The Cajun Cowboy by Sandra Hill

“I’m no fool.” He wasn’t grinning anymore. He was dead serious.

Can anyone be more embarrassed than me? I’ve been roped, tied, and hornswoggled, without even knowing it.

“I guess I’m the fool then. You were just playing a game with me.”

“The only game I have in mind hasn’t begun to play out, darlin’.” He put a hand to the front of her blouse and tugged on the laces. The bow came undone. “I’ve wanted to do that all day,” he murmured.

She tilted her head in question.

“Hey, if you hadn’t acted so quickly, you would have found out that I had a plan to kidnap you tonight. Take you to an old lineman’s shed and…” He let his words trail off with a sheepish shrug.

Don’t tell me. I made a fool of myself for nothing. “And?”

“Seduce you into agreeing to having sex with me.”

“That was your plan?” Sounds like a plan to me.

“Well, toss a few candles and wine in, and that’s about it.”

She flashed him a look of disgust. But what she really thought was, How sweet!

“Give me a break, honey. I didn’t have much time. It was a spur-of-the-moment idea. Not making love with you—that wasn’t spur of the moment. I’ve been thinking about that for a long time. How about you? You put a lot more planning into this?” he asked, indicating the Austin Powers type bachelor pad with a wave of his hand.

Oh, yeah! Downtown Charmaine chose even lower-down digs for her seduction. Not! “No, I didn’t do much planning. Obviously. My only goal was to get away from the ranch and all those people and…” Like Rusty, she let her words trail off.

“And?” he inquired huskily. While she’d been watching his face, he’d been busy. Somehow the laces had come undone from her blouse, which was gaping apart now, half exposing her breasts. Her only saving grace was the hungry look on his face as he stared at her there. But then he raised his head and asked her again, “And?”

With a loud exhale of surrender, she admitted, “… and seduce you into having sex with me.”

He thought a moment, then beamed at her.

“It’s not funny.”

“Who’s laughing? I’m just happy.”

“Well, I’m not happy. What a place to have reunion sex!”

“Reunion sex? We’re going to have reunion sex? Holy freakin’ hell!” He was smiling softly at her and beginning to ease her blouse down to her waist. The smile left his face as he stared, avidly, at her bare upper half. “You are so beautiful.”

Rusty had always liked her breasts. They were among her best assets, she had to admit. But he was too far ahead of her in this love play. “Tsk-tsk-tsk!” she said. “Really, Rusty, what a place to lose my second virginity! We should go to that lineman’s shed.”

“Uh-uh! I’ve got you half-naked, which is more than I’ve accomplished in ten years, except for that night of almost-sex, which hardly counts. I am not leaving this room till you’re bowlegged… till we’re both bow-legged. No way am I risking your changing your mind.” He reached out for her, but she ducked under his arms.

“I need to think,” she said, backing up a step.

“Don’t you dare start thinking.” He followed after her. “You and I need to stop thinking and stop talking and start acting with—”

“Our body parts?” She wasn’t really mad at him for thinking that. After all, this was to be their last hurrah.

He’d already signed the divorce papers. She’d decided that if they were going to be separated for good this time, she deserved one last fling with him. Forget forever. She was going to make this the best one-night fling in history.

“With our hearts, baby. With our hearts.”

Oh, my God! I can’t believe he said that. He is good! “Good answer! Real smooth.”

“I’ve been practicing smooth.” His words were teasing, but the expression on his face was serious.

Really good! She let him take her in his arms. She even let him push her down onto the bed and fall on top of her.

The earth moved for both of them then.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra