Stephen King – The Drawing of the Three

thing that never changed? That no one saw into the hat but the magician, of course. And

what had the kid said? I’m going to walk into your bathroom. I’m going in by myself.

Knowing how a magic trick worked was something he usually wouldn’t want to know;

knowing spoiled the fun.


This, however, was a trick he couldn’t wait to spoil.

“Fine,” he said to Eddie. “If it’s in there, go get it. Just like you are. Bare-ass.”

“Good,” Eddie said, and started toward the bathroom door.

“But not alone,” Balazar said. Eddie stopped at once, his body stiffening as if Balazar had shot him with an invisible harpoon, and it did Balazar’s heart good to see it. For the first

time something hadn’t gone according to the kid’s plan. “Jack’s going with you.”

“No,” Eddie said at once. “That’s not what I—”

“Eddie,” Balazar said gently, “you don’t tell me no.

That’s one thing you never do.”


It’s all right,the gunslinger said. Let him come.

But. . . but…

Eddie was close to gibbering, barely holding onto his control. It wasn’t just the sudden

curve-ball Balazar had thrown him; it was his gnawing worry over Henry, and, grow- ing

steadily ascendant over all else, his need for a fix.

Let him come. It will be all right. Listen:

Eddie listened.


Balazar watched him, a slim, naked man with only the first suggestion of the junkie’s

typical cave-chested slouch, his head cocked to one side, and as he watched Balazar felt

some of his confidence evaporate. It was as if the kid was listening to a voice only he could


The same thought passed through Andolini’s mind, but in a different way: What’s this? He

looks like the dog on those old RCA Victor records!

Col had wanted to tell him something about Eddie’s eyes. Suddenly Jack Andolini wished

he had listened.

Wish in one hand, shit in the other,he thought.

If Eddie had been listening to voices inside his head, they had either quit talking or he had

quit paying attention.

“Okay,” he said. “Come along, Jack. I’ll show you the Eighth Wonder of the World.” He flashed a smile that neither Jack Andolini or Enrico Balazar cared for in the slightest.

“Is that so?” Andolini pulled a gun from the clamshell holster attached to his belt at the small of his back. “Am I gonna be amazed?”

Eddie’s smile widened. “Oh yeah. I think this is gonna knock your socks off.”


Andolini followed Eddie into the bathroom* He was holding the gun up because his wind

was up.

“Close the door,” Eddie said.

“Fuck you,” Andolini answered.

“Close the door or no dope,” Eddie said.

“Fuck you,” Andolini said again. Now, a little scared, feeling that there was something going on that he didn’t understand, Andolini looked brighter than he had in the van.

“He won’t close the door,” Eddie yelled at Balazar. “I’m getting ready to give up on you, Mr. Balazar. You probably got six wiseguys in this place, every one of them with about

four guns, and the two of you are going batshit over a kid in a crapper. A. junkie kid.”

“Shut the fucking door, Jack!” Balazar shouted.

“That’s right,” Eddie said as Jack Andolini kicked the door shut behind him. “Is you a man or is you a m—”

“Oh boy, ain’t I had enough of this turd,” Andolini said to no one in particular. He raised the gun, butt forward, meaning to pistol-whip Eddie across the mouth.

Then he froze, gun drawn up across his body, the snarl that bared his teeth slackening into

a slack-jawed gape of surprise as he saw what Col Vincent had seen in the van.

Eddie’s eyes changed from brown to blue.

“Now grab him!”a low, commanding voice said, and although the voice came from

Eddie’s mouth, it was not Eddie’s voice.

Schizo,Jack Andolini thought. He’s gone schizo, gone fucking schi—

But the thought broke off when Eddie’s hands grabbed his shoulders, because when that

happened, Andolini saw a hole in reality suddenly appear about three feet behind Eddie.

No, not a hole. Its dimensions were too perfect for that.

It was a door.

“Hail Mary fulla grace,” Jack said in a low breathy moan. Through that doorway which

hung in space a foot or so above the floor in front of Balazar’s private shower he could see

a dark beach which sloped down to crashing waves. Things were moving on that

beach. Things.

He brought the gun down, but the blow which had been meant to break off all of Eddie’s

front teeth at the gum-line did no more than mash Eddie’s lips back and bloody them a


All the strength was running out of him. Jack could feel it happening.

“I told you it was gonna knock your socks off, Jack,” Eddie said, and then yanked him. Jack

realized what Eddie meant to do at the last moment and began to fight like a wildcat, but it was too late—they were tumbling backward through that doorway, and the droning hum of

New York City at night, so familiar and constant you never even heard it unless it wasn’t

there anymore, was replaced by the grinding sound of the waves and the grating,

questioning voices of dimly seen horrors crawling to and fro on the beach.


We’ll have to move very fast, or we’ll find ourselves basted in a hot oast,Roland had said,

and Eddie was pretty sure the guy meant that if they didn’t shuck and jive at damn near the

speed of light, their gooses were going to be cooked. He believed it, too. When it came to

hard guys, Jack Andolini was like Dwight Gooden: you could rock him, yes, you could

shock him, maybe, but if you let him get away in the early innings he was going to stomp

you flat later on.

Left hand!Roland screamed at himself as they went through and he separated from

Eddie. Remember! Left hand! Left hand!

He saw Eddie and Jack stumble backward, fall, and then go rolling down the rocky scree

that edged the beach, strug- gling for the gun in Andolini’s hand.

Roland had just time to think what a cosmic joke it would be if he arrived back in his own

world only to discover that his physical body had died while he had been away. . . and then

it was too late. Too late to wonder, too late to go back.


Andolini didn’t know what had happened. Part of him was sure he had gone crazy, part

was sure Eddie had doped him or gassed him or something like that, part believed that the

vengeful God of his childhood had finally tired of his evils and had plucked him away from

the world he knew and set him down in this weird purgatory.

Then he saw the door, standing open, spilling a fan of white light—the light from Balazar’s

John—onto the rocky ground—and understood it was possible to get back. Andolini was a

practical man above all else. He would worry about what all this meant later on. Right now

he intended to kill this creep’s ass and get back through that door.

The strength that had gone out of him in his shocked surprise now flooded back. He

realized Eddie was trying to pull his small but very efficient Colt Cobra out of his hand and had nearly succeeded. Jack pulled it back with a curse, tried to aim, and Eddie promptly

grabbed his arm again.

Andolini hoisted a knee into the big muscle of Eddie’s right thigh (the expensive gabardine

of Andolini’s slacks was now crusted with dirty gray beach sand) and Eddie screamed as

the muscle seized up.

“Roland!”he cried. “Help me! For Christ’s sake, help me!”

Andolini snapped his head around and what he saw threw him off-balance again. There

was a guy standing there . . . only he looked more like a ghost than a guy. Not exactly

Casper the Friendly Ghost, either. The swaying figure’s white, haggard face was rough

with beard-stubble. His shirt was in tatters which blew back behind him in twisted ribbons,

show- ing the starved stack of his ribs. A filthy rag was wrapped around his right hand. He

looked sick, sick and dying, but even so he also looked tough enough to make Andolini feel

like a soft-boiled egg.

And the joker was wearing a pair of guns.

They looked older than the hills, old enough to have come from a Wild West museum . . .

but they were guns just the same, they might even really work, and Andolini suddenly

realized he was going to have to take care of the white-faced man right away . . . unless he

really was a spook, and if that was the case, it wouldn’t matter fuck-all, so there was really no sense worrying about it.

Andolini let go of Eddie and snap-rolled to the right, barely feeling the edge of rock that

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