The Cajun Cowboy by Sandra Hill

Charmaine’s eyes misted with tears, and her heart clenched with compassion for Rusty. This was how he must look when practicing veterinary medicine. Although he dealt more with large animals, like horses and cows, the principle was the same. He spoke gently, caressed the animal with nonthreatening, expert fingers, examining it for problems, and answered the questions of its mistress. He patted the dog when it allowed him to look inside its mouth, even let the dog give him a sloppy kiss on the mouth.

Rusty stood then. Just before he noticed her, she saw the hopeless stoop of his shoulders and the sadness in his eyes… things his pride would never allow him to show under normal circumstances. He desperately missed his work treating sick animals.

When he saw her, he immediately masked over his emotions and asked, “Are we done shopping? I’ve only had three babes try to pick me up. I’m losing my touch.”

“Oh, yeah! Well, I can top that. The butcher asked me if I’d like to see his meat,” she said, trying to match his light tone.

He laughed and shook his head at her coarse jest. “And did you check it out?”

“Nah! I told him I’ve got all the meat I can handle.”


Rusty might think he had fooled her, but Charmaine was smarter than the average bimbo. And, despite all her failings, she had a heart of gold, in her own humble opinion. As they made their way to the checkout together, Charmaine made a vow to herself. She was going to help Rusty get his medical license back. He hadn’t asked for her assistance, and she hadn’t a clue what she could do. But, by God, she was going to do it.

Maybe you should ask me for a little help, a voice in her head said. Charmaine was pretty sure it was St. Jude.

Chapter 5

One ringy-dingy, two ringy-dingy…

The phone rang following breakfast the next morning.

Clarence, Linc, and Jimmy had already left for the barn, and Raoul was about to join them.

Since he had already advised Charmaine not to answer the phone, just in case Bobby Doucet got wind of her whereabouts, he went over to the wall phone and picked up the receiver. “Hello.”

“Rusty, is that you?”


“Lucien LeDeux here.”

“Hey, Luc. Did you want to speak to Charmaine?”

“Yes, but first there are a few things I want to tell you. Is Charmaine nearby?”

“Uh-huh.” What could he possibly want to tell me that he doesn’t want Charmaine to overhear?

She looked at him suspiciously, mouthing, “Luc?”

He ignored her and listened.

“Okay, here’s the deal. I sold her car and gave Doucet the twenty thou, and I made him sign a receipt for payment. He was not a happy camper. He wanted all or nothing, with the interest clock ticking away.”

“I figured as much.” Lordy, Lordy! Do I really need all this stress in my life?

“Threatening to go to the police turned him downright mean. I don’t think he’s Mafia, like Charmaine does, but he’s in some kind of lowlife mob that the police would be interested in.”

Not The Godfather, just one of the Houma hood, huh? “I’ve never met him before, I don’t think.”

“You’d remember if you had. He looks like a Cajun Danny DeVito. A short, little bastard, but ornery as a piss ant.”

Raoul laughed. “So, what’s the bottom line?”

“She has got to stay out of sight for a couple of weeks. Maybe I should find another hideout for her, though. I don’t want to get you in trouble. You know, with your parole board.”

“Not to worry.” I’m on the side of the good guys here. No harm in that. At least, I think Charmaine is a good guy. Hah! No question about that. Charmaine is very good.

“I’m going to continue to act as go-between with Doucet, try to set up a reasonable payment plan, but I can’t do it if Charmaine comes back to Houma too soon. Do you get my drift?”

“Gotcha.” Charmaine doesn’t know how to be invisible in a town like Houma. Hell, she’s like a blinkin’ neon sign here on a remote ranch.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra