The Cajun Cowboy by Sandra Hill

“I am, but I’ve gotta stick with what I said before. I have too much on my plate right now. Getting the ranch back in order. Clearing my name. Investigating my father’s death. Straightening out my marriage situation.”

Why didn’t I just say divorce? Marriage situation? Talk about skirting the issue! He saw a spark of what almost seemed like anger in her eyes at the mention of his “marriage situation,” and for the first time wondered if Charmaine hadn’t been right in implying that more than friendship existed between him and Amelie… or at least on Amelie’s part. That suspicion was strengthened when he noticed that her hand still rested on his thigh, up higher.

“Why not just sell the ranch? Cut your losses and be done with it.”

He shrugged. “I can’t. Not yet. And definitely not to the oil vultures. The Triple L has been in my family for 150 years. I would feel like a traitor selling out.”

“Your father never treated you very well. You didn’t spend all that much time on the ranch. Does the property hold that much sentimental value for you?”

“Yes,” he answered without hesitation.

“I wonder… does it have anything to do with Charmaine?”

He frowned. “Hell, no. Her ties are all in Houma and Lafayette, where she owns businesses, and she grew up mostly in Baton Rouge.”

“I just thought… well, maybe subconsciously you’re looking at the ranch as a way of getting back together with her.”

Why do women have to analyze everything to death? At first, he was sort of insulted, but he gave her comment consideration anyway. Then said, “No, this isn’t about Charmaine. Why would I be looking to hook up with her now when I haven’t sought her out in ten years?”

Good question, Lanier. How about it’s the first time in ten years she hasn’t been married to someone else? How about you’ve had time the past two years in prison to think about her and what you might have done differently? How about there is still a spark when she enters a room? Spark, hell! More like fireworks. How about I’m as horny as a rutting bull when Charmaine is within a ten-mile radius?

There was a moment of companionable silence as they both watched the other party attendees, about two hundred of Cletus Ancelet’s closest friends. A half-consumed side of beef still sizzled on the grate of a stone barbecue pit, where people occasionally came back for another helping. A pigload of side dishes crowded several long tables, along with an assortment of mixed drinks and plenty of beer on ice.

“She certainly is… um, interesting.”

“Huh? Who?” He scanned the partygoers to see which “she” she referred to.


Why is she so fixated on Charmaine?

Probably because I’m so fixated on Charmaine.

“Interesting would be an understatement,” he replied.

“I never would have expected you to be with a woman who was such a… well, bimbo.”

“Amelie! That is a catty remark, especially coming from you.” Be careful, Amelie, I am starting to see a different side of you, and it’s not attractive.

“I’m just being honest, Rusty. My God, did you see that outfit she had on?”

Oh, yeah, I saw it.

“There is no subtlety about her. She’s a walking billboard for promiscuity.”

Yep, a whole new side. Mean comes immediately to mind. “Hold it now, Amelie. You know better than to judge a book by its cover.”

“Are you saying she’s not the slut she appears to be?”

That remark went beyond mean into the realm of vicious. Raoul gritted his teeth and counted to ten. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” And Raoul surprised himself by how sure he was of that fact. “She likes to be outrageous in her clothing and her actions, but it’s all for show.”

“Why? That’s what I don’t understand. Why would anyone deliberately want to look like a floozy?”

I am really uncomfortable talking about Charmaine with anyone else. Isn’t that odd? “I’m no psychologist. I don’t have all the answers when it comes to Charmaine.” But maybe—just maybe—if I found out what makes her tick, I might get a clue into a few mysteries. Like why she really left me. Isn’t it interesting that I was married to her, crazy in love with her, but didn’t really know her?

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Categories: Hill, Sandra