Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

to a bank of elevators in the hotel’s lower lobby. The

panels of the second elevator opened, revealing two

couples who had not intended to reach the

underground level; they laughed as one of the men

repeatedly pressed the lobby button. The officer, in

turn, touched the button for the fourteenth floor.

Sixty seconds later he walked out into the corridor

toward the exit staircase. He was heading for the

eleventh floor.

The blue Toyota station wagon came down the

ramp, the driver’s hand extended, a room key held

out, the number visible. Inside the parking area the

driver found an empty space and carefully steered

the small station wagon into it.

The civilian stepped out and looked at his watch.

Satisfied, he started toward the revolving door and

the elevators. The second elevator was empty, and

the civilian was tempted to press the button for the

eleventh floor; he was tired and did not relish the

thought of the additional walk. However there would

be other occupants on the way up, so he held to the

rules and placed his index finger over the button

beside the number 9.

Standing in front of the hotel-room door the

civilian raised his hand, rapped once, waited several

beats, then rapped twice more. Seconds later the

door was opened by the Army captain. Beyond him

was a third man, also in uniform, the color and the

insignia denoting a lieutenant, junior grade, in the

Navy. He stood by a desk with a telephone on it.

“Glad you got here on time,” said the Army

officer. “The traffic was rotten. Our call should be

coming through in a few minutes.”


The civilian entered, nodding to the Navy man

as he spoke. ‘What did you find out about

Fitzpatrick?” he asked.

“He’s where he shouldn’t be,” replied the lieutenant.

“Can you bring him back?”

“I’m working on it, but I don’t know where to

begin. I’m a very low man on a very big totem


“Aren’t we all?” said the captain.

“Who’d have thought Halliday would have gone

to him?” asked the naval officer, frustration in his

voice. “Or if he was going to bring him in, why

didn’t he go to him first? Or tell him about us?”

“I can answer the last two questions,” said the

Army man. “He was protecting him from a

Pentagon backlash. If we go down, his

brother-in-law stays clean.”

“And I can answer the first question,” said the

civilian. ‘ Halliday went to Fitzpatrick because in

the final analysis, he d~dn t trust us. Geneva

proved he was right.”

“Hoop” asked the captain defensively, but

without apology. “We couldn’t have prevented it.”

“No, we couldn’t,” agreed the civilian. “But we

couldn’t do anything about it afterwards, either.

That was part of the trust, and there was no way we

could live up to it. We couldn’t

The telephone rang. The lieutenant picked it up

and listened. “It’s Mykonos, ‘ he said.



Connal Fitzpatrick sat opposite Joel at the

room-service table drinking the last of his coffee. The

dinner was finished the story completed, and all the

questions the Navy lawyer could raise had been

answered by Converse because he had given his

word; he needed a complete ally.

“Except for a few identities and some dossier

material,” said Connal, “I don’t know an awful lot

more than I did before. Maybe I will when I see

those Pentagon names. You say you don’t know who

supplied them?”

“No. Like Topsy, they’re just there. Beale said a

number of them are probably mistakes, but others

aren’t; they have to be linked to Delavane.”

“They had to be supplied by someone too. There

had to be reasons why they were listed.”

“Beale called them ‘decision makerst in military


“Then I have to see them. I’ve dealt with those


“Yes. Not very often, but enough to know my way


“Why you?”

“Basically translating legal nuances from language

to language where Navy tech was involved. I think I

mentioned that I speak ”

“You did,” Joel broke in.

“Goddamn itl” cried Fitzpatrick, crushing his

napkin in a fist.

“What’s the matter?”

“Press knew I had dealings with those committees,

with the technology and armaments boys! He even

asked me about them. Who I saw, who I liked who

I trusted. Jesus! Why didn’t he come to me? Of all

the people he knew, I was the logical onel I’m down

the pike and his closest friend.”



“That’s why he didn’t come to you,” said Converse.

“Stupid bastard!” Connal raised his eyes. “And

I hope you hear that, Press. You might still be

around to see Connal Two win the Bay Regatta.”

“I think you really believe he might hear you.”

Fitzpatrick looked across the table at Joel. “Yes,

I do. You see, I believe, counselor. I know all the

reasons why I shouldn’t Press enumerated them to

a fare-thee-well when we were in our cups but I

believe. I answered him once with a quote from one

of his laid-back Protestant forebears.”

“What was that?” asked Joel, smiling kindly.

“‘There’s more faith in honest doubt than is held

by all the archangels in the mind of God.'”

“It’s very nice. I’ve never heard it before.”

“Maybe I didn’t get it right…. Joel, I’ve got to

see those namest”

“And I have to get my attache case, but I can’t go


“Then I’m elected,” said the Navy man. “Do you

think Leifhelm’s right? You think he can really call

off Interpol?”

“I’m of two thoughts about it. For my immediate

maneuverability I hope he can. But if he does, it’ll

scare the hell out of me.”

“I’m on your side about that,” agreed Connal,

getting out of the chair. “I’ll call the desk and get a

taxi. Give me the key to the locker.”

Converse reached into his pocket and pulled out

the small, rounded key. “Leifhelm’s seen you. He

could have you followed; he did before.”

“I’ll be ten times more careful. If I see the same

pair of headlights twice, I’ll go to a Bierkeller. I

know a few here.”

Joel looked at his watch. “It’s twenty minutes to

ten. Do you think you could swing around to the

university first?”


“He said he had someone he wanted me to

meet. Just walk by him or them and say

everything’s under control, nothing else. I owe him

that much.”

“Suppose he tries to stop me?”

“Then pull out your ID and say it’s high priority,

or ultrasecret, or whatever bullshit security phrases

that come to that very inventive mind of yours.”

“Do I sense a touch of legal envy?”

“No, just recognition. I know where you’re

coming from. I,ve been there.”


* * *

Fitzpatrick walked slowly along the wide path on

the south facade of the immense university building,

once the great palace of the all-powerful archbishops

of Cologne. The unimpeded moonlight swelled over

the area, reflecting off the myriad rows of cathedral

windows and lending a luminous dimension to the

light stone walls of the majestic structure. Beyond

the path the winding gardens of August possessed an

eerie elegance circles of sleeping flowers, their

beauty heightened by the moonlight. Connal was so

struck by the tranquil loveliness of the nocturnal

setting that he nearly forgot why he was there.

The reason was brought sharply back into focus

when he saw a slender figure slouched alone on a

bench. The man’s legs were extended and crossed at

the ankles, his head covered by a soft cloth hat, but

not sufficiently to hide the flowing gray-blond hair

that protruded slightly over his temples and the back

of his neck. So this Caleb Dowling was an actor,

thought the Navy lawyer, amused by the fact that

Dowling had feigned shock when he realized Connal

did not recognize him. But then, neither had

Converse; they were obviously a minority in a world

of television addicts. A college professor who had

fulfilled the fantasies of youth, a risk-taker, according

to Joel, who had won a battle against astronomical

odds, was a nice thing to think about; the only sad

note was the haunted life of his wife, whom he loved

dearly. Also, a marine who had fought in the bloody

mess that was Kwajalein was a man to be reckoned


Fitzpatrick walked over to the bench and sat

down several feet away from Dowling. The actor

glanced at him, then did a perfectly natural double

take, his head snapping. “You9”

“I’m sorry about last night,” said Connal. “I

gather I wasn’t very convincing.”

“You lacked a certain finish, young fella. Where

the hell is Converse?”

“Sorry again. He couldn’t make it, but not to

worry. Everything’s A-okay and under control.”

“Whose okay and whose control?” countered the

actor, annoyed. “I told Joel to come here, not a

cub-scout interlocutor.”

“I resent that. I’m a lieutenant commander in the

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