Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

of it somehow.

“Which aided most–you the Standard, or the Standard you?”

“Whether it was the Standard or whether it was I, is nothing–the

victories came from God.”

“But did you base your hopes of victory in yourself or in your


“In neither. In God, and not otherwise.”

“Was not your Standard waved around the King’s head at the


“No. It was not.”

“Why was it that your Standard had place at the crowning of the

King in the Cathedral of Rheims, rather than those of the other


Then, soft and low, came that touching speech which will live as

long as language lives, and pass into all tongues, and move all

gentle hearts wheresoever it shall come, down to the latest day:

“It had borne the burden, it had earned the honor.” [1] How simple

it is, and how beautiful. And how it beggars the studies eloquence

of the masters of oratory. Eloquence was a native gift of Joan of

Arc; it came from her lips without effort and without preparation.

Her words were as sublime as her deeds, as sublime as her

character; they had their source in a great heart and were coined in

a great brain.

[1] What she said has been many times translated, but never with

success. There is a haunting pathos about the original which eludes

all efforts to convey it into our tongue. It is as subtle as an odor,

and escapes in the transmission. Her words were these:

“Il avait ‚t‚ a la peine, c’etait bien raison qu’il fut a l’honneur.”

Monseigneur Ricard, Honorary Vicar-General to the Archbishop of

Aix, finely speaks of it (Jeanne d’Arc la V‚n‚rable, page 197) as

“that sublime reply, enduring in the history of celebrated sayings

like the cry of a French and Christian soul wounded unto death in

its patriotism and its faith.” — TRANSLATOR.

Chapter 12 Joan’s Master-Stroke Diverted

NOW, as a next move, this small secret court of holy assassins did

a thing so base that even at this day, in my old age, it is hard to

speak of it with patience.

In the beginning of her commerce with her Voices there at

Domremy, the child Joan solemnly devoted her life to God,

vowing her pure body and her pure soul to His service. You will

remember that her parents tried to stop her from going to the wars

by haling her to the court at Toul to compel her to make a

marriage which she had never promised to make–a marriage with

our poor, good, windy, big, hard-fighting, and most dear and

lamented comrade, the Standard-Bearer, who fell in honorable

battle and sleeps with God these sixty years, peace to his ashes!

And you will remember how Joan, sixteen years old, stood up in

that venerable court and conducted her case all by herself, and tore

the poor Paladin’s case to rags and blew it away with a breath; and

how the astonished old judge on the bench spoke of her as “this

marvelous child.”

You remember all that. Then think what I felt, to see these false

priests, here in the tribunal wherein Joan had fought a fourth lone

fight in three years, deliberately twist that matter entirely around

and try to make out that Joan haled the Paladin into court and

pretended that he had promised to marry her, and was bent on

making him do it.

Certainly there was no baseness that those people were ashamed to

stoop to in their hunt for that friendless girl’s life. What they

wanted to show was this–that she had committed the sin of

relapsing from her vow and trying to violate it.

Joan detailed the true history of the case, but lost her temper as she

went along, and finished with some words for Cauchon which he

remembers yet, whether he is fanning himself in the world he

belongs in or has swindled his way into the other.

The rest of this day and part of the next the court labored upon the

old theme–the male attire. It was shabby work for those grave men

to be engaged in; for they well knew one of Joan’s reasons for

clinging to the male dress was, that soldiers of the guard were

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Categories: Twain, Mark