Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

“Really? Why’s that?”

“They needed wheels. Took a bike. One of the big Gold Wings.”

“Gold Wing?” Reynolds repeated.

“Yeah.” Rick rifled through a stack of color brochures on the counter

and flipped one around so Reynolds could see. “This one here. The

Honda Gold Wing SE. If you’re going long distance, nothing beats this

baby. Trust me.”

“And you say Adams took one. Got a color, license plate number?”

“I can look the plate up. The color’s the same as on the brochure.

That was a demo. Scotty let him take it.”

“You said you might have an idea where they went,” Reynolds prompted.

“What do you want with Lee?”

“We want to talk with him. And the lady he’s with,” she said


“They do something wrong?”

“Won’t know until we talk to them,” Connie replied. He stepped forward

a little. “It’s an ongoing FBI investigation. You a friend of theirs

or something?”

Rick paled at the suggestion. “Hell, no, that chick is bad news. A

real attitude. While Lee was inside, I went out to the sales lot and

tried to help her. Real professional-like, and she jumped all over me.

And Lee’s no better. When he came out, he gave me some lip. I came

close to kicking his ass, in fact.”

As Connie looked at the beanpole Rick, he recalled the surveillance

tape of the physically imposing Lee Adams. “Kick his ass? Is that


Rick looked defensive. “He’s got some weight on me, but he’s an old

guy. And I’m into tae kwon do.”

Reynolds studied Rick closely. “So you’re saying that Lee Adams was

inside for a while, and the woman was out in the lot by herself?”

“That’s right.”

Reynolds and Connie traded a quick glance. “If you have information as

to where they went, the Bureau would greatly appreciate it,” Reynolds

said, growing impatient. “That and the plate number on the bike. Like

right now, if you don’t mind. We’re sort of in a hurry.”

“Sure. Lee also got a map for North Carolina. We sell ’em here, but

Scotty just gave it to him. That’s what Shirley, the girl who usually

works the desk, said.”

“Is she in today?”

“Nope. Sick. I’m it.”

“Can I get one of those Carolina maps?” Reynolds asked. Rick pulled

one out and handed it to her. “How much?”

He smiled. “Hey, it’s on the house. Just being a good citizen. You

know, I’m thinking about joining the FBI.”

“Well, we could always use a good man,” Connie said with a blank

expression, his gaze averted.

Rick looked up the plate number on the demo and gave it to Connie. “You

guys let me know what happens,” Rick said as they started to leave.

“You’ll be the first,” Connie called back over his shoulder.

The two agents settled back in the car.

Reynolds looked at her partner. “Well, Lockhart isn’t being held by

Adams against her will. He left her outside by herself. She could’ve

taken off.”

“They sure look to be a team of sorts. At least right now.”

“North Carolina,” Reynolds said almost to herself.

“Big state,” Connie said back.

Reynolds looked at him with a wry expression. “Well, let’s see if we

can cut it down some. At the airport, Lockhart bought two tickets for

a flight to Norfolk International.”

“So why the map for North Carolina?”

“They couldn’t take the plane. We’d have been waiting for them in

Norfolk. At least Adams seemed to know that. He was probably aware we

have an arrangement with the airlines, and that’s how we scored

Lockhart at the airport.”

“Lockhart screwed up by using her real name for the second ticket. But

that was probably all she could do, unless she had a third fake ID,”

Connie added.

“So no plane. Can’t use a credit card, so no rental car. Adams

figures we have the bus and railroad terminals covered. So they get

the Honda from his brother and a map for their true destination: North


“Meaning that when they got to Norfolk by plane they were either going

to drive or hop another plane to someplace in Carolina.”

Reynolds shook her head. “But that doesn’t make sense. If they were

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Categories: Baldacci David