The Source by Brian Lumley

‘Not bound!’ Shaithis said in that unmistakable, rumbling voice of his. ‘So either Arlek is a fool or you are extremely clever. But I see your broken thongs, and so I would say that you are clever. Your magic, of course. My magic, now!’

Jazz and Zek backed off a stumbling pace or two. The three moved after them, marginally more rapid but in no great hurry, gradually closing with them. Shaithis’s lieutenants moved in the manner of men, with paces swift and sure; but their master seemed to flow forward, as if carried on the strength of his own will. His eyes were huge, crimson, seemed to burn with some weird, internal light of their own. It was hard to avoid looking into those eyes, Jazz thought. They might well be the gates of hell -but tell a moth not to investigate the candle’s flame.

Zek’s elbow struck him sharply in the ribs. ‘Don’t look at their eyes!’ she said again. ‘Run, Jazz, if you can. I’m all cramped, I’ll only slow you down.’

Wolf came from nowhere, snarling his outrage – and probably his terror, too – as he loped from the shadows under the eastern cliff. He leaped at Shaithis’s lieutenant on that flank; the man turned casually toward him, struck him aside left-handed as Jazz might strike aside a small, yapping dog. Wolf backed off, whined, and the man he’d attacked showed him his gauntlet. ‘Come on then, little wolf,’ he taunted the animal. ‘Come, let Gustan pat you on your sleek grey head!’ ‘Get back, Wolf!’ Zek cried.

‘Stand still.r Shaithis commanded, pointing at Jazz and Zek. ‘I will not chase what is mine. Come to heel now or be punished. Punished severely!’

Jazz’s heel kicked metal. Blued steel. His SMG! His packs were there, too.

He fell to one knee, grabbed up the gun. The three who opposed him saw the weapon in his hand and came to a halt. They stood stock still, glaring with their red eyes. ‘What?’ Shaithis’s voice was dangerously low. ‘Do you threaten your master?’

Jazz faced the three where he kneeled; he groped blindly in a pack, then another. He found what he was looking for, slapped home a magazine into its housing. Shaithis came flowing forward. ‘I said – ‘ Threaten you?’ Jazz cocked his gun. ‘Damn right I do!’ But the man on Shaithis’s right flank had come swiftly forward in a crouch. His sandalled foot came down on Jazz’s right wrist, pinning it to the ground. Jazz deliberately threw himself flat, tried to kick the man away; but this was no novice. Avoiding Jazz’s kicks and still pinning his arm and weapon, he came to his knees, caught Jazz’s face in a massive left hand, effortlessly bent his head back and showed him his raised gauntlet. He unclenched his fist and hooks, knives, gleaming sickles coldly reflected the starlight. Then the man smiled and raised his eyebrows in mocking query, glancing questioningly at Jazz’s hand on the pistol-grip of the SMG. The gun’s muzzle was sticking in dirt; Jazz daren’t pull the trigger.

He opened his hand and let go of the weapon, and the man who held him lifted him up from the ground by his crushed face. Jazz could do nothing; he felt that if Shaithis’s lieutenant wanted to, he could just tear the flesh right off his skull like peeling an orange.

Zek sprang at the man on Shaithis’s left, Gustan, where he now stepped forward. ‘Bullies!’ she cried, beating at him with her fists. ‘Bastards! Vampires!’

Gustan swept her up in one arm, grinned at her, ran his free left hand over her body, pinching here and there. ‘You should let me have this one a little while, Lord Shaithis,’ he grunted. ‘Knock some sense into her and teach her the meaning of obedience!’

Shaithis turned on him at once. ‘She’ll be in thrall to me, and no other. Watch your tongue, Gustan! There’s room in the pens for another war-beast, if that’s your fancy?’

Gustan shrank back. ‘I meant only – ‘

‘Be quiet!’ Shaithis cut him short. He came forward, sniffed at Zek and nodded his head. ‘Yes, there’s magic in this one. But remember – she escaped from the bitch Karen. Watch her carefully, Gustan.’ Now he gazed at Jazz. ‘As for you – ‘ Again he thrust his convoluted snout forward, seemed to use it like some monstrous bloodhound. And his eyes narrowed to scarlet slits.

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Categories: Brian Lumley