silent testimonials to their brutality: bodies so torn by the wolves and other

scavengers that it was hard to tell the manner of their passing. But some still

showed the marks of burning or of the knife or the bullet.

The cavalry patrol had seen identical marks in the hamlet Of Ozhbarchik on the

other side of the frozen Bering Strait.

During a day-long blizzard, the major had felt the unhappiness of his troops,

many of whom were muttering for a return to their homes in Magadan. But he had

urged them on with promises of extra pay all around and hints that the best

troopers might be promoted and transferred to the West. He knew from bitter

experience that it was pointless to appeal either to their religion or, even

worse, to their loyalty to the party.

But now they were close, anticipating an actual sighting of their prey within

the next twenty-four hours.

Aliev, the Mongolian tracker with the hideously mutilated face, was excited.

Jumping, green snot dripping from the raw hole where his nose should have been,

he held up his right hand, showing only one finger, indicating a single day.

Then he chopped at it with the edge of his left hand, showing he thought that

the Narodniki were even less than a day ahead of them.

Zimyanin stood in the stirrups, using one of his most valuable possessions—a

pair of scratched and battered binoculars with the name Zeiss engraved on the

side. He knew of no other officer of his rank who possessed such a wonderful

tool. Many had cheap telescopes or binoculars, but nothing to compare with


To the south, in a cleft in the mountains, he could see a great wall of

concrete, with a stream of water gushing from near its top. It had to be some

sort of dam, he figured, blocking a river that was kept ice free by some

underground source of heat.

He moved the glasses to the right and inspected a series of sharp-edged valleys.

He thought he could see a trail worming into one of the valleys. For a moment,

Zimyanin thought he could even see signs of life: a plume of snow, as though men

on horseback moved there, and tiny black specks against the whiteness.

Bat his hands began to tremble, and the glass blurred with his breath. By the

time he wiped the lenses clear, the figures had gone.

If they’d ever been there in the first place.

AVALANCHES HAD DESTROYED virtually all of the little mining town that had once

flourished high in the ravine near the looming dam. Now only a few roofless

shacks remained.

Ryan and the others had discussed their plans, finally agreeing that the Russian

guerrillas were too dangerous to ignore. In the morning they would take the

buggies and return to the redoubt. Then they would use the gateway to leave the

ice-bound desert of Alaska behind them.

Chapter Eighteen

OKIE WAS ON GUARD, walking cautiously around the ruined houses at the neck of

the valley. From below she heard the river tumbling over the rounded stones at

the foot of the dam’s spillway. To her right, she could make out the great dam,

with its towers and pumping stations. The moon gave only a pale, spectral light,

not enough to illuminate the trail that clung to the mountainside, dappled with

patches of ice and snow. It hadn’t been easy to negotiate that trail, even with

the tracked buggies, but there was no other way up or down.

Her low-heeled tan riding boots clicked on the loose stones. The Mini-Uzi was

safely in its holster on her belt; the M-16 carbine cradled in her arms. Looking

behind her, she saw the tiny ruby glow of the fire that smoldered at the center

of their camp between the two parked buggies. Straining her eyes, the blaster

could see the gravelike mounds that were her sleeping comrades. The larger one

was Ryan Cawdor, and the mutie girl tangled together.

Okie spat, her sullen face showing her dislike for Krysty Wroth. Ryan had shown

interest in her before the redhead had appeared. If anything happened to the


There was always the strong possibility of a nasty accident.

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Categories: James Axler