Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

always present in her room whether she was asleep or awake, and

that the male dress was a better parotection for her modesty than

the other.

The court knew that one of Joan’s purposes had been the

deliverance of the exiled Duke of Orleans, and they were curious

to know how she had intended to manage it. Her plan was

characteristically businesslike, and her statement of it as

characteristically simple and straightforward:

“I would have taken English prisoners enough in France for his

ransom; and failing that, I would have invaded England and

brought him out by force.”

That was just her way. If a thing was to be done, it was love first,

and hammer and tongs to follow; but no shilly-shallying between.

She added with a little sigh:

“If I had had my freedom three years, I would have delivered him.”

“Have you the permission of your Voices to break out of prison

whenever you can?”

“I have asked their leave several times, but they have not given it.”

I think it is as I have said, she expected the deliverance of death,

and within the prison walls, before the three months should expire.

“Would you escape if you saw the doors open?”

She spoke up frankly and said:

“Yes–for I should see in that the permission of Our Lord. God

helps who help themselves, the proverb says. But except I thought

I had permission, I would not go.”

Now, then, at this point, something occurred which convinces me,

every time I think of it–and it struck me so at the time–that for a

moment, at least, her hopes wandered to the King, and put into her

mind the same notion about her deliverance which No‰l and I had

settled upon–a rescue by her old soldiers. I think the idea of the

rescue did occur to her, but only as a passing thought, and that it

quickly passed away.

Some remark of the Bishop of Beauvais moved her to remind him

once more that he was an unfair judge, and had no right to preside

there, and that he was putting himself in great danger.

“What danger?” he asked.

“I do not know. St. Catherine has promised me help, but I do not

know the form of it. I do not know whether I am to be delivered

from this prison or whether when you sent me to the scaffold there

will happen a trouble by which I shall be set free. Without much

thought as to this matter, I am of the opinion that it may be one or

the other.” After a pause she added these words, memorable

forever–words whose meaning she may have miscaught,

misunderstood; as to that we can never know; words which she

may have rightly understood, as to that, also, we can never know;

but words whose mystery fell away from them many a year ago

and revealed their meaning to all the world:

“But what my Voices have said clearest is, that I shall be delivered

by a great victory.” She paused, my heart was beating fast, for to

me that great victory meant the sudden bursting in of our old

soldiers with the war-cry and clash of steel at the last moment and

the carrying off of Joan of Arc in triumph. But, oh, that thought

had such a short life! For now she raised her head and finished,

with those solemn words which men still so often quote and dwell

upon–words which filled me with fear, they sounded so like a

prediction. “And always they say ‘Submit to whatever comes; do

not grieve for your martyrdom; from it you will ascend into the

Kingdom of Paradise.”

Was she thinking of fire and the stake? I think not. I thought of it

myself, but I believe she was only thinking of this slow and cruel

martyrdom of chains and captivity and insult. Surely, martyrdom

was the right name for it.

It was Jean de la Fontaine who was asking the questions. He was

silling to make the most he could out of what she had said:

“As the Voices have told you you are going to Paradise, you feel

certain that that will happen and that you will not be damned in

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Categories: Twain, Mark