The Gilded Age by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner

“If you’ve done wrong, Si Hawkins, it’s a wrong that will shine brighter

at the judgment day than the rights that many’ a man has done before you.

And there isn’t any compliment you can pay me equal to doing a thing like

this and finishing it up, just taking it for granted that I’ll be willing

to it. Willing? Come to me; you poor motherless boy, and let me take

your grief and help you carry it.”

When the child awoke in the morning, it was as if from a troubled dream.

But slowly the confusion in his mind took form, and he remembered his

great loss; the beloved form in the coffin; his talk with a generous

stranger who offered him a home; the funeral, where the stranger’s wife

held him by the hand at the grave, and cried with him and comforted him;

and he remembered how this, new mother tucked him in his bed in the

neighboring farm house, and coaxed him to talk about his troubles, and

then heard him say his prayers and kissed him good night, and left him

with the soreness in his heart almost healed and his bruised spirit at


And now the new mother came again, and helped him to dress, and combed

his hair, and drew his mind away by degrees from the dismal yesterday,

by telling him about the wonderful journey he was going to take and the

strange things he was going to see. And after breakfast they two went

alone to the grave, and his heart went out to his new friend and his

untaught eloquence poured the praises of his buried idol into her ears

without let or hindrance. Together they planted roses by the headboard

and strewed wild flowers upon the grave; and then together they went

away, hand in hand, and left the dead to the long sleep that heals all

heart-aches and ends all sorrows.


Whatever the lagging dragging journey may have been to the rest of the

emigrants, it was a wonder and delight to the children, a world of

enchantment; and they believed it to be peopled with the mysterious

dwarfs and giants and goblins that figured in the tales the negro slaves

were in the habit of telling them nightly by the shuddering light of the

kitchen fire.

At the end of nearly a week of travel, the party went into camp near a

shabby village which was caving, house by house, into the hungry

Mississippi. The river astonished the children beyond measure. Its

mile-breadth of water seemed an ocean to them, in the shadowy twilight,

and the vague riband of trees on the further shore, the verge of a

continent which surely none but they had ever seen before.

“Uncle Dan’l”(colored,) aged 40; his wife, “aunt Jinny,” aged 30, “Young

Miss” Emily Hawkins, “Young Mars” Washington Hawkins and “Young Mars”

Clay, the new member of the family, ranged themselves on a log, after

supper, and contemplated the marvelous river and discussed it. The moon

rose and sailed aloft through a maze of shredded cloud-wreaths; the

sombre river just perceptibly brightened under the veiled light; a deep

silence pervaded the air and was emphasized, at intervals, rather than

broken, by the hooting of an owl, the baying of a dog, or the muffled

crash of a raving bank in the distance.

The little company assembled on the log were all children (at least in

simplicity and broad and comprehensive ignorance,) and the remarks they

made about the river were in keeping with the character; and so awed were

they by the grandeur and the solemnity of the scene before then, and by

their belief that the air was filled with invisible spirits and that the

faint zephyrs were caused by their passing wings, that all their talk

took to itself a tinge of the supernatural, and their voices were subdued

to a low and reverent tone. Suddenly Uncle Dan’l exclaimed:

“Chil’en, dah’s sum fin a comin!”

All crowded close together and every heart beat faster.

Uncle Dan’l pointed down the river with his bony finger.

A deep coughing sound troubled the stillness, way toward a wooded cape

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Categories: Twain, Mark