The Source by Brian Lumley

Finally Clarke steadied himself and continued. ‘And having found this Gate, then you’ll use it to go … wherever! To another world, the place where your wife and son are. And presumably Jazz Simmons, too.’

Harry nodded. ‘And Zek Foener, and maybe one or two others. If they’re still alive, and you know I believe they are, then I should have some friends there -1 think. But I may also have enemies. At least one, anyway: a KGB thug called Karl Vyotsky.’

‘But assuming everything works out OK, then you’ll speak to Brenda, Harry Jnr, and when that’s done you’ll see who wants to come back with you?’

‘Something like that, except I still don’t know if there’s a way back. Remember, I know that nothing from this world has ever got back here, and I know that nothing that’s come here can ever go back there! Does that make sense? Anyway, that’s the way it is.’

‘In short, you’re risking your life.’

‘Do you want it done or don’t you?’

‘I want it done, yes; in my own way I’m as curious as you are. And the next thing I want is to see Perchorsk closed down. Even if they don’t make those things there, still it’s a time-bomb.’

Harry nodded. ‘I feel the same way about it – but I have Viktor Luchov’s word that nothing will ever escape from Perchorsk again. That’s good enough for me.’

Clarke gave a snort. ‘Harry, your word is good enough for me any time, but I’m just one small cog in a very big wheel. I don’t suppose that anyone is going to take preemptive or any other sort of action against Perchorsk. Especially not now, in this new climate of “political understanding,” but if something else does escape . . .’ He threw up his hands.

‘Then it would be right out of your hands, I know,’ Harry answered.

Again Clarke’s snort. ‘Right out of control is more like it!’ he answered.

‘Well, and that’s another reason for my going in,’ Harry was almost fatalistic about it. To see if there’s anything we can do about it – which is maybe better done from the other side.’

The two were silent a while, then Clarke said: ‘Harry, the rest of your gear will take a little time to get hold of. But it’s being done. It’s very late now and I’m overdue for my bed. I’ll catch a couple of hours and be here to see you off in the morning. Before I go, is there anything else I can do for you? And what will you do with yourself for the rest of the night?’

Harry shrugged. ‘Oh, I’m not tired,’ he said, ‘but I will try to get some sleep later. It’s silly, I know, but I’d rather tackle that underground river during the daylight hours. I mean, I could go tonight, but I don’t fancy that.’

‘Silly? What’s silly about it?’

‘Because day or night will make no difference down there. It’s pitch dark all the time. It’s just that I’ll feel happier knowing it’s daylight outside. But anyway, before I do anything I have to speak to Mobius again.’

Lost for words, Clarke shook his head. Harry always had this effect on him. ‘You know,’ he finally said, ‘we’re both part of the same world, you and I, but when you talk like that, so naturally, matter-of-factly – about the dead, and about these talents of yours, the Mobius Continuum and what all; the way you say: “I’m going to speak to Mobius”, just like that – Jesus, it’s like you’re an alien! Or else it’s like I’m a small kid again. I mean, I know what you can do, I’ve experienced it. But still I sometimes doubt my own senses.’

Harry smiled, open and honest. ‘And you’re the boss of E-Branch!’ he said. ‘Maybe you’ve got the wrong job, Darcy.’

He waited until Clarke had left before he went to see Mobius . . .

In Leipzig it was 10:30 a.m. and the graveyard was locked for the night. But of course Harry didn’t go in through the gates but through a door, went to see the man who’d taught him to unlock all such doors.

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Categories: Brian Lumley