THE MAZE by Catherine Counlter

“He still has to ask me right and proper.”

“No!” Douglas stood now, leaning toward Lacey, and said, his voice rough and low, “Listen to me, Lacey. I’ve known you for a very long time. I don’t think you should marry this man. You can’t. It’s a very bad idea.”

“Why, Douglas?”

“Yes, Douglas, why?” Candice asked.

“I know his kind. He doesn’t care about you, Lacey. You’d just be another notch on his belt.”

Savich started whistling.

Everyone turned to stare at him. Lacey wanted to laugh, but she held it back.

“Sherlock Savich,” Savich said slowly, looking up at the ceiling, rolling the words on his tongue. “It has quite a ring to it, doesn’t it?”

“Dammit, no, you can’t marry him, Lacey. You can’t. Just look at him, he’s one of those stupid bodybuilder types you see at the gym who are always staring at themselves in the mirror. Their biceps and pecs are all pumped up but their brains are the size of peas.”

Lacey said mildly, “Douglas, you need a reality check here. You need to get a grip.”

“All right. So he can play with computers, that’s no big deal. He’s a nerd with big arms. You can’t marry him.”

“Well she can’t marry you, Douglas, you’re already married to me.” Candice took one step toward Lacey, then pulled up when she saw the look on Savich’s face.

“Congratulations,” Candice said, stepping back. “I do mean that. Marry him.”

“This is getting us nowhere fast,” Savich said. “Now, Candice, Sherlock and I are here to speak to Douglas about Belinda. Would you like to stay or go?”

“Why? Belinda’s been dead for seven years. Her killer is in jail, in Boston. I’ve even given you two names, women who knew her, who knew what she was like. Why are you talking to Douglas? He doesn’t know anything.”

“There are all sorts of loose ends, ma’am,” Savich said. “Tell you what, why don’t we come back, after you and your husband bond or kill each other or eat lunch or whatever else you’d like to do?” Savich rose as he spoke, his hand out to Lacey. She looked at that big strong hand and smiled. She still wanted to belt Candice.

“No, wait,” Douglas called out, but Savich just shook his head and waved.

She said as they walked from Douglas’s office, “What will we do now?”

“Let’s just duck around the corner for a minute. Douglas’s door is still open, Marge isn’t at her desk. Who knows? Maybe we just might hear something we shouldn’t.”

They moved as close to the open door as they could, pressing back against the wall.

“You can’t still want her, Douglas. Didn’t you see what she was wearing? By God, she even chews her thumbnail!”

Lacey looked at her thumbs. Sure enough, one thumbnail was nearly down to the quick. How had that happened?

“That’s enough, Candice,” Douglas said. He sounded incredibly tired. “That’s really quite enough. She shouldn’t marry him. I’ll have to think about this, then write down all the good sound reasons why it wouldn’t work. This shouldn’t be happening.”

“No, what shouldn’t be happening is that you still lust after her. Are you blind? What’s there to lust over? Get over it, Douglas. Buy some glasses.”

Douglas didn’t appear to have heard her-that or he was just ignoring her. He said, “They’re back here because of Belinda. There must be something going on with Marlin Jones. Savich called them loose ends, but I don’t trust that bastard. God knows. Mrs. Sherlock claimed she saw Marlin Jones kissing Belinda in the driveway. You say that it’s likely Marlin had slept with Belinda, but you’re just jealous, Candice. You didn’t know Belinda. Damn, it’s all nuts. I don’t understand any of it, but I think they must doubt that Marlin Jones killed Belinda. Maybe they think I killed her and that’s why they’re here.”

“That’s crazy, Douglas. They don’t have a clue. They’re just here fishing around. Just keep your mouth shut. Now, take me to lunch. I have to be back at the station at two o’clock.”

“We’re outta here,” Savich said. They were in the elevator and on their way down from the twentieth floor of the Malcolm Building within a minute.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter