the genitals.

“If he won’t fucking talk, Uchitel, then I’ll fucking rip off his fucking balls.

Hear him sing then.”

“Leave him be.”

All three of Uchitel’s followers looked at him, hearing the familiar crack of

command. The woman staggered unsteadily off toward the others, who were cooking

a stew of root vegetables. Urach backed away from the helpless boy, resheathing

one of his surgical-steel knives. Pechal pulled the gray hood of his long cloak

over his head, bowing slightly. But Uchitel noticed how Sorrow’s long curved

nails were driven so hard against the palms of his hands that crescents of blood

showed brightly.

“We would like to visit some reputable stores. Which do you recommend?” asked

Uchitel, moving closer to the helpless youth, careful to avoid the fouled snow.

“Stores, mister?” gasped the boy. “I heard tell of ’em. Where Traders go. Ain’t

none. Not for a month’s march there ain’t.”

Though most of the boy’s words were incomprehensible to Uchitel, the negativity

was clear. There was a long silence while he thumbed through the book.

“Can you direct me to the best place to buy a real bargain, if you please? Thank


“I don’t know nothin’ ’bout nothin’, mister. Swear to the blessed savior, Jesus

Christ crucified, I know fuckin’ nothin’. I can’t help you.”

Uchitel blinked, fighting to control his temper. His translation book wasn’t

getting him anywhere. At the last hamlet he made the mistake of speaking to an

old man only to find the dotard was deaf as granite. It had been a mercy to slit

his throat for him. But now he was still failing. Failing was something that

Uchitel didn’t like.

“I will try again. I think his head is filled with ice,” he said to the other


The boy stared from one to the other, his face twitching with nerves, the cold

making his whole body tremble. Already the yellow snow around his bare feet was

turning to ice. These barbarians with such awesome blasters had come from the

west. But everyone knew there was nothing to the west, just a land where chaos

ruled and muties lived. The gross woman who had tugged at his penis with her

rough hands had been frightening, but the one who was their leader and who was

trying to speak to him in a crooked and halting tongue was the worst.

He had eyes of gold, like the ferocious mutie wolves that ravaged the land and

were hunted for their furs. Never had the boy seen a man with such eyes. The

face was kindly, the mouth full lipped and generous. Yet the young lad could

hardly breathe for the fear the man inspired.

If only he knew what the man wanted, he would tell him. Tell him anything. If

his family hadn’t already been butchered, the lad would betray them now for his

own life.

“I request you direct me to where I can find food and clothes.”

It was Uchitel’s last try. If this didn’t work.

Suddenly an idea came to the boy. They wanted to find some place where there

were clothes and food in abundance.

“Yes,” he said.

“Da?” queried Uchitel.

“I know what you want. I heard tell of it. Ain’t here. Ain’t never seen it.

Don’t know anyone who has, but I heard tell of—” The boy stopped as Uchitel

waved a warning hand, frantically turned pages of his tattered little book and

finally found what he wanted. “Slowly, if you please, madam. I am a stranger and

a visitor to your land.”

“Slowly? Sure. You want the stoppile. Word is it’s filled with stuff like you

want. But my Dad said it was all bear shit. Doesn’t exist. Anyways, folks go

there and they die there. That’s what they say.”

“Stoppile?” repeated Uchitel. “Clothes and food?”

“Sure, mister. Stoppile. Near where Ank Ridge used to be.”

Uehitel shook his head. “Where?” he asked, smiling to himself at the obvious

wonderment he could read on the faces of Urach and Pechal.

“Near Ank Ridge. That way,” he said, gesturing with his head to the southeast.

Uchitel tweaked the lad’s cheek, much as a kindly uncle would after his favorite

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Categories: James Axler