The Winner by David Baldacci

“That’s fine. You certainly have the land.” He checked out the slope of the property. “So do you swim or play tennis?”

“I can swim like a fish, but I’ve never played tennis and I really don’t have any desire to start.”

“I thought all rich people played tennis. That and golf.”

“Maybe if you’re born with money. I haven’t always been wealthy.”


LuAnn looked sharply at him. “What?”

“I’ve been trying to place your accent. Lisa’s is all over the place. Yours is very faint, but it’s still there. I’d guess you spent a lot of years in Europe, but you know what they say, you can take the girl out of Georgia but you can’t take Georgia out of the girl.”

LuAnn hesitated for a moment before replying. “I’ve never been to Georgia.”

“I’m surprised. I’m usually pretty good at gauging that.”

“Nobody’s perfect.” She flicked her hair out of her eyes. “So what do you think?” She looked at the clearing.

Riggs stared at her curiously for a moment before answering. “We’ll have to draw up plans. They’ll help you get it exactly the way you want, although it sounds like you have a pretty good idea already. Depending on the size and complexity, it could take anywhere from two to six months.”

“When could you start?”

“Not any time this year, Catherine.”

“You’re that busy?”

“It’s got nothing to do with that. No sane builder would start on a project like that now. We need architectural plans and we also need to get building permits. The ground will be freezing soon and I don’t like to pour footers after that. And we wouldn’t be able to get it framed and under roof before winter set in. Weather can get real nasty up here. This is definitely a next spring project.”

“Oh.” LuAnn sounded deeply disappointed. She stared off at the site as though she were seeing her hideaway fully completed.

Trying to make her feel better Riggs said, “Spring will be here before you know it, Catherine. And the winter will allow us to work up a really good set of plans. I know a first-rate architect. I can set up a meeting.”

LuAnn was hardly listening. Would they even be here next spring? Riggs’s news about the construction schedule had dissipated much of her enthusiasm for the project.

“I’ll see. Thanks.”

As they walked back to the house Riggs touched her shoulder. “I take it you’re not into delayed gratification. If I could put it up for you right now, I would. Some sleazy builders might take on the job and charge you a healthy premium and then proceed to turn out a piece of crap that’ll fall down in a year or two. But I take pride in my work and I want to deliver a quality job for you.”

She smiled at him. “Charlie said you had excellent references. I guess I can see why.”

They were passing by the horse barn. LuAnn pointed at it and said, “I guess that counts as a hobby. You ride?”

“I’m no expert, but I won’t fall off either.”

“We should go for a ride sometime. There are some beautiful trails around here.”

“I know,” was Riggs’s surprising reply. “I used to walk them before this property was sold. You made an excellent choice in real estate, by the way.”

“Charlie found it.”

“He’s a good person to have around.”

“He makes my life a lot easier. I don’t know what I’d do without him.”

“Nice to have somebody like that in your life.”

She cast a furtive glance at him as they continued back to the house.


Charlie met them at the rear entrance. There was a suppressed excitement in his manner, and the darting glances he gave LuAnn told her the reason: Pemberton had found where the man in the Honda was staying.

While not showing it, Riggs picked up on the subtle undercurrents.

“Thanks for the lunch,” he said. “I’m sure you’ve got things to do and I’ve got some appointments to take care of this afternoon.” He looked over at LuAnn. “Catherine, let me know about the studio.”

“I will. Call me about going for a ride.”

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Categories: Baldacci David