TO CATCH A WOLF By Susan Krinard

Harry would not speak of Morgan leaving unless he felt it was a very real possibility. Surely Morgan would stay until Caitlin was on her feet again; surely he would inform Athena of such an intention, if only to say good-bye.

It was too much to hope that he would write as Harry did. Too much to ask that he send some personal message to her, when there was nothing tangible between them save for a shared secret and a stolen kiss.

Athena scanned the rest of the letter, barely registering the words, and tucked the folded paper inside her shawl. For a while she laid her head back against the chair and let the emotions rush through her, tumbling like a spring-swollen creek that carried rock and branch and earth inexorably before it.

When the deluge was over, only one consideration remained in her heart. Whatever Morgan might do, however he chose to regard her, he was not her principal concern. Caitlin was. Caitlin, on the brink of surrendering to the despair that had once nearly claimed Athena’s spirit.

If there was a single action Athena could take to prevent that from happening, she must attempt it. Even if it meant breaking her word, defying Niall, and leaving last-minute particulars of the Winter Ball undone for several days. No one else could understand Caitlin’s situation better than she. No one else could advise, coax, and bully with greater authority.

Cecily Hockensmith had been unstinting with her company and assistance with the ball. She could be entrusted with any details that must be addressed during Athena’s absence.

Once the idea coalesced in Athena’s mind, the practical impediments presented themselves in swift succession. As much as she liked and trusted Brinkley, Fran, Romero, and the others, she did not wish to involve the servants in her insubordination; she must make preparations and arrange transportation to Long Park without alerting them beforehand. Fortunately, her dealings with the charities gave her ideas about where she might discreetly employ a sturdy wagon and skilled driver.

However, she would require Fran’s help with dressing and getting downstairs. Athena had not been forbidden to leave the house, and Fran wouldn’t question her if she pretended to be going on another clandestine excursion to the tenements. If she lied to Fran, the maid would have an excuse for unwittingly assisting in her escape.

Athena was forced to admit that she was a little bit afraid of where this open defiance might lead. Niall had made his position very clear. But she had succeeded in winning him over before, and could do so again.

Cecily might help her in that as well. With the deed a fait accompli and Cecily taking Athena’s part, Niall could not be entirely unreasonable.

This is for Caitlin. Niall’s anger is a small price to pay for her recovery.

And Morgan Holt had absolutely nothing to do with it.

She consulted her watch and saw that it was not yet too late to send a message to Cecily, asking her to come first thing in the morning. Just as she rang for Brinkley, he stepped into the room poised to make an announcement.

“Miss Hockensmith has called, Miss Munroe,” he said. “I told her I would inquire if you were at home.”

“Yes. Yes indeed, please show her in directly.”

He bowed and went to do her bidding. Regretting the rather shabby nature of the old shawl, Athena pushed it farther down her shoulders and assumed a welcoming smile. Cecily glided into the room, brushing a bit of snow from her coat, and came to take Athena’s hand.

“Ah, Athena. What miserable weather! I fear that winter has come.” She allowed Brinkley to remove her coat. “I realize that it is late, but I so regretted not being able to see you today. You know how very dull Mrs. Coghill’s dinners are, but I could not refuse her invitation.”

“Of course not,” Athena said. “Will you not sit down? Some tea, perhaps?”

“I do not believe that I could swallow another drop,” Cecily said, sinking gracefully into a chair. “And how are you today, my dear girl? You have not worked too hard, I hope?”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan