The Winner by David Baldacci

“Was Charlie one of those people?”

LuAnn started again. “What makes you say that?”

Riggs shrugged. “The uncle story was a little lame. And you two seemed to be sharing a secret. There wasn’t any mention in all my research about you of any uncle, so I assumed he came into the picture after the lottery scam.”

“I’m not going to answer that.” The last thing she was going to do was incriminate Charlie.

“Fair enough. What about this person behind it? What can you tell me about him?”

“He calls himself Jackson.” LuAnn stopped suddenly, astonished that she was telling anyone this. As the name passed over her lips, she closed her eyes and imagined for an instant what Jackson would do to her, to all of them, if he had any idea what she was revealing. She instinctively looked over her shoulder.

Riggs gripped her arm. “LuAnn, you’re not alone anymore. He can’t hurt you now.”

She almost laughed out loud. “Matthew, if we’re the luckiest people in the world, he’ll kill us quick instead of making us suffer.”

Riggs felt her arm shaking. As strong and resourceful as he knew her to be, she was clearly afraid.

“If it makes you feel any better,” he said, “I’ve dealt with some pretty bad people in my time, and I’m still here. Everyone has weaknesses.”

“Sure, right.” LuAnn’s voice was hushed, her words lifeless.

Riggs’s tone was harsh. “Well, if you want to roll over for him and play dead, go ahead. I don’t see how that’s going to help Lisa, though. If this guy’s as scary as you say, you think he’s going to let her walk?”

“I haven’t told her about any of this.”

“Jackson’s not going to assume that. He’s going to assume that she knows everything, and that she’s going to have to be eliminated if things turn against him.”

“I know,” she finally said. She rubbed her face and glanced wearily at him. “I don’t understand. Why do you want to help me? You don’t even know me. And I just told you I did something illegal.”

“Like I said, I checked you out. I know your background. Jackson took advantage of you. Hell, if it had been me in your same position, I would’ve jumped at the chance to be rich too.”

“That’s just it, I didn’t. I had decided not to go along, but then I walked into Duane’s drug deal, and the next thing I know two men are dead and I’m running as fast as I can with a baby in my arms. I . . . I didn’t think I had any choice left. I just wanted to get away.”

“I can understand that, LuAnn. I really can.”

“I’ve been running ever since, scared of my shadow, afraid somebody would find everything out. It’s been ten years, but it’s felt like a hundred.” She shook her head and gripped her hands together.

“So I take it Jackson’s in the area.”

“He was in my garden about forty-five minutes ago.”


“I’m not sure what he was up to, but I’m assuming he’s laying the groundwork for whatever plan he’s about to implement.”

“What sort of plan?”

“He’s going to kill Donovan for starters.”

“So I heard you tell Donovan.”

“And then Jackson will probably come after us.” LuAnn put her face in her hands.

“Well, you won’t be seeing him again.”

“You’re wrong there, Matthew. I have to meet with him. And very soon.”

He looked at her in absolute shock. “Are you crazy?”

“Jackson suddenly appeared in my bedroom last night. We had quite a lengthy discussion. I told him I was going to get to know you better. I don’t think he had sex in mind, it just worked out that way.”

“LuAnn, you don’t—”

“He was going to kill you. In the cottage last night. I guess you went back for your truck. He said he was two feet from you. You’re lucky to be alive. Very lucky.”

Riggs sat back. His instincts had been right. That was a little heartening, despite the close call he had unwittingly experienced.

“He was going to check you out. He was concerned about your background, it was fuzzy. He was going to look into your background, and if he found anything worrisome, he was going to kill you.”

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Categories: Baldacci David