Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

T’dam leading Debera in, all moving towards the head table. Salda and

Tashvi rose and went to meet her half-way. She still had a dazed look

on her face and glanced, almost wildly, around the crowded Cavern.

Someone had given her a green gown which showed off a most womanly body,

and the style of it as well as the colour suited Debera.

The deep, clear green set off her fine complexion and a head of curling

bronze-coloured hair which was now attractively dressed, not straggling

unkempt around a sweaty distraught face. No doubt Tisha, the head woman

had had a hand in the transformation. Zulaya had once said Tisha

treated all the weyrgirls like live dolls, dressing them up and fussing

with their hair. Nor was Tisha herself childless, but her excess of

maternal instinct was an asset in the Weyr.

Salda put an arm about Debera, her head inclined to the shorter girl as

she chatted; evidently determined to make up for the lack of family

members on what was generally a very happy occasion for holder or

crafter. Had Debera seen the last of her relatives? No matter, she was

in the larger, extended family of the Weyr and could find more amiable

and sympathetic replacements.

Zulaya was introducing Debera to Sarra, the sun-bleached blonde from

Ista who was chatting away with such animation that Debera smiled –

tentatively, K’vin thought, but with growing self-confidence.

You got Morath to sleep all right?” he asked, joining the women.

I thought she’d never stop eating,’ Debera said, a slightly anxious

frown on her face. Her green eyes, K’vin saw, were also emphasized by

the colour of the gown. Tisha had done her proud.

They’re voradous, said Zulaya, with a kind laugh. And I F

so am I. Come, let’s all be seated before there’s nothing left for us.”

Salda gave a good-natured snort, grinning down at Debera.

Not likely. We’ve been sending you the fatted calves for the past week

in anticipation.” She turned to the girl as she passed her over to

K’vin. One thing sure, girl, you’ll eat higher on the hog here in

Telgar than you ever did at home. And not have to cook it!’ Debera was

so clearly startled by such jocularity that K’vin took her hand, guiding

her to the steps up to the platform on which the head table was placed.

I think you’ll be very happy here, Debera,’ he said gently, with

Morath as your friend.” Immediately the girl’s face softened with joy

and her eyes watered. Her look of vulnerable wonder struck such a

responsive chord in him that he stumbled in following her.

Oh, and she is more than a friend,’ she said, more like a prayer than a

statement of fact.

Come, sit beside me,’ said Zulaya, pulling out the chair, and

signalling K’vin to take the one beyond. They were not in their usual

centre table position, but quick eye contact with Salda and Tashvi had

the Holders pulling out those chairs as if such placement was normal.

Listen to that melody. How lovely . . . she added, tilting her head

as the music, not quite martial but firm, was stopping conversation

throughout the Cavern.

So are the words. . . Salda said, eyes widening in surprise, as well

as delight, at what she heard. When her husband started to say

something, she hushed him.

K’vin was happy to listen, too.

Sheledon, who had insisted on using the Telgar Impression as the debut

of some new music, was very pleased that conversation had trailed off

and everyone was hearing what was being sung. Now was the time to

spring the big one on them. As soon as the coda on what Jemmy called

Dragonlove’ had finished, he held up the music to the Duty Ballad’ and

then pointed it at Sydra who would sing the boy soprano part.

They hadn’t found a lad with a suitable voice yet, but she could whiten

her voice to approximate the tone. At Sheledon’s signal, Bethany piped

the haunting notes of the intro and Sydra rose to sing the opening


All right, they didn’t have enough trained voices to really sock the

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne