Stephen King – Night Shift – The Mangler

beside him while he listened to Hunton tell Mrs Gillian’s story.

When Hunton had finished, Jackson said, ‘I asked you once if you thought the mangler might be

haunted. I was only half joking. I’ll ask you again now.’

‘No,’ Hunton said uneasily. ‘Don’t be stupid.’

Jackson watched the turning clothes reflectively. ‘Haunted is a bad word. Let’s say possessed. There are almost as many spells for casting demons in as there are for casting them out. Frazier’s Golden Bough

is replete with them. Druidic and Aztec lore contain others. Even older ones, back to Egypt. Almost all

of them can be reduced to startlingly common denominators. The most common, of course, is the blood

of a virgin.’ He looked at Hunton, ‘Mrs Gillian said the trouble started after this Sherry Ouelette

accidentally cut herself.’

‘Oh, come on,’ Hunton said.

‘You have to admit she sounds just the type,’ Jackson said.

‘I’ll run right over to her house,’ Hunton said with a small smile. ‘I can see it. “Miss Ouelette, I’m Officer John Hunton. I’m investigating an ironer with a bad case of demon possession and would like to

know if you’re a virgin.” Do you think I’d get a chance to say goodbye to Sandra and the kids before

they carted me off to the booby hatch?’

‘I’d be willing to bet you’ll end up saying something just like that,’ Jackson said without smiling. ‘I’m

serious, Johnny. That machine scares the hell out of me and I’ve never seen it.,

‘For the sake of conversation,’ Hunton said, ‘what are some of the other so-called common


Jackson shrugged. ‘Hard to say without study. Most Anglo-Saxon hex formulas specify graveyard dirt

or the eye of a toad. European spells often mention the hand of glory, which can be interpreted as the

actual hand of a dead man or one of the hallucinogenics used in connection with the Witches’ Sabbath –

usually belladonna or a psilocybin derivative. There could be others.’

‘And you think all those things got into the Blue Ribbon ironer? Christ, Mark, I’ll bet there isn’t any

belladonna within a five-hundred-mile radius. Or do you think someone whacked off their Uncle Fred’s

hand and dropped it in the folder?’

‘If seven hundred monkeys typed for seven hundred years -‘One of them would turn out the works of


Hunton finished sourly. ‘Go to hell. Your turn to go across to the drugstore and get some dimes for the


It was very funny how George Stanner lost his arm in the mangler.

Seven o’clock Monday morning the laundry was deserted except for Stanner and Herb Diment, the

maintenance man. They were performing the twice-yearly function of greasing the mangler’s bearings

before the laundry’s regular day began at seven-thirty. Diment was at the far end, greasing the four

secondaries and thinking of how unpleasant this machine made him feel lately, when the mangler

suddenly roared into life.

He had been holding up four of the canvas exit belts to get at the motor beneath and suddenly the belts

were running in his hands, ripping the flesh off his palms, dragging him along.

He pulled free with a convulsive jerk seconds before the belts would have carried his hands into the


‘What the Christ, George!’ he yelled. ‘Shut the frigging thing off,

George Stanner began to scream.

It was a high, wailing, blood-maddened sound that filled the laundry, echoing off the steel faces of the

washers, the grinning mouths of the steam presses, the vacant eyes of the industrial dryers. Stanner

drew in a great, whooping gasp of air and screamed again: ‘Oh God of Christ I’m caught I’M CAUGHT


The rollers began to produce rising steam. The folder gnashed and thumped. Bearings and motors

seemed to cry out with a hidden life of their own.

Diment raced to the other end of the machine.

The first roller was already going a sinister red. Diment made a moaning, gobbling noise in his throat.

The mangler howled and thumped and hissed.

A deaf observer might have thought at first that Stanner was merely bent over the machine at an odd

angle. Then even a deaf man would have seen the pallid, eye-bulging rictus of his face, mouth twisted

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