The Door to December by Dean Koontz

After another silence, Mondale said, ‘Is Mrs. McCaffrey going to give a statement accusing Wexlersh and Manuello of attempted murder?’

‘Beginning to worry, Ross?’

‘They’re my officers,’ Mondale said. ‘My responsibility. If they’ve actually done what you say, then I want to be absolutely sure they’re eventually indicted and convicted, and I don’t want any damned rotten apples in my barrel. I don’t believe in covering up for my men out of some misguided sense of police brotherhood.’

‘What’s the matter, Ross? Do you think I’m recording this call? You think someone’s listening in? Well, there’s no one listening, no tape, so you can drop the act.’

‘I don’t understand your attitude, Dan.’

‘Nobody does.’

‘I don’t know why you suspect me of being involved.’ He was a lousy actor; his insincerity was as obvious as a lisp or a stutter. ‘And you haven’t answered my question. Is Mrs. McCaffrey going to give a statement accusing Wexlersh and Manuello of attempted murder, or isn’t she?’

Dan said, ‘Not tonight. I’ve taken Laura and Melanie away from there, and I’m keeping them with me, well hidden, for the duration. I know you’re disappointed to hear that. They’d have sure made easy targets for a sniper if they’d hung around, wouldn’t they? But I’m not telling anyone where they are. I’m not letting them meet with any cops from any division, either to give a statement or to identify Wexlersh and Manuello in a lineup. I don’t trust anyone anymore.’

‘You’re not talking like a responsible cop, Dan.’

‘I’m such an imp.’

‘For God’s sake, you can’t take personal responsibility for the McCaffreys.’

‘Just watch me.’

‘If they need protection, you’ve got to arrange it through the department, which is what I thought I was doing when I sent Wexlersh and Manuello over there. You can’t handle this by yourself. Good heavens, these people aren’t your own family, you know. You can’t just take charge of them as if it’s your legal right or something.’

‘If they want me to, I can. They aren’t my family — you’re right — but just the same … I’ve got something at stake here.’

‘What’re you talking about?’

‘You said it yourself, at the Sign of the Pentagram tonight. This isn’t an ordinary case for me. That’s why I’m holding on so tight. I’m attracted to Laura. And I pity the girl. What I feel for them is stronger than anything I’ve ever felt for other victims, so you keep that in mind, Ross.’

‘Right there’s reason enough to disassociate yourself from this case. You’re no longer an objective officer of the law.’

‘Fuck you.’

‘This explains why you’re so hostile, hysterical, filled with all these paranoid conspiracy theories.’

‘It’s not paranoia. It’s real, and you know it.’

‘I understand now. You’re distraught.’

‘I’m just warning you, Ross — back off. That’s why I even bothered calling you. Those two words: back off.’ Mondale said nothing, so Dan said, ‘This woman and this child are important to me.’

Mondale breathed softly into the phone but made no promises.

Dan said, ‘I swear to God I’ll destroy anyone who tries to hurt them. Anyone.’


Dan said, ‘You may be able to keep Wexlersh and Manuello quiet. You might even find a way to have the charges dropped and the whole thing covered up. But if you keep coming after the McCaffreys, I’ll find a way to break your ass. I swear it, Ross.’

At last Mondale spoke, but not to the point, as if he had heard none of Dan’s warning. ‘Well, if you won’t let Mrs. McCaffrey make a statement, then Wexlersh and Manuello can’t be arrested.’

‘Oh, yes. Earl Benton can make the statement. He was pistol-whipped. By Wexlersh. Earl’s at a hospital, getting patched up.’

‘Which hospital?’

‘Get serious, Ross.’

Finally, out of frustration, Mondale showed a little of what he was really feeling. The dam didn’t break, but a hairline crack appeared in it: ‘You bastard. I’m sick of you, sick of you and your threats, sick to death of having you hanging over me like a goddamned sword.’

‘That’s good. Get it out, Ross. Get it off your chest.’

Mondale was silent again.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean