Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

Sheledon reached across and took violin and bow from her, putting them

very carefully on the table which had been cleared of all but wine

glasses. Absently he mopped a wine spill near the precious violin, one

of the few usable relics from Landing days. He gave it a loving pat

while Danja continued.

Like today,’ she said, resuming her pacing, we taught in the morning,

managed to eat something before we spent an afternoon painting so that

there will be some finished rooms for the summer term. We had five

minutes to change and even then we missed the fly-past which I, for

one,’ and she paused to jab her thumb into her sternum, wanted to see.

We’ve played two sets,’ she went on earnestly, and will undoubtedly

still be playing when the sun rises, and tomorrow will be a repeat of

today except no Gather, so we get a good night’s rest to prepare us for

more of the above, except maybe get a little work done on next term.

Which starts in a week, and then we’ll have no time at all since we now

have to prepare the teachers who’ll be graduated to carry The Word to

the outer extremities of the continent.” She gestured eastward in a

histrionic fashion, then flounced down on the chair the violin had

occupied. So how are we going to find time to do yet more research,

Clisser?” We always do find the time,’ Clisser said, his quiet

rejoinder a subtle criticism of her rant.

Use it as a history class project?” suggested Lozell brightly.

There you have the answer,’ said Bethany who had merely, as was her

habit, watched the fireworks Danja was so good at sending up. My

juniors could use an independent project.

So long as we have power to run the library,’ Danja added sourly.

We will, we will,’ Clisser said, with bright encouragement.

Kalvi had his engineers up on the heights during the fly-past working

on the sun panels. They’ll hook them up to the main banks tomorrow.

Other people worked today, you know.

Well, that’s a big consolation,’ said Danja acidly.

Clisser refilled her glass. -And we’ll need some catchy tunes and good

lyrics, too, I should think. Something to teach students from a very

early age so that they learn all the signs of a Pass before they learn

to ask questions about it.” “One and one is two, two and two are four?”

Danja sang the old multiplying song, then grinned wryly.

The song remains an effective teaching aid,’ Clisser said, filling his

glass. She 1, would you put on your composer’s hat and whip up some

simple effective tunes?” Sheledon nodded enthusiastically.

I’ve been saying for years that we ought to incorporate more basic

stuff into a musical format. Jemmy’s good at little popular airs.” Most

of his songs were geared to show off the talent of his soprano spouse,

Sydra, who taught history and, in her spare time, was chronicling the

early years of the colony.

Bethany’s face lit up with a great smile. Jemmy was a favourite pupil

of hers, and she was his staunchest champion.

Even Danja looked mollified.

So,’ Clisser went on, having solved one of his immediate problems,

what shall we do in the next set?” Just like that?” Danja demanded.

“What’ll we do in this set?” Clisser, will you get real!’ Clisser

looked hurt. Bethany leaned over and patted his hand, smiling


What did you mean by that, Danja?” Clisser asked.

Don’t you realize what a huge responsibility you just so casually.. .

and Danja lifted wide her arms, flinging her hands skyward in

exasperation, laid on us all?” Nothing we can’t solve, dear,’ Bethany

said in her gentle manner. With a little thought and time.

Back to time again. Do we have time?” Lozell was back in the

discussion. Especially if the winter’s even half as bad as it was last

year . . . and it’s supposed to be, with that damned Red Planet

leering down on us… how are we going to cope?” We will. We always

do,’ Sheledon said with a sigh of resignation. Paulin will help us

out. And certainly the Weyrs do.” Danja glared at him. We’ve changed

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne