The Source by Brian Lumley

‘Coming this way,’ Jazz mused, ‘from Perchorsk to here, there’s only one exit – onto the boulder plain on Starside. But going the other way … is there more than one exit into our world? One at Perchorsk and another somewhere else?’

It was Zek’s turn to be excited. ‘I’ve wondered about that,’ she said. ‘And it might explain away certain other things which have puzzled me – and you.’


She nodded. ‘For instance, how is it that the Traveller tongue is so close to the Romanian of our world? And for that matter, how are the Gypsies themselves so close? What do you know of Earth’s languages, Jazz? Our Earth, of course? It’s obvious that you’re something of a linguist.’

He smiled. ‘What do I know about Earth languages? Quite a lot, actually. I have qualifications in Russian. My father was a Russian. The Slavonic languages, yes, and something of the Romance tongues, too. That’s how I picked up the Traveller patois so quickly. Why do you ask?’

‘A theory of mine,’ she answered. ‘My own knack with languages comes from my telepathy. Languages are easy if you’ve a rapport with your subject’s mind. But the connection between the Traveller tongue and Romanian seemed so obvious to me. And of course the Wamphyri have the same tongue . . .’

Jazz saw what she was getting at and drew breath in a hiss. ‘The banished Wamphyri took their language with them into our world!’ he said. ‘Zek, that’s clever! But – ‘


‘But that’s to suppose that the Latin tongues originated here, not in our world.’

That’s my theory, yes. I also believe that some of those ancient, banished Wamphyri took their followers with them. The Szgany, Zingaro, Zigeuner: the Gypsy!’

‘The Romance tongues spread outwards from Russia?’ Jazz looked puzzled. ‘I can’t see that.’

‘Who mentioned Russia?’ she answered. ‘If there is more than one exit in our world, why must they all be in Russia?’


‘That would be my bet, yes. Ask yourself this: where did the vampire legend arise from in our world? Where does it have its roots?’

‘In Romania, of course.’

‘And which nation has retained its own language almost entirely intact since time immemorial, despite being surrounded by countries with little or no linguistic relationship? Like Hungarian and the Slavonic tongues?’

‘I see,’ he nodded. ‘By periodic injections of vampires and their followers, right?’

‘It’s possible.’

Jazz began to get hooked on the idea. ‘The more I think of it the more plausible it seems,’ he finally said. The first Wamphyri migrated (were banished) to our world many thousands of years ago. They took their followers and their language with them: the Gypsies and their tongue, which is a form of Latin. They spread outward from Romania into all the lands around, but their heartland was Romania itself. Despite being conquered by Avars, Magyars, Goths, Gepidae and what have you, the language could only be diluted, not eradicated; for when the conquerors moved on there would always be new arrivals from this side of the Gate to reinforce the watered-down tongue. It explains why Romania is so isolated in its use of a Romance language. And as you say, it gives a real basis for Earth’s vampire legends. But weren’t Gypsies supposed to have come out of India? The Karakoram mountains?’

‘Maybe the first of them through the Gate went to India,’ Zek answered. ‘Why not? They’re travellers, aren’t they? And from there they spread themselves throughout the world. Their urge to travel is simple to explain: it had been bred into them by the Wamphyri for so many hundreds of years . . .’

‘So to sum up,’ Jazz said, ‘what you’re saying is this: that there’s another Gate somewhere in Romania, through which the Wamphyri have been arriving in our world for millennia?’

‘Never a great many of them,’ she answered. ‘But yes, that seems to be our conclusion. I hinted at it and you worked it out for yourself. It’s plausible, as you said.’

‘So why doesn’t anyone know about this Romanian Gate? I mean, a thing like the shining sphere isn’t likely to remain obscure for very long, now is it?’

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Categories: Brian Lumley