The Door to December by Dean Koontz

Dan said, ‘Anyway, if Earl’s released from the hospital, he’s going back to that apartment to talk with the uniforms who answered my call, give them a statement, see to it that Wexlersh and Manuello are booked on charges of assault and battery plus assault with intent to kill.’

Mondale had control of himself now. He wouldn’t lose it again.

Dan said, ‘And if the doctors want to hold him overnight for observation, then police from this division will be coming here for his statement. Either way, Wexlersh and Manuello aren’t going to skip out on this one … unless you work your buns off to slip them free of the hook. Which I figure you’ll have to do in order to keep them quiet.’

No response. Just heavy breathing.

‘When and if you finally smooth it over, Ross, you might be able to convince Chief Kelsey that you and Wexlersh and Manuello weren’t involved in a plot to snatch the girl and kill her mother, but the press will still figure something was going on, and they’ll never quite trust you again. Reporters will always be sniffing around you for the rest of your career, waiting for you to put a foot wrong.’


‘You hear what I’m saying, Ross?’


‘At best, you’ll hold on to your captain’s bars, but you won’t be on the mayor’s short list for chief. Not anymore. Now, see, this is a warning, Ross. This is why I called you. Listen close. Listen good. If you keep coming after the McCaffreys, you’ll be completely ruined. I’ll see to it. I’ll personally guarantee it. You’re half ruined now, but if you keep coming after them, you won’t even remain a captain. I’ll bring you down all the way. No matter who put you up to this, no matter how powerful and influential he is, he won’t be able to save your ass if you try to touch the McCaffreys again. He won’t be able to save you from me. You get the picture?’

Silence. But it was a silence with an emotional quality now, and the emotion it radiated was hatred.

Dan said, ‘I still have to worry about the FBI, and I have to worry about whoever was financing Dylan McCaffrey and Willy Hoffritz, because somebody out there wants that little girl real bad, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to keep worrying about you, Ross. Tonight, you’re going to relinquish your place on the special task force and hand the whole case over to someone else until you’ve cleared up this cloud of suspicion hanging over Wexlersh and Manuello. Understand? I’m not suggesting this, Ross. I’m telling you.’

‘You shithead.’

‘Sticks and stones. Listen good — if you don’t say what I want to hear, Ross, I’m going to hang up, and when I hang up, it’s too late for you to change your mind.’


‘Well … good-bye, Ross.’


‘Sorry, got to go.’

All right, all right. I agree.


‘What you said.’

‘Make it plainer.’

‘I’ll take myself off the case.’

‘Very wise.’

‘I’ll even take a week of sick leave.’

‘Ahhh, not feeling well?’

Mondale said, ‘I’ll get out of this, walk away from it, but I want something from you.’


‘I don’t want Benton or you or the McCaffreys giving any statements about Wexlersh and Manuello.’

‘Fat chance.’

‘I mean it.’

‘Nonsense. The only way we have a hold on you is if we get those two creeps booked for attempted murder.’

‘Okay. Let Benton give his statement. But in a couple days, when you feel the McCaffreys are safe, then Benton retracts his accusations.’

‘He’d look like a fool.’

‘No, no. He can say someone else beat him up and that he took a bad knock on the head, he was confused and he mistakenly accused Wexlersh and Manuello. In a couple days, he can say his head cleared and then he remembered what really happened. He can say it was some other bum who beat on him and that Wexlersh and Manuello actually saved his ass.’

‘You’re in no position to demand anything from me, Ross.’

‘Goddammit, if you don’t give me an out, a glimpse of light, then I don’t have any reason for playing along with you.’

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Categories: Koontz, Dean