THE MAZE by Catherine Counlter

“You wanted yo speak to me Savich?”

“Oh yes. I know it was you who told the media about Sherlock’s connection to one on the San Francisco murders. I’d like you to tell me why you did it.”


SHE SAID IN A LOW VOICE that was hard as nails, “I told you already that I didn’t do it.” “You’re lying. Understand this, Hannah. It wasn’t Sher-lock’s decision to be used as bait. Sure, she wanted to do it, very badly, but it wasn’t her decision. You’re the last person who should have opened your mouth. The fact of the matter is that you talked to the press just to cause trouble. That’s unprofessional and unacceptable behavior in a Special Agent.”

“I didn’t do it. You can’t prove that I did. Don’t forget that it was a judge who ordered the removal of Marlin Jones’s shackles. Why wouldn’t a judge throw this out as well?”

“Because of the bloody evidence, that’s why. Look, Hannah, I don’t want you in this unit. I think a transfer is in order. You’re a good agent, but not here, not in my unit.” “That dowdy little prig is that good in bed?” “Special Agents don’t talk about other Special Agents that way. It’s sexist. It’s not acceptable. I won’t have it.”

Hannah rose slowly, bent over toward Savich, splayed her hands on his desk, and said in a low voice, “Tell me what you see in her, just tell me so I’ll understand. You swore to me that you’d never allow yourself to become serious over anyone who worked in your unit, yet you saw little miss prim and fell all over yourself.”

He rose to face her. “Listen to me, just let it go. Sherlock’s never done anything to you. If you want a target, I’m right here, really big, right in front of you. Take your best shot. Leave Sherlock alone. Oh yeah, I know too that you called the media in San Francisco and told them where Sherlock lived.

“You have compromised this case, Hannah, you’ve muddied the waters because of your stupid jealousy. Now, if you want to stay in the Bureau, you’d best be very careful from here on out. I’ll call Colin Petty in Personnel. You can discuss transfer options with him right now.” “Tell me why. Why her?”

Sherlock’s face was vivid in his mind’s eye. He looked bemused as he said slowly, “You know, I really can’t answer that. Lots of things, I guess. Good day, Agent. I’ll be calling Personnel right now.”

She called him a shit, but it was low enough so he could ignore it. At least he hoped he was the shit and not Sherlock. He’d never meant to hurt Hannah, never meant to do anything to encourage her. He called Colin Petty, then buzzed Hannah to go see him.

He sighed, turned on MAXINE, and was soon in another world, one that he controlled, one that answered only to his siren’s song, one that never let him down. He reviewed everything on Marlin Jones.

Where was he? Hiding? On the run? Was he alone? MAXINE brought up the driver’s license photo of Marlin’s father, Erasmus Jones. Were they together? Did Erasmus play any role at all in any of the murders in Denver or San Francisco or Boston? Was it actually he who rented the Ford Taurus and not his son? If he had, then they were probably together.

He reviewed the reports, completely immersed until Jimmy Maitland finally said from the open doorway, “Maitland to Savich and MAXINE. Are you two hovering anywhere close?”

Savich blinked, forcing himself to look up. He rose. “Hello, sir. What can I do for you? Have they caught Marlin Jones?”

Jimmy Maitland shook his head mournfully. “No, not yet, but it won’t be much longer. All the major corridors out of Boston are covered with agents and locals. Oh yeah, Big John Bullock is hassling the Bureau office in Boston big-time. He wants to see Agent Sherlock. He wants what he’s calling a predeposition. He wants to make some hay now before the cops have Marlin in custody again. What do you suggest we do?”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter