The golden rendezvous by MacLean, Alistair

a personage on its passenger list, a personage varying from notable to

world-famous. A special suite was reserved for personages. Well-known

politicians, cabinet ministers, top stars of the stage and screen, the

odd famous writer or artist-if he was clean enough and used a razor-and

the lower echelons of the english nobility travelled in this suite at

vastly reduced prices; royalty, ex-presidents, ex-premiers, ranking

dukes and above travelled free. It was said that if all the british

peerage on the campari’s waiting list could be accommodated

simultaneously, the house of lords could close its doors. It need

hardly be added that there was nothing philanthropic in lord dexter’s

offer of free hospitality: he merely jacked up his prices to the wealthy

occupants of the other eleven suites, who would have paid the earth

anyway for the privilege of voyaging in such close contact with such

exalted company. After several years on this run our passengers

consisted almost entirely of repeaters. Many came as often as three

times a year, fair enough indication of the size of their bank roll. By

now the passenger list on the campari had become the most exclusive club

in the world. Not to put too fine a point on it, lord dexter had

distilled the aggregate elements of social and financial snobbery and

found in its purest quintessence an inexhaustible supply of gold. I

adjusted my napkin and looked over the current gold mine. Five hundred

million dollars on the hoof on the dove-grey velvet of the armchair

seats in that opulent and air-conditioned dining room; perhaps nearer a

thousand million dollars, and old man beresford would account for a good

third of it. Julius beresford, president and chief stockholder of the

hart-mccormick mining federation, sat where he nearly always sat, not

only now but on half a dozen previous cruises, at the top right-hand

side of the captain’s table, next to captain Bullen himself. He sat

there, in the most coveted position in the ship, not because he insisted

on it through sheer weight of wealth, but because captain Bullen himself

insisted on it. There are exceptions to every rule, and julius

beresford was the exception to Bullen’s rule that he couldn’t abide any

passenger, period. Beresford, a tall, thin, relaxed man with tufted

black eyebrows, a horseshoe ring of greying hair fringing the sunburnt

baldness of his head, and lively hazel eyes twiligh in the lined brown

leather of his face, came along only for the peace, comfort, and food:

the company of the great left him cold, a fact vastly appreciated by

captain Bullen, who shared his sentiments exactly. Beresford, sitting

diagonally across from my table, caught my eye. “Evening, mr. carter.”

unlike his daughter, he didn’t make me feel that he was conferring an

earldom upon me every time he spoke to me. “Splendid to be at sea

again, isn’t it? and where’s our captain tonight?”

“Working, i’m afraid, mr. beresford. I have to present his

apologies to his table. He couldn’t leave the bridge.”

“On the bridge?” mrs. beresford, seated opposite her husband,

twisted round to look at me. “I thought you were usually on watch at

this hour, mr. carter?”

“I am.” I smiled at her. I kept a special sort of smile for mrs.

beresford in the same way that I kept a special sort of look for young

dexter. Plump, bejewelled, overdressed, with dyed blonde hair, but

still beautiful at fifty, mrs. beresford bubbled over with good humour

and laughter and kindness, and to the sour remark that it is easy to be

that way with 300 million dollars in the bank, I can only observe that,

after several years on the millionaires’ run, the misery quotient of our

wealthy appeared to increase in direct proportion to the bullion in the

bank; this was only her first trip, but mrs. beresford was already my

favourite passenger. I went on: “but there are so many chains of

islets, reefs, and coral keys hereabouts that captain Bullen prefers to

see to the navigation himself.” I didn’t add, as I might have done,

that had it been in the middle of the night and all the passengers

safely in their beds captain Bullen would have been in his also,

untroubled by any thoughts about his chief officer’s competence. “But I

thought a chief officer was fully qualified to run a ship?” miss

beresford, needling me again, sweet-smiling, the momentarily innocent

clear green eyes almost too big for the delicately tanned face. “In

case anything went wrong with the captain, I mean. You must hold a

master’s certificate, mustn’t you?”

“I do. I also hold a driver’s licence, but you wouldn’t catch me

driving a bus in the rush hour in downtown manhattan.” old man

beresford grinned. His wife smiled. Miss beresford regarded me

thoughtfully for a moment, then bent to examine her hors d’oeuvres,

showing the gleaming auburn hair cut in a bouffant style that looked as

if it had been achieved with a garden rake and a pair of secateurs but

had probably cost a fortune. The man by her side wasn’t going to let it

go so easily, though. He laid down his fork, raised his thin dark head

until he had me more or less sighted along his acquiline nose, and said

in his clear high drawling voice, “oh, come now, chief officer. I don’t

think the comparison is very apt at all.” the “chief officer” was to

put me in my place. The duke of hartwell spent a great deal of his time

aboard the campari in putting people in their places, which was pretty

ungrateful of him, considering that he was getting it all for free. He

had nothing against me personally; it was just that he was publicly

lending miss beresford his support. Even the very considerable sums of

money earned by inveigling the properly respectful lower classes into

viewing his stately home at two and six a time were making only a slight

dent on the crushing burden of death duties, whereas an alliance with

miss beresford would solve his difficulties for ever and ever. Things

were being complicated for the unfortunate duke by the fact that, though

his intellect was bent on miss beresford, his attentions and eyes were

for the most part on the extravagantly opulent charms-and undeniable

beauty of the platinum blonde and often-divorced cinema actress who

flanked him on the other side. “I don’t suppose it is, sir,” I

acknowledged. Captain Bullen refused to address him as “your grace,”

and i’d be damned if i’d do it either. “But the best I could think up

on the spur of the moment.” he nodded as though satisfied and returned

to attack his hors d’oeuvre. Old beresford eyed him speculatively, mrs.

beresford half-smilingly, miss harcourtthe cinema actress -admiringly,

while miss beresford herself just kept on treating us to an

uninterrupted view of the auburn bouffant. There’s little enough to do

during off-duty hours at sea, and [1 watching developments at the

captain’s table would make a very entertaining pastime indeed. What

promised to make it even more entertaining was the very considerable

interest being taken in the captain’s table by the young man seated at

the foot of my own table. One of the passengers who had joined at

caracio. Tony carreras-my guess that he was miguel carteras’ son had

been a correct and far from difficult on-was by any odds the most

extraordinarily handsome man who’d ever passed through the dining-room

door of the campari. In one way this might not have signified much as

it takes many years to amass sufficient cash to sail on the campari even

for a weekend and young men were in a tiny minority at any time, but

nevertheless there was no denying his impact. Even at close-up range

there was none of that weakness, that almost effeminate regularity of

feature so often found in the faces of many very good-looking men. He

looked for all the world like a slightly latinate reincarnation of a

younger errol flynn, but harder, tougher, more enduring. The only flaw,

if one could call it flaw, lay in the eyes. There seemed to be

something ever so slightly wrong with them, as if the pupils were

slightly flattened, giving a hard, bright glitter. Maybe it was just

the lighting at the table. But there was nothing wrong with them as

eyes; he had twenty-twenty vision all right and was using it all to

study the captain’s table. Miss beresford or miss harcourt, I couldn’t

be sure which; he didn’t look the kind of man who would waste his time

studying any of the others at that table. The courses came and went.

Antoine was on duty in the kitchen that night, and you could almost

reach out and feel the blissful hush that descended on the company.

Velvet footed goanese waiters moved soundlessly on the dark grey pile of

the persian carpet; food appeared and vanished as if in a dream; an arm

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Categories: MacLean, Alistair