Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part two

forge ahead and not have to concern ourselves with translating usdess

trivia for posterity. So 1 ask you, what have we really lost’?” Silence

extended until Sheledon uttered a sharp laugh.

You know, she may be right. We’ve been knocking ourselves out copying

down stuff that won’t work here on Pern anyhow.

Especially,’ and his voice hardened, since no-one back on Earth cares

enough to find out what’s happened to us.” Sydra regarded her husband

with a blink. Not that old Tubberman homing tube business again?”

Sheledon went defensive. Well, we know from. . . the Records .

Sydra said with a malicious grin, and Sheledon flushed, that the

message tube was sent without Admiral Benden’s authority. Without the

name of a colony leader on it, no-one on Earth would have paid it any

heed if it even got to Earth in the first place.


Someone could have come and had a look-see,’ Sheledon


Oh, come now, Shel,’ said Bethany, as amused by his sudden switch for

he had always derided the Tubberman Tube Theory. Pern isn’t rich

enough for anyone to bother about.

So the precious records said, but j think that was to save face.

They should have checked on us to see how we were faring . They got

awfully proprietary about the Shavian colonies that were the basic

reason for the Nathi Space War.” That was over three hundred years ago,

She 1,’ Bethany said in her patient teacher-tone.

And it is totally irrelevant to now,’ Sydra added. Look, the loss of

the computers is undeniably a blow to us, but not something we cannot

overcome But all that information . . . cried Clisser, tears coming

to his eyes.

Clisser, dear, and Bethany leaned across to him, patting his hand

gently, we still have the best computers ever invented . . . and she

tapped her forehead, and they’re crammed full of information: more than

we really need to operate – – But. .. but, now we’ll never find out

how to preserve vital information — like early warning of the return of

the Red Star.

We’ll think of something,’ she said in such a confident tone that it

penetrated Clisser’s distress. And briefly he looked a trifle brighter.

Then he slumped down in even deeper despair. But we’ve failed the

trust placed in us to keep the data available Nonsense!” Sheledon said

vehemently, crashing one fist down on the desk-top. We’ve kept them

going past their design optimum. I’ve read enough in the old manuals to

appreciate that. Every year for the past fifty has been a miracle. And

we haven’t, as Bethany says, lost all. A gimmick from the past has

failed, like so many of them have. And we’re now going to have to

bypass the easy access to data they provided and sweat through books!

Books! Books that we have in quantity.

Clisser blinked. He shook his head as if mentally rejecting a thought.

We have been planning to ignore much of the old data,’ Bethany said

gently. What was most important to us…” and her hand indicated the

Pern of the present, has been copied well, most of it,’ she amended

when Clisser opened his mouth. If we haven’t needed it up to now, we

never will.

But we’ve lost the sum total of human…” Clisser began..

Ha!” Sydra said. Ancient history, man. We’ve survived on Pern and it

is PERN that’s important. As Bethany said, if we haven’t needed it up

to now, we never will. So calm down.” Clisser scrubbed at his skull

with both hands. But how will I tell Paulin?” Didn’t the lightning

affect Fort, too?” asked Sheledon and answered himself. I thought I

saw a work force on the solar heights.

Clisser threw both hands up in the air. I told him we were checking

the damage Which is total?” Sheledon asked.

Total!” and Clisser dropped his head once again to his chest in

resignation to the inevitable.

It’s not as if you caused the storm or anything, Cliss, Bethany said.

He gave her a burning look.

Was the system being run at the time?” Sheledon asked.

Of course not,’ Clisser said emphatically, scowling at Sheledon.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne