TO CATCH A WOLF By Susan Krinard

Yet, when she had gone to Long Park, it had been a break with the past she had not recognized for the profound event it had become. She had ventured far, not only in miles but in spirit. She had not returned unchanged.

The Athena-that-was and the Athena of today were sisters, but they were no longer identical. One had been content in a life of service, of holding a secure place in society, even if that place was one of confinement and few surprises. She had believed that correcting social injustice was the only worthy undertaking for one such as herself. One who had nothing else to contribute.

The new Athena had lost that contentment and sense of purpose. She didn’t know who she was, or what she was capable of. But the wolf could not go back in her cage.

Heaven help her. It was the wolf who hated Niall and suspected Cecily of the basest duplicity. It was the wolf who made her question all the truths she had lived by, who spurned the sacrifices she had made, who tore her apart inside with claws of steel.

And it was the wolf who howled that she would always be alone.

Alone. It is Morgan or nothing. There will be no other.

“Miss Munroe? Are you ill?”

She opened her eyes at Brinkley’s voice and saw that they had somehow reached the end of the hall. “I am sorry, Brinkley. Is Miss Hockensmith in the library?”

“Yes. Do you wish me to remain nearby, Miss Munroe?”

“I’ll be all right. Thank you, Brinkley.”

He escorted her to the library door, and she released his arm to demonstrate that she could negotiate the short remaining distance on her own. He lingered until she had stepped into the room, and quietly shut the door behind her.

Cecily was seated in Niall’s substantial leather chair behind his mahogany desk, leaning back in a most unladylike pose as if she had a perfect right to claim anything that was his.

“It is time you told me why Niall left so quickly after you spoke to him,” Athena said.

Cecily bolted upright in the chair and looked genuinely astonished, as if she had expected Athena to remain meekly in the sitting room until the servants escorted her upstairs to bed. Had Niall not told her she could walk?

“Athena!” she said, putting a hand to her throat. “You startled me. I had thought you would be much too tired to stay up late after your long journey.” Her gaze swept the length of Athena’s body. “My dear, how very wonderful! How long have you been able to walk?”

Athena had no intention of allowing Cecily to escape the question. All of her senses boiled with anger and distrust. She chose, against the habit of many years, to listen to what they told her.

“Niall is returning to the ranch,” she said. “He made clear that you were to be my caretaker in his absence, and prevent me from leaving the house without your chaperonage. I presume that is why you are still here.”

Cecily’s expression changed from one of feigned pleasure to a much more honest wariness. “Your brother is concerned for your welfare, as I am. It is unfortunate—”

“Yes. Something is most unfortunate if he felt the need to leave almost as soon as we arrived… but it was also unfortunate that you told him where I had gone when I trusted you to keep my secret.”

“Why, my dear…” Cecily rose and walked around the desk, brushing her fingertips along the burnished wood. “I had no choice but to tell him where you had gone when he asked me. I did not wish to break your confidence, but your brother is not easily denied.”

“No, he is not. But because you prefer his regard to my friendship, I find myself a prisoner in my own home. And you have not suffered by it, have you?”

Cecily’s eyes sparked with affront. “I beg your pardon. I have always wanted only what is best for you. I have the experience that you do not, and that is why Mr. Munroe trusts me to look after you while he is gone.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan