Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

your campaign account.” How many times had he said those words.

Ironically, it was the spoils of lobbying for the powerful that had led

to a dramatic change in Buchanan’s life over ten years ago. His

original plan had been to build his career first and then settle down

with a wife and raise a family. Deciding to see the world before he

took on these responsibilities, Buchanan had driven through western

Africa in a sixty- thousand-dollar Range Rover on a photography safari.

In addition to the beautiful animals, he had seen squalor and human

suffering of unmatched depth. On another trip, to a remote region of

the Sudan, he had witnessed a mass burial of children. An epidemic had

swept the village earlier, he was told. It was one of the devastating

diseases that routinely afflicted the area, killing off the young and

elderly. What was the disease? Buchanan had asked. Something like

measles, he was told.

Another trip he had watched as billions of American-produced cigarettes

were unloaded on Chinese docks, to be consumed by people who already

spent their lives wearing masks because of abysmal air pollution. He

was witness to birth-control devices that had been banned in the United

States being dumped by the hundreds of thousands in South America with

one set of instructions written only in English. He had viewed shacks

next to skyscrapers in Mexico City, starvation next to crooked

capitalists in Russia. Though he had never been able to go there,

North Korea, he knew, was a certified gangster state where it was

believed that ten percent of the population had starved to death in the

last five years. Every country had its schizophrenic story to tell.

After two years of this “pilgrimage,” Buchanan’s passion for marriage,

having a family of his own, had evaporated. All the dying children he

had seen became his children, his family. Fresh graves would still

come by the millions for the young, the old, the starving of the world,

but not without a fight that had become his. And he brought to it all

that he had, more than he had ever given to the tobacco, chemical and

gun behemoths. To this day he recalled in precise detail how this

revelation of sorts had come: returning from a trip to South America,

an airplane lavatory, him on his knees, his stomach sickened. It was

as though he had personally murdered every dying child he had seen on

that continent.

With eyes freshly opened, Buchanan started marching to these places to

see precisely how he could help. He had personally brought a shipment

of food and medicine to one country, only to discover there was no way

to transport it to the interior regions. He had watched, helpless, as

looters stripped his “care” package clean. Then he started working as

an unpaid fund-raiser for humanitarian organizations ranging from CARE

to Catholic Relief Services. He had done well, but the dollars

amounted to a drip into a bottomless bucket. The numbers were not in

their favor; the problem was only getting worse.

That’s when Buchanan turned to his mastery of Washington. He had left

the firm he had founded, taking only one person with him: Faith

Lockhart. For the last decade his clients, his wards, were the most

impoverished countries in the world. In truth, it was difficult for

Buchanan to regard them as geopolitical units; he saw them as fragile

clusters of devastated people under various flags who had no voice. He

had dedicated the remainder of his life to solving the unsolvable

problem of the global have-nots.

He had used all of his immense lobbying skills and contacts in

Washington, only to find that these new causes paled in popularity to

those he had represented before. When he had gone to Capitol Hill as

an advocate of the powerful, the politicians had greeted him with

smiles, no doubt with visions of campaign contributions and PAC dollars

dancing in their heads. Now they gave him nothing. Some members of

Congress bragged that they didn’t even have passports, that the United

States already spent far too much on foreign aid. Charity starts at

home, they had said, and let’s damn well keep it there.

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Categories: Baldacci David