Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

place to get meaningful work done.

Thornhill had organized this select group, who were as upset as he

about the state of affairs at the CIA. It was he who had remembered

that this bloated underground time capsule existed. And it was

Thornhill who had found the money to secretly bring the chamber back to

working condition and upgrade its facilities. There were thousands of

little taxpayer-funded toys like that sprinkled around the country,

many of them gone to complete waste. Thornhill suppressed a smile.

Well if governments didn’t waste their citizens’ hard-earned money,

then what would be left for governments to do?

Even now, as he ran his hand over the stainless steel console with its

quaint built-in ashtrays, sniffed the filtered air and felt the

protective coolness of the earth all around, Thornhill’s mind wandered

back for a moment to the Cold War period. At least there was a measure

of certainty with the hammer and sickle. In truth, Thornhill would

take the lumbering Russian bull over the agile sand snake that you

never knew was out there until it flung its venom into you. There were

many who wanted nothing more in life than to topple the United States.

It was his job to ensure that never happened.

Gazing around the table, Thornhill gauged each man’s devotion to his

country and was satisfied it matched his own. He had wanted to serve

America for as long as he could remember. His father had been with the

OSS, the World War II-era predecessor to the CIA. He had known little

of what his father did at the time, but the man had instilled in his

son the philosophy that there was no greater thing to do with one’s

life than to serve one’s country. Thornhill had joined the Agency

right out of Yale. Right up until the day he died, his father had been

proud of his son. But no prouder than the son had been of the old


Thornhill’s hair was a shining silver, which lent him a distinguished

air. His eyes were gray and active, the angle of his chin blunt. His

voice was deep, cultured; technical jargon and the poetry of Longfellow

flowed from his mouth with equal ease. The man still wore three-piece

suits and favored pipe smoking over cigarettes. The

fifty-eight-year-old Thornhill could have quietly finished out his time

at the CIA and led the pleasant life of a former public servant, well

traveled, erudite. He had no thought of going out quietly, and the

reason was very clear.

For the last ten years, the CIA’s responsibilities and budgets had been

decimated. It was a disastrous development, for the firestorms that

were popping up across the world now often involved fanatical minds

accountable to no political body and possessing the capability to

obtain weapons of mass destruction. And while just about everyone

thought high-tech was the answer for all the ills of the world, the

best satellites in the world couldn’t stroll down alleys in Baghdad,

Seoul or Belgrade and take the emotional temperature of the people

there. Computers in space could never capture what people were

thinking, what devilish urges were lurking in their hearts. Thornhill

would always choose a smart field operative willing to risk his or her

life over the best hardware money could buy.

Thornhill had just such a small group of skilled operatives within the

CIA, completely loyal to him and his private agenda. They had all

worked hard to regain for the Agency its former prominence. Now

Thornhill finally had the vehicle to do that. He would very soon have

under his thumb powerful congressmen, senators, even the vice president

himself, and enough high-ranking bureaucrats to choke an independent

counsel. Thornhill would see his budgets revive, his manpower

skyrocket, his agency’s scope of responsibility in the world return to

its rightful place.

The Strategy had worked for J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. It was no

coincidence, Thornhill believed, that the Bureau’s budget and influence

had flourished under the late director and his allegedly “secret” files

on powerful politicians. If there was one organization in the world

that Robert Thornhill hated with all his soul, it was the FBI. But he

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Categories: Baldacci David