TO CATCH A WOLF By Susan Krinard

Niall and Caitlin. It was almost as mad a notion as branding Morgan a killer. And Tamar… she had always seemed to resent Athena, but why would she betray Morgan? What did she know about his hidden past?

Cecily was right about one thing: Athena could not trust her own judgment, which had been so horribly flawed from the beginning. She had put her faith in false friends, underestimated her brother’s guilt and resentment, and complacently believed herself to be a respected and useful member of society. Cecily might exaggerate the opinions of the women of Denver, but there was a grain of truth in that particular claim that Athena couldn’t ignore.

I wanted to see, in myself and everyone else, only what made me feel important and needed.

She met Cecily’s eyes. “You have taught me a valuable lesson, Cecily. From this moment on, I will not unquestioningly accept what others tell me. I will discover the truth for myself, with my eyes open. Morgan will give me the truth, and Niall will listen to what I have to say.”

“Even if he would—which I strongly doubt—you will not have the opportunity to speak to him, my dear. You are to remain here, safe and sound. Remember?”

Cecily’s smile filled Athena with such rage that she hardly perceived the emotion for what it was. “How do you intend to stop me?”

The older woman’s mouth dropped open, as if she had seen a wolf rise up on its hind legs and speak.

“Do I shock you?” Athena asked. “Perhaps you do not know me as well as you think you do.”

Cecily’s mouth closed with a snap. “You will remain here as your brother ordered, or…”

“Or you will… what will you do, Cecily? Are you prepared to restrain me yourself?”

“The servants. Niall left strict orders—”

“You assume that all the servants will obey without question.”

Cecily took a step back, her gaze flashing to the door behind Athena and then to the bellpull in the corner of the room. She rushed around the desk to yank the cord.

Brinkley stepped into the room so quickly that Athena knew he must have been waiting very nearby. “Miss Munroe,” he said, “how may I be of assistance?”

“I called you here,” Cecily said sharply. “Mr. Munroe left clear instructions that Miss Munroe is not to leave the house unchaperoned. Miss Munroe may not be inclined to cooperate. Please escort her to her room, and lock the door.”

“Do I understand that you wish me to imprison Miss Munroe?”

“Do not presume to question my instructions, or those of your employer! If you do not feel capable of controlling one half-lame girl—”

“It is all right, Brinkley,” Athena said. “I don’t expect you to defy my brother.”

The butler raised a well-shaped brow. “Why, Miss Munroe, I do not recall any such orders.”

“You—you heard him as clearly as I did!” Cecily cried. “I warn you, my man, if you continue in this way—”

“I have been considering a return to England,” Brinkley said to Athena. “Perhaps this would be a convenient time to give my notice.”

Athena could have hugged him. “You can go if you wish, Brinkley, but I am sure you can find excellent employment here in Denver if you must leave us.”

“Perhaps. I fear that the other staff may also wish to give notice, if”—he looked down his nose at Cecily—”they are compelled to take instruction from Miss Hockensmith.”

“How dare you!” Cecily started toward him, stopped, and glared at Athena. “You will not get away with this, either of you.”

“Don’t worry, Cecily. You can tell Niall that I forced you to let me go.”

“You… you can’t! You can barely walk. How do you intend to—”

“I did it before, remember? And this time I can drive myself. If I leave at dawn, I should be able to reach Long Park not too long after Niall.”

“You are mad! If you drive into the mountains alone you will surely meet with disaster!”

“It is kind of you to be so concerned, Cecily, but I have resources you know nothing of.”

Cecily’s face hardened. “I will not let you go, servants or no servants.” She gestured to Brinkley. “Get out.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan