The Last Titan. A Life of Theodore Dreiser

in The Titan, 236

in A Gallery, 165–67, 349

Lengel, William C., 196, 233, 291, 236,

Manchester Guardian, 162

366, 383, 387–88

Marcer, Joseph F., 225

Leopold, Nathan, 304

Marden, Orison Swett, 120

Levin, Meyer, 304; Compulsion, 304

Maritzer, Louis, 313–14

Lévitt, Albert H., 315

Maritzer, Marion. See Bloom, Marion

Levitt, William; see Yakey, Bill

Markham, Edward, 205

Lewis, Sinclair, 200, 240, 262, 296, 346,

Markham, Kirah. See Hyman, Elaine

365, 395; Babbitt, 339; Elmer Gantry,

Marlowe, Christopher, 27

335; Main Street, 339, 376; Nobel

Martin, Quinn, 321

Prize for Literature, 356; slapping by

Masses, 240, 276

Dreiser, 358–59; Trail of the Hawk,

Masters, Edgar Lee, 134, 262, 272, 296,

The, 254

376, 383, 396; comment about The

Life Magazine, 252

Bulwark, 391; Dreiser’s reception for,

Light, Evelyn, 367–68

245; reaction to The Financier, 232;

Lincoln, Abraham, 84

reaction to Jennie Gerhardt, 232;

Lincoln, Robert, 122

reaction to Sister Carrie, 232; Spoon

Lindbergh, Charles, 335, 385

River Anthology, 232, 327; “Theodore

Lingeman, Richard, xiii, 163, 263

the Poet,” 245, 327

Literary Digest, 160

Matthews, Brander, 262

Liveright, Horace, 275–77, 289, 294, 307,

Matthiessen, F. O., 151, 178; American

316, 334, 365, 373; quarrel with Dreiser,

Renaissance, The, 257


Mature, Victor, 383

Llona, Victor, 339

Maupassant, Guy de, 186–87

Loeb, Jacques, 240, 264, 333; Mechanistic

Maxwell, John Milo, 48, 53, 277, 285

Conception of Life, The, 283

Mayer, Louis B., 288

Loeb, Richard, 304

McCord, Peter, 57, 69, 85, 100, 188, 190–

London Daily Mail, 162

92, 281

London, Jack, 188, 262

McCoy, Esther. See Tobey, Esther McCoy

Londres, Albert, 341; Road to Buenos Ayres,

McClure, Sam, 154

The, 341

McClure, S. S., 395

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 17,

McClure’s Magazine, 120, 179, 219


McCullagh, Joseph B., 52, 54–56, 59–60,

Los Angeles Times, 185, 207, 384


Louisville Times, 161

McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. D. H., 293

Lowell, Amy, 262

McEnnis, John T., 52, 54, 59–60

Lowell, James Russell, 257

McKee, Thomas, 183–84

Lubbock, Sir John, 133; Ants, Bees and

McKinley, William, 199–200

Wasps, 133

McLean, Charles Agnew, 181, 185

i n d e x

4 7 1

Melville, Herman, xii, 154, 257; Billy Budd,

Morgan, J. P., 194–95

382; Moby-Dick, 100

Morse, Theodore F., 101; “The Arrival

Mencken, Anna, 316

of the Bride,” 101

Mencken, Henry Louis, xii, 81, 131, 133,

Moses, Montrose J., 218

143–44, 153–54, 171, 188, 190–91,

Muldoon, William, 173–77, 282, 303, 308

193–94, 199, 205, 209–10, 220, 226,

Munsey’s Magazine, 116, 120, 130, 187

228, 236–37, 253–54, 256, 259, 266,

Mussolini, Benito, 372

284–85, 292–93, 295–96, 311, 313–

My Gal Sal (movie), 383

14, 326, 328, 333–34, 365, 371, 374–

Myers, Gustavus, 223; History of Great

75, 388, 391, 395, 401; Book of Prefaces,

Fortunes, 223

A, 269, 273–75; comment on “Free,”

280; “Decay of Churches, The,” 197;

Nathan, George Jean, 189, 194, 365–67, 371

disapproval of Dreiser’s socialist

Nation, 160, 370

friends, 48, 239–40, 261, 269–70,

National Association for the Advancement

289, 385; ghost writing infant care

of Colored People, 359

articles for The Delineator, 188–89;

National Committee for the Defense of

“In Defense of Profanity,” 193;

Political Prisoners, 359–60

opinion of A Gallery of Women, 348–

National Mine Workers, 361

49; petition in defense of The “Genius,”

Naylor, Joseph P., 31

260–62; quarrel with Dreiser in 1925,

Nearing, Scott, 340–41

316, 318; review of An American

Nelson, John, 172

Tragedy, 318–19; review of The

New England Society for the Suppression

Financier, 227; review of The Titan,

of Vice, 140

235; trip to Europe in 1916, 271;

New, Jr., Harry, 303

reviews of Jennie Gerhardt, 206–7

New Idea for Women, 187, 193–94

Metropolitan Magazine, 97–98, 113, 116,

New Masses, 371

119–20, 331

New Orleans Picayune, 185

Mill, John Stuart Mill, 170

New Republic, 253, 317

Miller, Arthur, 146

New York American, 205

Miller, Henry, 317

New York Aurora, 104

Millier, Arthur, 384

New York Call, 179, 272

Mills, Darius O., 173

New York Clipper, 97

Mills, R. P., 175–77

New York Commercial Advertiser, 161, 163,

Mitchell, Tobias, 56, 62–63


Moers, Ellen, 110

New York Daily News, 179–80

Molineaux, Roland, 303–4

New York Daily Tribune, 52, 120, 206

Monahan, Margaret. See Székely, Margaret

New York Evening Globe, 252

Monahan, Roy Phelps, 351

New York Evening Journal, 91

Montaigne, Michel de, 376

New York Evening Post, 218, 339, 346

Moody, Dwight L., 26

New York Evening Sun, 90, 280; coverage

Mooney, James D., 358; Onward Industry!

of the Brown-Gillette murder trial,



Mooney, Thomas J., 355

New York Herald, 159

Moore, George, 206, 230; Esther Waters,

New York Herald Tribune, 316, 385, 400


New York Post, 169

Moore, Mary Adelaide, 225

New York Society for the Prevention of

More, Paul Elmer, 317

Vice, 256, 259

i n d e x

4 7 2

New York Times, 183, 187, 206, 227, 230,

Peattie, Elia W., 252, 257

251, 254, 386, 400–401

Pell, Arthur, 337

New York Times Saturday Review of Books,

Penn, William, 247


Pep, 272

New York World, 90–92, 95–96, 100, 102,

Pergaine, Marie, 361–62

105, 149, 292, 318, 321, 328, 344, 349,

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart (the second), 109;

366; assistance for Dreiser to visit

A Singular Life, 109

Sing Sing, 309; coverage of the Brown-

Philadelphia Public Ledger, 224, 339

Gillette murder case, 297, 301; 303,

Phillips, David Graham, 222; Master

306, 311

Rogue, The, 222

Nichols, Dudley, 309

Phillips, John, 185

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 48, 189, 272

Pickford, Mary, 288

Norris, Frank, 32, 125–26, 155–56, 158,

Pictorial Review, 332

160, 162, 208, 325; McTeague, 51, 92,

Pineville Sun, 361

111, 154–55, 160–61, 188, 206, 222;

Pittsburgh Dispatch, 76, 79–83, 85, 89, 110

Octopus, The, 156, 222; Pit, The, 222;

Pittsburgh Times, 78

Vandover and the Brute, 111

Pizer, Donald, 89, 103

North American Review, 160, 205, 273

Place in the Sun, A, 383–84

Norworth, Jack, 183; “Shine On, Harvest

Poe, Edgar Allan, 17–18, 34, 60, 63, 257,

Moon,” 183

292, 295; “Cask of Amontillado,

The,” 263; “Imp of the Perverse,

O’Casey, Sean, 398

The,” 311; influence on An American

O’Connor, David Ben. See Willy, Day

Tragedy, 311; “William Wilson,”



Olivier, Lawrence, 383

Pope Pius X, 213

Olmstead, Frederick Law, 67

Port Huron Times, 389

O’Neill, Eugene, 233, 241, 365, 371, 376;

Potter, Charlie, 87, 281

Hairy Ape, The, 276; Strange Inter-

Potter, Eihu H., 282

lude, 350

Pound, Ezra, 262, 276

Oppenheim, James, 273

Powys, John Cowper, 181, 231, 233–34, 240,

Orpet, William, 303

294, 371, 376, 378; comparing Dreiser

Outlook Magazine, 160

with Whitman, 256–57, 282

Powys, Llewellyn, 240, 294

Page, Walter Hines, 154–56, 158, 252

Powys, Marian, 376

Paine, Albert Bigelow, 229; Mark Twain’s

Powys, Theodore, 378

Autobiography, 374

Pulitzer, Joseph, 55, 90–91, 123

Pantano, Anthony, 309–11

Puritan Magazine, 120

Parisienne, 260

Pullman, George Mortimer, 25

Parks, Esther Schänäb, 285

Pyne, Mary, 349, 368; model for “Esther

Pass, Joseph, 360

Norn” in A Gallery, 349, 368

Pater, Walter, 212

Patges, George Christian, 285

Rascoe, Burton, 359

Patges, Hazel, 285

Rector, Emma, 71

Patges, Myrtle, 285, 398; model for “Reina”

Reed, John, 238, 240, 262; Patterson Strike

in A Gallery, 294, 349

Pageant, The, 238; Ten Days That

Patrick, Josephine, 293

Shook the World, 276

Pearson’s Magazine, 120, 134

Reed, Thomas B., 79–80

i n d e x

4 7 3

Reedy, William Marion, 134, 282; Mirror,

Rutter, Carrie. See Tuttle, “Cad”

134, 159, 227

Rutter, Maude, 19

Remarque, Erich Maria, 385; All Quiet

Ryan, Thomas F., 194

on the Western Front, 385

Review of Reviews, 160

San Francisco Bulletin, 293

Rice, Anne Estelle, 350; model for “Ellen

San Francisco Chronicle, 227, 355

Adams Wrynn” in A Gallery, 350

Sanger, Margaret, 240, 242, 299

Richards, Grant (“Barfleur”), 145, 207–9,

Saturday Evening Post, 278, 332

212–14, 217, 229–31

Schlatter, Frank, 103

Richardson, Frank, 285–86

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 272

Richardson, Helen Patges, 71, 285–91,

Schuler, Eric, 261–62

293–95, 305, 308–9; 312, 315–16, 319–

Scott, Howard, 385

20, 324, 327–29, 333, 337–38, 340, 344–

Scott, Sir Walter, 20; Marmion, 50

45, 362, 364–65, 373, 377, 381, 383,

Sears, Richard Warren, 25

388, 390, 398–400; influence on The

Seattle Post Intelligencer, 161–62

Bulwark, 394; marriage to Dreiser,

Seery, Brigitte, 165–66

396–97; role in The Four Horsemen of

Seven Arts, The, 240, 271, 273, 276

the Apocalypse, 289; “To a Poet,” 400

Shadowland, 296

Richeson, Clarence, 303

Shakespeare, William, 277; Macbeth, 227;

Rider, Fremont, 205

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A, 272

Ridgeway, Erman, 198

Shapiro, Carl, 220

Riggio, Thomas P., 201

Shaw, George Bernard, 188, 328, 370, 389–90

Riis, Jacob, 114, 116; How the Other Half

Shay, Frank, 276

Lives, 114, 368

Sherman, Stuart P., 234, 257–59, 272;

Riley, James Whitcomb, 249

“Barbaric Naturalism of Mr. Dreiser,

Rivera, Diego, 338

The,” 257–58, 316; “Naturalism of

Robertson, John W., 292

Mr. Dreiser, The,” 257–58, 316; review

Robeson, Paul, 192, 395

of An American Tragedy, 316–17

Robin, Joseph G., 282–83, 309, 335

Shinn, Everett, 254

Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 262, 380

Sidney, Sylvia, 371

Robinson Crusoe, 310

Sinclair, Upton, 184, 366; candidate

Rockefeller, Sr., John D., 29, 75

for governor of California, 372; I,

Roebling, Washington, 217

Governor of California, and How

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Categories: Dreiser, Theodore