Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

the word traveled; and when a man got it in the night, at what hour

soever, he jumped out of his bed and bore the blessed message

along. And the joy that went with it was like the light that flows

across the land when an eclipse is receding from the face of the

sun; and, indeed, you may say that France had lain in an eclipse

this long time; yes, buried in a black gloom which these beneficent

tidings were sweeping away now before the onrush of their white


The news beat the flying enemy to Yeuville, and the town rose

against its English masters and shut the gates against their

brethren. It flew to Mont Pipeau, to Saint Simon, and to this, that,

and the other English fortress; and straightway the garrison applied

the torch and took to the fields and the woods. A detachment of

our army occupied Meung and pillaged it.

When we reached Orleans that tow was as much as fifty times

insaner with joy than we had ever seen it before–which is saying

much. Night had just fallen, and the illuminations were on so

wonderful a scale that we seemed to plow through seas of fire; and

as to the noise–the hoarse cheering of the multitude, the

thundering of cannon, the clash of bells–indeed, there was never

anything like it. And everywhere rose a new cry that burst upon us

like a storm when the column entered the gates, and nevermore

ceased: “Welcome to Joan of Arc–way for the SAVIOR OF

FRANCE!” And there was another cry: “Cr‚cy is avenged! Poitiers

is avenged! Agincourt is avenged!–Patay shall live forever!”

Mad? Why, you never could imagine it in the world. The prisoners

were in the center of the column. When that came along and the

people caught sight of their masterful old enemy Talbot, that had

made them dance so long to his grim war-music, you may imagine

what the uproar was like if you can, for I can not describe it. They

were so glad to see him that presently they wanted to have him out

and hang him; so Joan had him brought up to the front to ride in

her protection. They made a striking pair.

Chapter 33 Joan’s Five Great Deeds

YES, ORLEANS was in a delirium of felicity. She invited the

King, and made sumptuous preparations to receive him, but–he

didn’t come. He was simply a serf at that time, and La Tremouille

was his master. Master and serf were visiting together at the

master’s castle of Sully-sur-Loire.

At Beaugency Joan had engaged to bring about a reconciliation

between the Constable Richemont and the King. She took

Richemont to Sully-sur-Loire and made her promise good.

The great deeds of Joan of Arc are five:

1. The Raising of the Siege.

2. The Victory of Patay.

3. The Reconciliation at Sully-sur-Loire.

4. The Coronation of the King.

5. The Bloodless March.

We shall come to the Bloodless March presently (and the

Coronation). It was the victorious long march which Joan made

through the enemy’s country from Gien to Rheims, and thence to

the gates of Paris, capturing every English town and fortress that

barred the road, from the beginning of the journey to the end of it;

and this by the mere force of her name, and without shedding a

drop of blood–perhaps the most extraordinary campaign in this

regard in history–this is the most glorious of her military exploits.

The Reconciliation was one of Joan’s most important

achievements. No one else could have accomplished it; and, in

fact, no one else of high consequence had any disposition to try. In

brains, in scientific warfare, and in statesmanship the Constable

Richemont was the ablest man in France. His loyalty was sincere;

his probity was above suspicion–(and it made him sufficiently

conspicuous in that trivial and conscienceless Court).

In restoring Richemont to France, Joan made thoroughly secure the

successful completion of the great work which she had begun. She

had never seen Richemont until he came to her with his little army.

Was it not wonderful that at a glance she should know him for the

one man who could finish and perfect her work and establish it in

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Categories: Twain, Mark