The Door to December by Dean Koontz


—and swung both fists at the same time, pounding her withered biceps and her shoulders, pummeling herself fiercely, with unexpected strength and fury, trying to hurt herself.

‘Stop it! Melanie!’ Laura was shocked and frightened by her daughter’s sudden self-destructive frenzy.

Melanie punched herself in the face.

‘I got her!’ Earl shouted.

The girl bit him as he tried to restrain her. She freed one hand and clawed her own chest with sufficient ferocity to draw blood.

‘Jesus!’ Earl said as the girl kicked him with her bare feet and twisted loose again.

* * *

Frowning at Marge, Dan said, ‘Programmed them to be promiscuous and masochistic? Is that sort of thing possible?’

She nodded. ‘If the psychologist has a deep and broad knowledge of modern brainwashing techniques, and if he’s unscrupulous, and if he has either a willing subject or one he can physically detain and control for lengthy periods — then it’s possible. But it usually takes a long time, a lot of patience and perseverance. The astonishing and frightening thing in this case is that Hoffritz seems to have been able to program these girls in a matter of weeks, after working with them only an hour or two a day, just three or four times a week. Apparently, he developed some new and damned effective methods of psychological conditioning. But with the first four, it wasn’t long-lasting, never longer than a few weeks or months. Eventually, each girl’s original personality resurfaced. First she felt guilty about her sexual acrobatics with Hoffritz but continued to take perverse pleasure in the humiliation and pain of her masochistic role. Then she gradually grew to fear and despise the whole sadomasochistic aspect of the relationship. Each of these kids said it was like waking from a dream when they finally began to want to be free to Hoffritz. All four girls eventually found the will to break it off.’

‘Good God,’ Dan said.

‘I believe there is a good one, but sometimes I wonder why He lets men like Hoffritz walk the earth.’

‘Why didn’t these girls report him to the police … or at least to university officials?’

‘They were deeply ashamed. And until we found and questioned them, they never suspected that their masochistic aberrations were Hoffritz’s work. They all thought those twisted desires had been in them all along.’

‘But that’s amazing. They knew they were involved in behavior-modification experiments. So when they started behaving in ways they’d never behaved before—’

She held up one hand, stopping him. ‘Willy Hoffritz probably implanted posthypnotic directives that inhibited each girl from considering the possibility that he was responsible for her new behavior.’

It scared Dan to think the brain was just so much Silly Putty that could be so easily manipulated.

* * *

Melanie scuttled past Earl and sprang to her feet and took two awkward steps into the middle of the bedroom, where she stopped and swayed and almost fell. She began once more to scourge herself, hammering herself as if she felt that she deserved to be punished or as if she were trying to drive some dark spirit from her traitorous flesh.

Stepping close, grunting as the small fists glanced off her, Laura threw her arms around her daughter, hugged her, trying to pin the child’s arms at her sides.

When her hands were restrained, Melanie still didn’t settle down. She kicked and screamed.

Earl Benton stepped in behind her, sandwiching her between him and Laura, so she couldn’t move at all. She could only shout and weep and strain to break free. The three of them remained like that for a minute or two, while Laura spoke continuously and reassuringly to the girl, and finally Melanie stopped struggling. She sagged between them.

‘She done?’ Earl asked.

‘I think so,’ Laura said.

‘Poor kid.’

Melanie looked exhausted.

Earl stepped back.

Docile now, Melanie allowed Laura to lead her to the bed. She sat on the edge of it.

She was still weeping.

Laura said, ‘Baby? Are you all right?’

Eyes glazed, the girl said, ‘It came open. It came open again, all the way open.’ She shuddered in revulsion.

* * *

‘The fifth girl,’ Dan said. ‘The one he beat up and put in hospital. What was her name?’

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Categories: Koontz, Dean