The Gilded Age by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner

Do we not all like the maudlin hero, who is sneaking round the right

entrance, in wait to steal the pretty wife of his rich and tyrannical

neighbor from the paste-board cottage at the left entrance? and when he

advances down to the foot-lights and defiantly informs the audience that,

“he who lays his hand on a woman except in the way of kindness,” do we

not all applaud so as to drown the rest of the sentence?

Philip never was fortunate enough to hear what would become of a man who

should lay his hand on a woman with the exception named; but he learned

afterwards that the woman who lays her hand on a man, without any

exception whatsoever, is always acquitted by the jury.

The fact was, though Philip Sterling did not know it, that he wanted

several other things quite as much as he wanted wealth. The modest

fellow would have liked fame thrust upon him for some worthy achievement;

it might be for a book, or for the skillful management of some great

newspaper, or for some daring expedition like that of Lt. Strain or Dr.

Kane. He was unable to decide exactly what it should be. Sometimes he

thought he would like to stand in a conspicuous pulpit and humbly preach

the gospel of repentance; and it even crossed his mind that it would be

noble to give himself to a missionary life to some benighted region,

where the date-palm grows, and the nightingale’s voice is in tune, and

the bul-bul sings on the off nights. If he were good enough he would

attach himself to that company of young men in the Theological Seminary,

who were seeing New York life in preparation for the ministry.

Philip was a New England boy and had graduated at Yale; he had not

carried off with him all the learning of that venerable institution, but

he knew some things that were not in the regular course of study. A very

good use of the English language and considerable knowledge of its

literature was one of them; he could sing a song very well, not in time

to be sure, but with enthusiasm; he could make a magnetic speech at a

moment’s notice in the class room, the debating society, or upon any

fence or dry-goods box that was convenient; he could lift himself by one

arm, and do the giant swing in the gymnasium; he could strike out from

his left shoulder; he could handle an oar like a professional and pull

stroke in a winning race. Philip had a good appetite, a sunny temper,

and a clear hearty laugh. He had brown hair, hazel eyes set wide apart,

a broad but not high forehead, and a fresh winning face. He was six feet

high, with broad shoulders, long legs and a swinging gait; one of those

loose-jointed, capable fellows, who saunter into the world with a free

air and usually make a stir in whatever company they enter.

After he left college Philip took the advice of friends and read law.

Law seemed to him well enough as a science, but he never could discover a

practical case where it appeared to him worth while to go to law, and all

the clients who stopped with this new clerk in the ante-room of the law

office where he was writing, Philip invariably advised to settle–no

matter how, but settle–greatly to the disgust of his employer, who knew

that justice between man and man could only be attained by the recognized

processes, with the attendant fees. Besides Philip hated the copying of

pleadings, and he was certain that a life of “whereases” and “aforesaids”

and whipping the devil round the stump, would be intolerable.

[Note: these few paragraphs are nearly an autobiography of the life of

Charles Dudley Warner whose contributions to the story start here with

Chapter XII. D.W.]

His pen therefore, and whereas, and not as aforesaid, strayed off into

other scribbling. In an unfortunate hour, he had two or three papers

accepted by first-class magazines, at three dollars the printed page,

and, behold, his vocation was open to him. He would make his mark in

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Categories: Twain, Mark