THE MAZE by Catherine Counlter

He watched her pull the gown over her head and throw it across the room. She was sitting over him, naked, staring down at him, and she looked scared to death, and defiant. Yes, that was it, defiant and determined.

Oddly enough, it calmed him. He wanted to put his hands on her, but no, not just yet. “What do you want me to do, Sherlock?”

“I want to make love with you, that is, if you’ll make an exception for me.”

“I’ve made an exception for you since I kicked you into the bushes in Hogan’s Alley. Why do you look scared to death if you’re so certain about all this?”

“I’m not scared. It’s just the morning light.”

“Yeah, right.” But he was more than willing to believe it.

She had lovely breasts, all high and smooth and round, just the right size for his hands, his mouth, any other part of him that wanted to touch her there. And he wanted to. He couldn’t remember ever wanting anything so much in his life.

Then he remembered that he’d wanted more than anything to be an FBI agent. That sure put a crimp in things.



In the scheme of things, that had been very shortsighted of him. This woman sitting naked on top of him was, he figured, just about the most important milestone in his life. She was what was real, what was urgent, more urgent to him than anything else in his life. He wanted her, right now, he wanted all of her. Slowly, he lifted his right hand and lightly touched his fingertips to her breast.

She drew back, as if surprised.

He cupped her breasts in his palms. Lovely, a perfect fit. Again, she flinched.

“What’s wrong? You don’t like me holding you?”

“Dillon, I should tell you something.”

He couldn’t take his eyes off her breasts, but he did manage to drop his hands, for the moment, although his fingers itched like mad. But he knew he had to pay attention. Something wasn’t quite right here. Now he was looking at her ribs, at her stomach, at the smooth expanse of thigh.


“Yes? Keep talking, I’ll try to pay attention, but I can’t help but look at you, Sherlock. You’re really quite nice to look at.”

She sucked in her breath, then blurted it out. “I’ve only done this once. When I was nineteen. It was in the backseat of Bobby Wellman’s yellow Jaguar. It was really cramped and no fun at all. Actually it was messy and horrible, but I was philosophical about it, really. After all, it was the backseat of

a car. But then, well, after Belinda’s death, I just couldn’t stand to have any men around me.”

“Just once? In your whole life? In a Jaguar? Surely not an XJ6? That would be practically impossible.”

“That’s the truth, but Bobby managed somehow. It wasn’t at all pleasant, as I said, and I didn’t realize how bony he was, all knees and elbows, even his chin was sharp. I guess if anybody was looking, they’d have laughed their heads off. Bobby loved that car. I remember that the leather was really smooth and slick because he was always oiling it. Then he’d leer and say he used his mother’s extra-virgin olive oil.”

“What a jerk. Now that I think back on it, I did something similar to that when I was seventeen and eighteen. But you’re twenty-seven, Sherlock.”

“Yes. When I was nineteen, after Belinda was murdered, I just shut down. I’ve never even been interested in another man since that time with Bobby. Not even remotely. Until you. Do you mind?”

“I don’t think so. Never Douglas, then?” “No. Once, just weeks ago, he kissed me, but that’s all there was to it. No, it’s just you.”

“Just me.” That sounded incredibly fine. Actually, he thought, as he eased her down on top of him, if he didn’t suffer from sensory overload first, he would give her pleasure if it killed him.

When he’d gotten her level of interest up to at least half of his, he was so far gone, he just didn’t know if he’d make it. He lifted her to his mouth, felt her surprise, her shock. After not more than a minute or two, he felt every quiver in her legs, the deep clenching of her stomach muscles. And when she cried out, her back arching wildly, her fists pounding on his shoulders, jerking on his hair, he knew that he was the luckiest man on the earth.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter