“I am Major Gregori Zimyanin, and I bring greetings from the party.”

The accent was heavy, but Ryan found it easier to understand than Uchitel’s

garbled words. He bowed slightly to the Russian.

“I take prisoner this mans,” he said, waving with the book at Uchitel and the

other three.

“Let him,” hissed Finnegan.

“No,” said Ryan. “They’re my prisoners.”

Zimyanin glanced through his book as if he wasn’t sure he believed what he said.

“Nyet. I take. He Russian. I take.”

“No,” repeated Ryan, conscious of the others spreading out behind him


The officer pored over his book, lips moving as he rehearsed what he wanted to

say. “You are four. We are many. We kill.”

“We kill many of you,” answered Ryan, trying to show a confidence he didn’t

truly feel.

“He Russian,” the major said, pointing at Uchitel again.

Ryan made his move. Taking care not to spark off a firefight, he stepped in and

moved Uchitel and the woman to one side with the barrel of the Heckler & Koch.

Then he pushed the other two prisoners toward the man on horseback.

“I’m a great believer in compromise,” he said, knowing that the soldier would

not understand; knowing as well that the gesture was obvious.

Zimyanin hesitated. He could see that these Americans were not helpless

peasants. They could only be some sort of unofficial militia, roaming the land

to repel invaders. There weren’t many of them, but their guns looked more lethal

than anything he’d ever seen before. And they’d blown that huge dam.

Ryan faced him, raising his eye questioningly. “Yes, my friend?”


The smooth, gray rifle slipped inside the long coat. Ryan drew the SIG-Sauer

P-226 9 mm pistol, relishing the familiar weight in his hand. Standing three

paces from Uchitel and the blubbery bulk of the woman, he fired three spaced


The first two entered the woman’s chest between her sagging breasts. The impact

sent Bizabraznia staggering backward, and Ryan put the third bullet carefully

into the middle of her face.

The entrance hole of the final shot was lost in the pasty expanse of her round

face with its layers of jowls. It hit the center of the upper lip and exited

near the top of her head, removing a chunk of skull as large as a grown man’s


Instantly there was some talk among the watching horsemen, but Ryan couldn’t

tell whether it was from approval or anger. He stepped toward Uchitel, who faced

him impassively.

“Nyet,” Zimyanin called then rattled off a string of commands in Russian. He

pointed toward Zmeya and Krisa, who fell to their knees and began to babble

their pleas for mercy.

The Americans watched as six soldiers swung down from their horses. One man took

Zmeya’s left hand in both of his while a second cavalryman took the other hand.

They tugged as hard as they could to get the kneeling guerrilla to rise. While

they pulled him, a third soldier took a short length of waxed rawhide from his

belt and looped it around Zmeya’s neck.

The other trio of cavalrymen treated Krisa to the same, then looked toward the

commanding officer for a signal. Zimyanin favored Ryan with a thin smile, then

nodded to the troops.

The nooses of thin cord tightened, vanishing into the necks of both condemned

men. Zmeya tried to cry out, but the sound was strangled, caught in his throat.

The soldiers holding the prisoners struggled to retain a footing on the slippery

pebbles. Krisa died first, his red eyes protruding so far from their sockets

that it seemed they would burst. Blood came from his mouth and nose, then from

the corners of his eyes. His body went suddenly slack.

Zmeya, the Snake, fought harder, and his passing took longer. Blood was jetting

from a severed artery under his ear before he finally became limp, slumping in

the arms of the two men gripping his wrists.

At a gesture from Zimyanin, the corpses were dragged by the ankles to the river.

One of the soldiers drew a steel knife from his belt and sliced the ears off

both bodies and tucked the ears into a pocket.

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Categories: James Axler