The Last Titan. A Life of Theodore Dreiser

48. Ernst, Fox & Cane to Horace Liveright, Inc., November 14, 1928 (Penn);

and Sheean, Dorothy and Red, 122–26.

49. Percy Winner, “Dorothy Thomas Demands Dreiser Explain Parallel,”

New York Evening Post, November 14, 1928; Sheean, Dorothy and Red, 148;

Dorothy Thompson, The New Russia (New York: Henry Holt and Company,

1928), v.; and Percy Winner, “Dreiser’s Book on Russia Parallels Miss Thomp-

son’s,” New York Evening Post, November 13, 1928.

50. [Arthur Garfield Hays] to Horace Liveright, Inc., January 8, 1929; TD to

Robert H. Rucker, February 20, 1929; T. R. Smith to TD, May 28, 1929 (Penn);

and Robert H. Elias, Theodore Dreiser: Apostle of Nature (Ithaca: Cornell Uni-

versity Press, 1970; orig. pub. 1948), 238. The prose and poetry in My City had

previously appeared in the New York Herald Tribune of December 23, 1928, and

the New York Evening Post Literary Review of December 20, 1924, 8. The poetry

also appears in the 1926 and 1928 editions of Moods.

51. Lingeman, Dreiser, 2: 327; Joseph P. Gri‹n, “Dreiser’s Later Sketches,”

n o t e s t o p a g e s 3 4 0 – 3 4 8

4 5 2

DN 16 (Fall 1985): 1–13; Yoshinobu Hakutani, “The Dream of Success in Dreiser’s A Gallery of Women, ” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 27 ( July 1979): 236–46; and DML, 2: 344.

52. TDCR, 565; and DML, 2: 800.

53. “Portrait of a Woman,” Bookman 66 (September 1927): 2–14. Sallie Kus-

sell did some work on “Reina” (TD to Sallie Kussell, August 7, 1923 [ Virginia]).

54. Ruth Kennell to TD, June 9, 1928 (Penn).

55. Carol A. Nathanson, “Anne Estelle Rice: Theodore Dreiser’s ‘Ellen Adams

Wrynn,’” Woman’s Art Journal 13, no. 2 (1992–93): 1–11; see also her “Anne Es-

telle Rice and ‘Ellen Adams Wrynn’: Dreiser’s Perspective on Gender and Gen-

dered Perspectives on Art,” DS 32 (Spring 2001): 3–35.

56. Thomas P. Riggio to Jerome Loving, October 16, 2001.

57. Yvette [Székely] Eastman, Dearest Wilding: A Memoir (Philadelphia:

University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995), 6–13; and Miriam Gogol, “Interlocking,

Intermeshing Fantasies: Dreiser and Dearest Wilding, ” in Theodore Dreiser and

American Culture, ed. Yoshinobu Hakutani (Newark: University of Delaware

Press, 2000), 187–96.

58. Jerome Loving, interview with Yvette Eastman, Philadelphia, Pa., No-

vember 9, 2000. Dreiser advised Margaret Székely Monahan on the publishing

prospects for a manuscript; see TD to Margaret Monahan, January 9, 1929


59. Yvette Eastman, Dearest Wilding, 42–58, 124; and Max Eastman, Love and

Revolution (New York: Random House, 1964), 538.

f i f t e e n . t r a g i c a m e r i c a

1. David M. Kennedy, Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression

and War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 40, 43, 45, 58, 65.

2. L, 2: 503n.; TD to the John Reed Club, March 30, 1930 (Texas); and

Kennedy, Freedom from Fear, 22.

3. W. A. Swanberg, Dreiser (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1965), 363;

Raymond Dannenbaum, “Theodore Dreiser Discounts Intermarriage,” Jewish

Journal, June 4, 1930; James Flexner, “Dreiser Brings Pessimism Back from U.S.

Tour,” New York Herald Tribune, July 8, 1930; and L, 2: 500.

4. L, 2: 742; TD to Stuart Chase, January 29, 1932; and Stuart Chase to TD,

February 12, 1932 (Library of Congress). Chase’s review of Tragic America ap-

peared in the New York Herald Tribune Review of Books for January 24, 1932,

reprinted in TDCR, 631–33. See also John C. Hirsh, “Tragic America: Dreiser’s

American Communism and a General Motors Executive,” DN 13 (Spring 1982):


5. L, 2: 508; Rolf Lundén, “Theodore Dreiser and the Nobel Prize,” Amer-

n o t e s t o p a g e s 3 4 9 – 3 5 6

4 5 3

ican Literature 50 (May 1978): 216–29; and David D. Anderson, “Sinclair Lewis and the Nobel Prize,” Mid-America 8 (1981): 9–21.

6. For Lewis’s speech, New York Times, December 13, 1930; and George Seldes,

“Encounters with Theodore Dreiser,” in his Witness to a Century: Encounters with

the Noted, the Notorious, and Three SOB’s (New York: Ballantine, 1987), 284–88.

7. L, 2: 529; and Lawrence E. Hussman, “Squandered Possibilities: The Film

Versions of Dreiser’s Novels,” in Theodore Dreiser: Beyond Realism, ed. Miriam

Gogol (New York: New York University Press, 1995), 180. In “Myself and the

Movies,” Esquire 20 ( July 1943), reprinted in Esquire 80 (October 1973): 156, 382, Dreiser credits his friend J. G. Robin with helping him secure the second payment from Paramount for the sound rights.

8. Arthur Garfield Hays to Paramount Publix Corporation, June 26, 1931


9. “‘Hooeyland,’ Says Dreiser, Back from Film Capital,” New York American,

April 12, 1931; and L, 2: 562n.

10. TD to Ernest Boyd, May 19 and June 10, 1931 (Virginia).

11. Thomas Strychacz, “Dreiser’s Suit Against Paramount: Authorship, Pro-

fessionalism, and the Hollywood Film Industry,” Prospects 18 (1993): 187–203; and

TD, “The Real Sins of Hollywood,” Liberty 9 ( June 11, 1932): 6–11, reprinted

in Authors on Film, ed. Harry M. Geduld (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,

1972), 206–22.

12. L, 2: 513. Dreiser met James D. Mooney in January 1931 and agreed with

him only generally about the solutions for America’s economic ills. See John C.

Hirsh, “Dreiser and a Financier: James D. Mooney,” DN 14 (Spring 1983): 19–20.

13. J. Donald Adams (of the New York Times) to John Valentine, May 23,

1944 (Texas); Lester Cohen to W. A. Swanberg, October 3, 1962; “Lewis Is Slapped

by Dreiser” and “An American Tragedy,” New York Times, March 21, 1931; and

Wharton Esherick to Swanberg, June 25, 1962 (Penn).

14. See Robert Coltrane, “‘Dear Marguerite’: A Early Dreiser Letter to Mar-

guerite Tjader Harris,” DS 19 (Fall: 1988): 22–26.

15. Mr. President: Free the Scottsboro Boys (New York: International Labor

Defense, 1934), 30 pp.; and L, 2: 536.

16. L, 2: 537–61; and Statement to the Associated Press, June 25, 1931 (Penn).

17. John Dos Passos, ed., Harlan Miners Speak: Report on Terrorism in the

Kentucky Coal Fields (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1932), 4.

18. Lester Cohen, “Theodore Dreiser: A Personal Memoir,” Discovery 4 (Sep-

tember 1954): 99–126; and Cohen to Swanberg, October 3, 1962 (Penn).

19. “Dreiser Investigating Interview with Miners,” November 7, 1931 (Penn);

Harlan Miners Speak, 280; and Townsend Ludington, John Dos Passos: A Twen-

tieth Century Odyssey (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1980), 297–300.

20. Cohen, “Dreiser: A Personal Memoir,” 112–13; and “Kentucky Editor

Questions Dreiser,” New York Times, November 7, 1931.

n o t e s t o p a g e s 3 5 7 – 3 6 2

4 5 4

21. Cohen, “Dreiser: A Personal Memoir,” 113–15, 117–18.

22. “Judge Jones, The Harlan Miners, and Myself,” n.d. (Texas).

23. Cohen to Swanberg, October 3, 1962; and “Judge Jones, The Harlan Min-

ers, and Myself.”

24. L, 2: 586; and Federal Bureau of Investigation Freedom of Information

Release of Censored Record for Theodore Dreiser, obtained April 9, 1999.

25. Clara [Clark] Jaeger, Philadelphia Rebel: The Education of a Bourgeoise

(London: Grosvenor, 1988), 74, 66–69.

26. Jaeger, Philadelphia Rebel, 71–77.

27. Hilbert H. Campbell, “Dreiser in New York: A Diary Source,” DN 13

(Fall 1982): 1–7; Clara Clark Jaeger to Jerome Loving, February 8, 2001; Donald

Pizer, The Novels of Theodore Dreiser: A Critical Study (Minneapolis: University

of Minnesota Press, 1976), 333–34; and Jaeger, Philadelphia Rebel, 89, 86–87.

28. L, 2: 589–90; TD to Helen Richardson, May 15, 1932; Jaeger, Philadelphia

Rebel, 98–103; and “Report of Dreiser-Taggart Accident” (Penn).

29. “Stock on Hand,” Horace Liveright, Inc., August 1, 1932 (Penn).

30. Upton Sinclair to TD, October 11, 1932 (Indiana); “Townsend,” Amer-

ican Spectator 1 ( June 1933): 2; and “Winterton,” American Spectator 2 (Decem-

ber 1933): 3–4.

31. “Mathewson,” Esquire 1 (May 1934): 20–21, 125, and ( June 1934): 24–25,

114; and Margaret Tjader [Harris], Theodore Dreiser: A New Dimension (Nor-

walk, Conn.: Silvermine Publishers, 1965), 57–58. See also Joseph Gri‹n,

“Dreiser’s Later Sketches,” DN, 16 (Fall, 1985), 1–13.

32. HH, 348.

33. George Jean Nathan et al., eds., American Spectator Year Book (New York:

Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1934), 347–52.

34. I am indebted to Robert M. Dowling for some of this background; see

also Michael Marcaccio, The Hapgoods: Three Earnest Brothers (Charlottesville:

University Press of Virginia, 1977).

35. Hutchins Hapgood, A Victorian in the Modern World (New York: Har-

court, Brace, and Co., 1939), 429–31; Hapgood to TD, June 28, 1932; Evelyn

Light to Hapgood, July 11, 1932; and TD to Hapgood, April 17, 1933 (Penn). See

also Ernest Boyd to Hapgood, September 13, 1932 ( Yale University Library).

36. Quoted in Hutchins Hapgood, “Is Dreiser Anti-Semitic?” Nation 140

(April 17, 1935): 436–38; and L, 2: 648–53.

37. Hy Kraft, On My Way to the Theater (New York: Macmillan, 1971), 74;

Berenice C. Skidelsky, “America and the Jews,” Jewish Advocate (Boston), Feb-

ruary 5, 1920; “Clean Book Bill Slays Freedom,” New York Herald Tribune, Jan-

uary 27, 1925; Sulamith Ish-Kishor, “Dreiser Looks at the Russian Jews,” New

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Categories: Dreiser, Theodore