Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

experienced general, was Fastolfe. But that fierce Talbot would

hear of no delay. He was in a rage over the punishment which the

Maid had inflicted upon him at Orleans and since, and he swore by

God and Saint George that he would have it out with her if he had

to fight her all alone. So Fastolfe yielded, though he said they were

now risking the loss of everything which the English had gained by

so many years’ work and so many hard knocks.

The enemy had taken up a strong position, and were waiting, in

order of battle, with their archers to the front and a stockade before


Night was coming on. A messenger came from the English with a

rude defiance and an offer of battle. But Joan’s dignity was not

ruffled, her bearing was not discomposed. She said to the herald:

“Go back and say it is too late to meet to-night; but to-morrow,

please God and our Lady, we will come to close quarters.”

The night fell dark and rainy. It was that sort of light steady rain

which falls so softly and brings to one’s spirit such serenity and

peace. About ten o’clock D’Alen‡on, the Bastard of Orleans, La

Hire, Pothon of Saintrailles, and two or three other generals came

to our headquarters tent, and sat down to discuss matters with

Joan. Some thought it was a pity that Joan had declined battle,

some thought not. Then Pothon asked her why she had declined it.

She said:

“There was more than one reason. These English are ours–they

cannot get away from us. Wherefore there is no need to take risks,

as at other times. The day was far spent. It is good to have much

time and the fair light of day when one’s force is in a weakened

state–nine hundred of us yonder keeping the bridge of Meung

under the Marshal de Rais, fifteen hundred with the Constable of

France keeping the bridge and watching the castle of Beaugency.”

Dunois said:

“I grieve for this decision, Excellency, but it cannot be helped. And

the case will be the same the morrow, as to that.”

Joan was walking up and down just then. She laughed her

affectionate, comrady laugh, and stopping before that old war-tiger

she put her small hand above his head and touched one of his

plumes, saying:

“Now tell me, wise man, which feather is it that I touch?”

“In sooth, Excellency, that I cannot.”

“Name of God, Bastard, Bastard! you cannot tell me this small

thing, yet are bold to name a large one–telling us what is in the

stomach of the unborn morrow: that we shall not have those men.

Now it is my thought that they will be with us.”

That made a stir. All wanted to know why she thought that. But La

Hire took the word and said:

“Let be. If she thinks it, that is enough. It will happen.”

Then Pothon of Santrailles said:

“There were other reasons for declining battle, according to the

saying of your Excellency?”

“Yes. One was that we being weak and the day far gone, the battle

might not be decisive. When it is fought it must be decisive. And it

shall be.”

“God grant it, and amen. There were still other reasons?”

“One other–yes.” She hesitated a moment, then said: “This was not

the day. To-morrow is the day. It is so written.”

They were going to assail her with eager questionings, but she put

up her hand and prevented them. Then she said:

“It will be the most noble and beneficent victory that God has

vouchsafed for France at any time. I pray you question me not as to

whence or how I know this thing, but be content that it is so.”

There was pleasure in every face, and conviction and high

confidence. A murmur of conversation broke out, but that was

interrupted by a messenger from the outposts who brought

news–namely, that for an hour there had been stir and movement

in the English camp of a sort unusual at such a time and with a

resting army, he said. Spies had been sent under cover of the rain

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Categories: Twain, Mark