The golden rendezvous by MacLean, Alistair

felt during those dredful fifteen seconds while dr. Caroline and I had

waited for the twister to blow up. I felt that way because there had

abruptly, paralysingly flashed on me the realisation that would have

come to me half an hour ago if I hadn’t been so busy commiserating with

myself on the misery I was suffering. Whatever else carreras had not

established himself as a consistent, prudent, and methodical man, and

he’d never yet worked out any chart problems on figures supplied him

without coming to have a check made by his trusty navigator, chief

officer john carter.

my mind churned into low gear again, but it didn’t make any

difference. True, he’d sometimes waited some hours before having his

check made, but he wouldn’t be waiting some hours tonight because by

then it would be far too late. We couldn’t be more than three hours now

from our rendezvous with the ticonderoga, and he’d want a check made

immediately. Waking up a sick man in the middle of the night would

hardly be a consideration to worry carreras. Nothing was surer than

that within ten or fifteen minutes of that message coming through he’d

be calling at the sick bay. To find his navigator gone. To find the

door locked from the inside. To find macdonald waiting with a gun in

his hand. Macdonald had only one automatic; carreras could call on

forty men with submachine guns. There could only be one ending to any

battle in the sick bay, and the end would be swift and certain and

final. In my mind’s eye I could just see stammering machine guns

spraying the sick bay, could see macdonald and susan, bullen and

marston-i crushed down the thought, forced it from my mind. That way

lay defeat.

when the radio operator left the office, if I got inside unseen, if

I was left undisturbed to send off the message, how long would that

leave me to get back to the sick bay? ten minutes, not any more than

ten minutes, say seven or eight minutes to make my way undetected right

aft to the port side where I had left the three ropes tied to the

guardrail stanchion, secure one to myself, grab the life line, give the

signal to the bo’sun, lower myself into the water, and then make the

long half-drowning trip back to the sick bay. Ten minutes? eight? I

knew I could never do it in double that time; if my trip from the sick

bay to the afterdeck through that water had been any criterion, the trip

back, against instead of with the current, would be at least twice as

bad, and the first trip had been near enough the end of me. Eight

minutes? the chances were high i’d never get back there at all.

or the radio operator? I could kill the radio operator as he left

the office. I was desperate enough to try anything and frantic enough

to have a fair chance of success. Even with patrolling guards round.

That way carreras would never get the message. But he would be waiting

for it; oh yes, he would be waiting for it. He would be very anxious

indeed to have that last check, and if it didn’t come within minutes he

was going to send someone to investigate, and when that someone found

the operator was dead or missing, the balloon would be up with a

vengeance. Guards running here, guards running there, lights on all

over the ship, every possible source of trouble investigated and that

still included the sick bay. And macdonald would still be there. With

his gun.

there was a way. It was a way that gave little enough hope

of success, with the added drawback that I would be forced to leave

those three incriminating ropes attached to the guardrail aft; but at

least it didn’t carry with it an outright guarantee of failure. I

stooped, felt for the coiled fall rope, cut it with my clasp knife. One

end of the rope I secured to my waist with a bowline; the rest of it,

about sixty feet, I wrapped round my waist, tucking the end in. I

fumbled for and found the radio office key that i’d taken off the dead

carlos. I stood in the rain and the darkness and waited.

a minute elapsed, no more, then the radio operator appeared, locked

the door behind him, and made for the companionway leading up to the

bridge. Thirty seconds later I was sitting in the seat he’d just

vacated, looking up the call sign of the fort ticonderoga.

I made no attempt to hide my presence there by leaving the light

off. That would only have aroused the suspicions, and quickly, too, of

any passing guards hearing the stutter of transmitted morse coming from

a darkened wireless office.

twice I tapped out the call sign of the ticonderoga and on the

second occasion I got an acknowledgement. One of carreras’ radio

operator stooges aboard the ticonderoga was certainly keeping a pretty

sharp watch. I should have expected nothing else.

it was a brief message, speeded on its way by the introductory

words: highest priority urgent immediate repeat immediate attention

master fort ticonderoga. I sent the message and took the liberty of

signing it: from the office of the minister of transport by the hand of

vice-admiral richard hodson director naval operations. I switched off

the light, opened the door, and peered out cautiously. No curious

listeners, no one at all in sight. I came all the way out, locked the

padlock, and threw the key over the side.

thirty seconds later I was on the port side of the boat deck,

carefully gauging, as best I could in that darkness and driving rain,

the distance from where I stood to the break in the focsle. About

thirty feet, I finally estimated, and the distance from the focsle break

aft to the window above my bed was, I guessed, about the same. If I was

right, I should be almost directly above that window now; the sick bay

was three decks below. If I wasn’t right-well, i’d better be right.

I checked the knot round my waist, passed the other end of the rope

round a convenient arm of a davit, and let it hang down loosely over the

side. I was just about to start lowering myself when the rope below me

smacked wetly against the ship’s side and went taut. Someone had caught

that rope and hauled it tight.

panic touched me, but the instinct for self-preservation still

operated independently of my mind. I flung an arm round the davit and

locked on to the wrist of the other hand. Anyone wanting to pull me

over the side would have to pull that davit and lifeboat along with me.

But as long as that pressure remained on the rope I couldn’t escape,

couldn’t free a hand to untie the bowline or get at my clasp knife. The

pressure eased. I fumbled for the knot, then stopped

as the pressure came on again. But the pressure was only

momentary, no pull but a tug. Four tugs, in rapid succession. If I

wasn’t feeling weak enough already, i’d have felt that way with relief.

Four tubs. The prearranged signal with macdonald to show I was on my

way back. I might have known archie macdonald would have been keeping

watch every second of the time I was away. He must have seen or heard

or even felt the rope snaking down past the window and guessed that it

could only be myself. I went down that rope like a man reborn, checked

suddenly as a strong hand caught me by the ankle, and five seconds later

was on terra firma inside the sick bay.

“The ropes!” I said to macdonald. I was already untying the one

round my own waist. “The two ropes on the bedstead. Off with them.

Throw them out the window.” moments later the last of the three ropes

had vanished, I was closing the window, pulling the curtains, and

calling softly for lights.

the lights came on. Macdonald and bullen were as I had left them,

both eyeing me with expressionless faces: macdonald, because he knew my

safe return meant at least possible success and did not want to betray

his knowledge; bullen, because I had told him that I intended to take

over the bridge by force, and he was convinced that my method of return

meant failure and didn’t want to embarrass me. Susan and marston were

by the dispensary door, both fully dressed, neither making any attempt

to conceal disappointment. No time for greetings.

“Susan, on with the heaters! full on. This place feels like

a frig after this window being open so long. Carreras will be here

any minute and it’s the first thing he will notice. After that, towels

for me. Doc, a hand to get macdonald back to his own bed. Move, man,

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Categories: MacLean, Alistair