look,” said D’Alen‡on.

“It certainly has,” observed the Bastard and La Hire.

“It was not to be expected,” said Louis de Bourbon, “but one can

divine the purpose of it.”

“Yes,” responded Joan. “Talbot has reflected. His rash brain has

cooled. He thinks to take the bridge of Meung and escape to the

other side of the river. He knows that this leaves his garrison of

Beaugency at the mercy of fortune, to escape our hands if it can;

but there is no other course if he would avoid this battle, and that

he also knows. But he shall not get the bridge. We will see to that.”

“Yes,” said D’Alen&ccecil;on, “we must follow him, and take care

of that matter. What of Beaugency?”

“Leave Beaugency to me, gentle duke; I will have it in two hours,

and at no cost of blood.”

“It is true, Excellency. You will but need to deliver this news there

and receive the surrender.”

“Yes. And I will be with you at Meung with the dawn, fetching the

Constable and his fifteen hundred; and when Talbot knows that

Beaugency has fallen it will have an effect upon him.”

“By the mass, yes!” cried La Hire. “He will join his Meung garrison

to his army and break for Paris. Then we shall have our bridge

force with us again, along with our Beaugency watchers, and be

stronger for our great day’s work by four-and-twenty hundred able

soldiers, as was here promised within the hour. Verily this

Englishman is doing our errands for us and saving us much blood

and trouble. Orders, Excellency–give us orders!”

“They are simple. Let the men rest three hours longer. At one

o’clock the advance-guard will march, under our command, with

Pothon of Saintrailles as second; the second division will follow at

two under the Lieutenant-General. Keep well in the rear of the

enemy, and see to it that you avoid an engagement. I will ride

under guard to Beaugency and make so quick work there that Ii

and the Constable of France will join you before dawn with his


She kept her word. Her guard mounted and we rode off through

the puttering rain, taking with us a captured English officer to

confirm Joan’s news. We soon covered the journey and summoned

the castle. Richard Gu‚tin, Talbot’s lieutenant, being convinced

that he and his five hundred men were left helpless, conceded that

it would be useless to try to hold out. He could not expect easy

terms, yet Joan granted them nevertheless. His garrison could keep

their horses and arms, and carry away property to the value of a

silver mark per man. They could go whither they pleased, but must

not take arms against France again under ten days.

Before dawn we were with our army again, and with us the

Constable and nearly all his men, for we left only a small garrison

in Beaugency castle. We heard the dull booming of cannon to the

front, and knew that Talbot was beginning his attack on the bridge.

But some time before it was yet light the sound ceased and we

heard it no more.

Gu‚tin had sent a messenger through our lines under a

safe-conduct given by Joan, to tell Talbot of the surrender. Of

course this poursuivant had arrived ahead of us. Talbot had held it

wisdom to turn now and retreat upon Paris. When daylight came

he had disappeared; and with him Lord Scales and the garrison of


What a harvest of English strongholds we had reaped in those

three days!–strongholds which had defied France with quite cool

confidence and plenty of it until we came.

Chapter 30 The Red Field of Patay

WHEN THE morning broke at last on that forever memorable 18th

of June, thee was no enemy discoverable anywhere, as I have said.

But that did not trouble me. I knew we should find him, and that

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Categories: Twain, Mark