The golden rendezvous by MacLean, Alistair

designed to look like cocktail cabinets, and both had received the same

treatment as the sets in the wireless office: the exteriors intact, the

interiors smashed beyond repair. Somebody had been very busy during the

night: the wireless office must have been the last item on his list.

I looked at bullen.

“With your permission, sir, macdonald and I will go and have a look

at the lifeboats. We might as well waste our time that way as in any


he knew what I meant all right and nodded. Captain bullen was

beginning to look slightly hunted. He was the ablest, the most

competent master in the blue mall; but nothing in his long training and

experience had ever been designed to cope with a situation like this.

And so macdonald and I duly wasted our time. There were three lifeboats

equipped with hand-cranked transmitters for emergency use if the campari

sank or otherwise had to be abandoned. Or they had been equipped with

them. But not any more. The transmitters were gone. No need to waste

time or make a racket smashing up sets when all you have to do is to

drop them over the side. Our murderous friend hadn’t missed a single


when we got back to the captain’s cabin, where we had been told to

report, there was something in the atmosphere that I didn’t like at all.

They say you can smell fear. I don’t know about that, but you can sense

it and you could certainly sense it in that cabin at nine o’clock that

morning. The fear, the atmosphere of trapped helplessness, the sense of

being completely at the mercy of unknown and infinitely powerful and

ruthless forces made for an atmosphere of nervously brittle tension that

I could almost reach out and touch.

mcLlroy and cummings were there with the captain and so, too, was

our second mate, tommy wilson. He had had to be told; the stage had

been reached now where every officer would have to be told, so bullen

said, in the interests of their own safety and self-defence. I wasn’t

so sure. Bullen looked up as we came through the door; his face was

grim and still, a thinly opaque mask for the consuming worry that lay



I shook my head, took a seat; macdonald remained standing, but

bullen gestured him irritably to a chair. He said, to no one in

particular, “i suppose that accounts for all the transmitters on the


“As far as we know, yes.” I went on: “don’t you think

we should have white up here, sir?”

“I was about to do that.” he reached for the phone, spoke for a

moment, hung up, then said roughly, “well, mister, you were the man with

all the bright ideas last night. Got any this morning?” just to repeat

the words makes them sound harsh and unpleasant, but they were curiously

empty of any offence; bullen didn’t know which way to turn and he was

grasping at straws.

“None. All we know is that dexter was killed at eight twenty-six

this morning, give or take a minute. No question about that. And at

that moment most of our passengers were at breakfast; no question about

that either. The only passengers not at breakfast were miss harcourt,

mr. cerdan and his two nurses, mr. and mrs. Piper from miami, and that

couple from venezuela-old hournos and his wife-and their daughter. Our

only suspects, and none of them makes any sense.”

“And all of those were at dinner last night when brownell and

benson were killed,” mcLlroy said thoughtfully, “except the old man and

his nurses. Which leaves them as the only suspects, which is not only

ridiculous but far too obvious. I think we’ve already had plenty of

proof that whatever the people behind all this are guilty of, being

obvious is not one of them. Unless, of course,” he added slowly, “some

of the passengers are working in collusion with each other.”

“Or with the crew,” tommy wilson murmured. “What?” old bullen

gave him the full benefit of his commodore’s stare. “What did you say?”

“I said the crew,” wilson repeated clearly. If old bullen was

trying to frighten tommy wilson he was wasting his time. “And by the

crew I also include the officers. I agree, sir, that I heard-or knew if

those murders for the first time only a few minutes ago, and I admit

that I haven’t had time to sort out my thoughts. On the other hand, I

haven’t had the chance to become so involved as all the rest of you are.

With all respects, i’m not so deeply lost in the wood that I can’t see

the trees. You all seem to be convinced that it must be one or more of

our passengers responsible your chief officer here seems to have set

this bee firmly in all your bonnets but if a passenger were in cahoots

with one of the crew, then it’s quite possible that that member of the

crew was detailed to hang round in the vicinity of the wireless office

and start laying about him when necessary.”

“You said the chief officer was responsible for planting this idea

in our minds,” bullen said slowly. “What do you mean by that?”

“No more than I said, sir. I only ” then the implications of the

captain’s question struck him. “Good god, sir! mr. carter? do you

think i’m crazy?”

“No one thinks you’re crazy,” mcLlroy put in soothingly. Our chief

engineer had always regarded wilson as a bit of a mental bantamweight,

but you could see him slowly revising his opinion. “The crew, tommy.

What makes you suspect the crew?”

“Elimination, motive, and opportunity,” wilson said promptly. “We

seem to have more or less eliminated the passengers. All with alibis.

What are the usual motives?” he asked of no one in particular.

“Revenge, jealousy, gain,” said mcLlroy. “Those three.”

“There you are, then. Take revenge and jealousy. Is it

conceivable that any of our passengers should have their knives so

deeply stuck in brownell, benson, and dexter as to want to kill them

all? ridiculous. Gain? what could that bunch of bloated plutocrats

want with any more lucre?” he looked round slowly. “And what officer

or man aboard the campari couldn’t do with a little more lucre? I

could, for one.”

“Opportunity, tommy,” mcLlroy prompted him gently. “Opportunity,

you said.”

“I don’t have to go into that,” wilson said. “Engineer and deck

crews could be eliminated at once. The engineering side, except for

officers at mealtimes, never go anywhere near the passenger and boat

decks. The bo’sun’s men here are only allowed there in the morning

watch, for washing down decks. But”-he looked round him again, even

more slowly every deck officer, radio officer, radar operator, cook,

galley slave, and steward aboard the campari has a perfect right to be

within a few yards of the wireless office at any time; no one could

question his presence there. Not only that

a knock came at the door and assistant chief steward white came in,

hat in hand. He was looking acutely unhappy and looked even more so

when he saw the extent and composition of the welcoming committee.

“Come in and sit down,” bullen said. He waited till white had done

this, then went on: “where were you between eight and half-past eight

this morning, white?”

“This morning. Eight and half-past.” white was immediately all

stiff outrage. “I was on duty, sir, of course. I

“Relax,” bullen said wearily. “No one is accusing you of

anything.” then he said, more kindly: “we’ve all had some very bad

news, white. Nothing that concerns you directly, so don’t get too

apprehensive. You’d better hear it.”

bullen told him, without any trimmings, of the three murders, and

the one immediate result was that everyone present could immediately

remove white from the list of suspects. He might have been a good

actor, but not even an irving could have turned his colour from a

healthy red to a greyish pallor at the touch of a switch, which was what

white did. He looked so bad, his breathing got so quick and shallow

that I rose hastily and fetched him a glass of water. He swallowed it

in a couple of gulps.

“Sorry to upset you, white,” bullen went on. “But you had to know.

Now then, between eight and eight-thirty: how many of your passengers

had breakfast in their rooms?”

“I don’t know, sir, i’m not sure.” he shook his head, then went on

slowly. “Sorry, sir. I do remember. Mr. cerdan and his nurses, of

course. The hournos family. Miss harcourt. Mr. and mrs. Piper.”

“As mr. carter said,” mcLlroy murmured. “Yes.” bullen nodded.

“Now, white, be very careful. Did any of those passengers at any time

leave their rooms during this period? at any time? even for a moment?”

“No, sir. Quite definitely not. Not on my deck, anyway. The

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Categories: MacLean, Alistair