The Winner by David Baldacci

“Charlie, I’ve been scraping pennies all my life. I can’t change overnight.” She opened the door and glanced back at him, trying her best to hide the rising anxiety she was experiencing. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Charlie moved over to the door. “I don’t like it. If you go out, I’m supposed to go with you.”

“Charlie, I’m a grown woman. I can take care of myself. Besides, Lisa’s going to have to take a nap soon and we can’t leave her here by herself, can we?”

“Well, no, but—”

LuAnn slid an arm across his shoulder. “You look after Lisa and I’ll be back as soon as I can.” She gave Lisa a kiss on the cheek and Charlie a gentle squeeze on the arm.

After she left, Charlie grabbed a beer from the wet bar and settled into his chair with Lisa on his lap and the TV remote in hand. He suddenly paused and looked over at the doorway, a frown appearing on his features as he did so. Then he turned back and did his best to interest Lisa in channel surfing.


When LuAnn stepped from the cab she looked up at the towering presence of the Empire State Building. She didn’t have long to dwell upon the architecture, though, as she felt the arm slide around hers.

“This way, we can talk.” The voice was smooth, comforting, and it made every hair on her neck stiffen.

She pulled her arm free and looked at him. Very tall and broad shouldered, his face was clean-shaven, the hair thick and dark, matching the eyebrows. The eyes were big and luminous.

“What do you want?” Now that she could actually see the man behind the note, LuAnn’s fear quickly receded.

Romanello looked around. “You know, even in New York, we’re bound to attract attention if we conduct this conversation out in the open. There’s a deli across the street. I suggest we continue our chat there.”

“Why should I?”

He crossed his arms and smiled at her. “You read my note and the news article, obviously, or you wouldn’t be here.”

“I read it,” LuAnn said, keeping her voice level.

“Then I think it’s clear we have some things to discuss.”

“What the hell do you have to do with it? Were you involved in that drug dealing?”

The smile faded from the man’s lips and he stepped back for a moment. “Look—”

“I didn’t kill nobody,” she said fiercely.

Romanello looked around nervously. “Do you want everybody here to know our business?”

LuAnn looked around at the passersby and then stalked toward the deli with Romanello right behind.

Inside they found an isolated booth far in the back. Romanello ordered coffee and then looked at LuAnn. “Anything interest you on the menu?” he asked pleasantly.

“Nothing.” She glared back at him.

After the waitress departed, he looked at her. “Since I can understand your not wanting to prolong this discussion, let’s get to the heart of it.”

“What’s your name?”

He looked startled. “Why?”

“Just make up one, that’s what everybody else seems to be doing.”

“What are you talking—” He stopped and considered for a moment. “All right, call me Rainbow.”

“Rainbow, huh, that’s a different one. You don’t look like no rainbow I’ve ever seen.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong.” His eyes gleamed for an instant. “Rainbows have pots of gold at the end.”

“So?” LuAnn’s tone was calm, but her look was wary.

“So, you’re my pot of gold, LuAnn. At the end of my rainbow.” He spread apart his hands. She started to get up.

“Sit down!” The words shot out of his mouth. LuAnn stopped in midrise, staring at the man. “Sit down unless you want to spend the rest of your life in prison instead of paradise.” The calm returned to his manner and he politely gestured for her to resume her seat. She did so, slowly, her eyes squarely on his.

“I ain’t never been real good at games, Mr. Rainbow, so why don’t you say whatever the hell it is you want to say and let’s be done with it.”

Romanello waited for a moment as the waitress returned with his coffee. “You sure you don’t want some? It’s quite chilly outside.”

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Categories: Baldacci David